The Two Faces of The GB


Lit's Most Beloved Poster
May 14, 2002
My primary personal interest in Lit's Discussion Board has always been the BDSM Forum.

But the GB can be fun, so I post here quite regularly.

Before I posted here, I had a sense the GB has two faces...the Board itself and what I call PM Net.

Posting here has confirmed my initial suspicion: There are two faces to many threads here...what is said "out front" and what is said "behind the scenes".

It's an integral part of many discussions here.

Often I'll hear from both sides of a thread or a third party via PM as to what the "real" conflict is about. Sometimes it's my first and last exchange with these people, sometimes it's not.

I know that several posters here will say one thing out front, but something else behind the scenes.

Out front tends to be cagey and coy and hidden agendas/motivations are rife.

Behind the scenes...and through Unregistered comments out front...another tale is often told.

Sometimes surprisingly, those who seem antagonistic towards me out front are quite reasonable and hold interesting conversations behind the scenes with me.

Try as I might to show the same face out front as behind the scenes, I sometimes find myself wearing armour out front I dont need behind the scenes, and vice versa.

I also have found that some trade PM's and details from PM's in PM's to if the "Private" in Private Message doesn't count if you don't know your privacy has been breached.

What do you think about the two faces of the GB?
Actually you don't. Hope you didn't go looking or anything.

But, in all seriousness, I know exactly what you mean.

I try to be as up front with people as I can be on the boards. It is rare that I go and say one thing out front and another in PM.

I have, however, been a part of that PM Net that you refer to once or twice.

It's silly. This is the internet.

People should say what they mean and mean what they say, I think.
It's true. I admit it. I am part of the PM net. I actually PM'd someone to wish them a Happy Thanksgiving earlier.

*hangs head in shame*

I am such the gossip.
i don't really get this two face thing

i've seen glimpses of it sure but i don't think its as big as you make out ... well if it is im not in on it :)

sometimes when something is happening on the board involving someone im fairly close with i might pm them and offer support or ask if they are ok ... but i dont think its a huge network of pm's going between everyone

or am i just being naive :)
red_rose said:
Actually you don't. Hope you didn't go looking or anything.

It's silly. This is the internet.

People should say what they mean and mean what they say, I think.

I did look. :rolleyes:

And I share your view. Why do you think it happens here?

I find it highly'd think the anonymity we have with our AVs and Nicknames would be plenty to allow for truly open discourse.
I pm some people, but not to talk about anyone.

Who has time when there is all that hot sexual stuff to do? ;)
It's the same with most of life - same way it's always been. There are those who have a different presentation of themselves for different situations.

Though it is handy to have an interpreter around here.
MaximusPhalicus said:
What??? Where??

Just remember to practice safe pm sex.

You dont want the chance of having little suprise pm's popping up all over the place.
Lancecastor said:
Agreed. But many regular posters do.

i dont think that many do ... especially not those that have been around for a long time ... those are the posters that will not be afraid to say what they think

its just that people often like to believe in conspiracies

or again maybe im just being naive :)
I am not of the PM net. When you were saying there are two boards here, I was thinking a whole other way. I see people with thousands of posts, now and then, and I don't even know who they are.

It is a big place and I guess it just depends with whom you choose to get close.

You have picked the multi-dimensionals?
This is an interesting topic. I have seen this sort of thing play itself out, but not been involved with any of it myself, unless it was set in my lap and then I try my damndest to stay out of it, so I really don't know the extent of what is said and what isn't. I only refrain from being upfront, about certian things, if they are personal or something is personal pertaining to others out of respect for their privacy. Otherwise I say what the fuck is on my mind. I have very little to hide about what I really think.
sexy-girl said:
i dont think that many do ... especially not those that have been around for a long time ... those are the posters that will not be afraid to say what they think

its just that people often like to believe in conspiracies

or again maybe im just being naive :)

My direct experience is the opposite of yours.
Starfish said:
This is an interesting topic. I have seen this sort of thing play itself out, but not been involved with any of it myself, unless it was set in my lap and then I try my damndest to stay out of it, so I really don't know the extent of what is said and what isn't.

I think several of us have seen a taste of it...that's what has made me wonder how widespread it is and whether it affects what the GB is to those who are subscribed to PM Net at differing much it affects the experience here, if at all.
I'm not sure if this relates to the topic, but there are some things I discuss in PMs with people, lots of thing really, that I don't bring to the board. So, I suppose if somebody knows that I'm hurting behind the scenes and then sees me playing on the board, I could be seen as disingenuous.

I have been guilty of sharing my feelings about lit members with other lit members, but only those I feel confident confiding in.

I'm a woman, I like to communicate.

Spank me.
