There will be war: redwave vs. pp_man. What will be their weapons?

miles said:
ppman would throw empty beer glasses at Redwave, and Redwave would pick them up and promise free beer, an apartment and a pension to the masses if they helped him defeat pp.
donkeydickhead, meanwhile, will opine that if 3,000 innocent Americans died it was justified because of redneck opinions.
Ham Murabi said:
donkeydickhead, meanwhile, will opine that if 3,000 innocent Americans died it was justified because of redneck opinions.

Don't forget the CIA.
get me some popcorn...this ought to be good

Finally, a war the toilet bowl king might be willing to fight back in....ah hell who am I kidding....he is still gonna hide his head in the toity bowl.

Hiya Miles....long time no see!
p_p_man would whack REDWAVE with beer steins, while RED counterattacks by bludgeoning p_p_ with Das Kapital.

They'd continue fighting even when nobody roots for them anymore, because that's the kind of tenacious fighters (read as: "stubborn bastards") they are.

Mutually Assured Destruction...

They will bury each other under reams of misinformation of communist vs socialist propaganda, with outright lies.
President Bush will read at their funerals. I will put American flags on their graves. :rose:
teddybear4play said:
p_p_man would whack REDWAVE with beer steins, while RED counterattacks by bludgeoning p_p_ with Das Kapital.

They'd continue fighting even when nobody roots for them anymore, because that's the kind of tenacious fighters (read as: "stubborn bastards") they are.

(Make note to self:
First funny post by Tb4p.