Okay, this is coming from some one who has not walked the path, but has only thought about it.
I've seen threads here and elsewhere within the BDSM community where Dom/mes state they would someday like multiple subs. And I see subs stating they fear the day when their Dom/me might bring in another sub, and they hope they would be able to over their jealousy.
This sounds weird to me. Yes, yes, I understand the whole "jealousy is based on insecurity" psycho- babble. True or not - who really knows? Or cares? Some people are inclined to be jealous, others are not. Each are okay in my book. (Well, unless they are pathologically jealous - that isn't good for anyone!) So, some issues that I have: what would make a Dom/me want another sub? Is it sort of like having a fan club? Now, I do understand the unique relationships that some have on here and I've learned to see where they are coming from. That's cool. What I'm talking about is the idea that a Dom/me knows or suspects that their sub might have issues and still insists on bringing in another sub - why? And then stating the sub needs to deal with it. I'm just not understanding this.
As far as subs are concerned, if there are issues of jealousy and if a Dom/me brings in another sub, why stick around? Why make oneself miserable, first by feeling bad about being jealous, and second, by thinking you are somehow "at fault"? If the situation becomes uncomfortable, why not just.......leave?
As for me? Well, I don't share well. Guess it comes from being an only child, and all the toys in the toy box were mine. I don't know. When I was actively seeking a Dom, I was upfront about the fact that I would be looking for strictly one on one relationships. I was surprised at the number of Doms who said they could not adhere to that, that they would possibly be seeking more than one sub. (I mean, are they looking for a relationship or a harem?) When that came up in the conversation, I politely thanked them for their time, and cut off all contact. Most of the time, I was told it was something I would have to "get used to and accept" if I wanted to pursue some one in the lifestyle.
So, what's up with this part of the lifestyle? I mean, I am who I am, and at this age it ain't all that easy to change. Not that I would want to anyway.
Comments? Discussion? Stone-throwing?
I've seen threads here and elsewhere within the BDSM community where Dom/mes state they would someday like multiple subs. And I see subs stating they fear the day when their Dom/me might bring in another sub, and they hope they would be able to over their jealousy.
This sounds weird to me. Yes, yes, I understand the whole "jealousy is based on insecurity" psycho- babble. True or not - who really knows? Or cares? Some people are inclined to be jealous, others are not. Each are okay in my book. (Well, unless they are pathologically jealous - that isn't good for anyone!) So, some issues that I have: what would make a Dom/me want another sub? Is it sort of like having a fan club? Now, I do understand the unique relationships that some have on here and I've learned to see where they are coming from. That's cool. What I'm talking about is the idea that a Dom/me knows or suspects that their sub might have issues and still insists on bringing in another sub - why? And then stating the sub needs to deal with it. I'm just not understanding this.
As far as subs are concerned, if there are issues of jealousy and if a Dom/me brings in another sub, why stick around? Why make oneself miserable, first by feeling bad about being jealous, and second, by thinking you are somehow "at fault"? If the situation becomes uncomfortable, why not just.......leave?
As for me? Well, I don't share well. Guess it comes from being an only child, and all the toys in the toy box were mine. I don't know. When I was actively seeking a Dom, I was upfront about the fact that I would be looking for strictly one on one relationships. I was surprised at the number of Doms who said they could not adhere to that, that they would possibly be seeking more than one sub. (I mean, are they looking for a relationship or a harem?) When that came up in the conversation, I politely thanked them for their time, and cut off all contact. Most of the time, I was told it was something I would have to "get used to and accept" if I wanted to pursue some one in the lifestyle.
So, what's up with this part of the lifestyle? I mean, I am who I am, and at this age it ain't all that easy to change. Not that I would want to anyway.
Comments? Discussion? Stone-throwing?