The Test of a Really Good Movie

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is a favorite book, so yes. I understand the story's intent, if a bit haphazardly done. Plus I love those little paper thingys the detective made.

I must admit that it has been quite awhile since I saw that movie and I don't remember too much about it.
Christmas Vacation
Cool Hand Luke
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Twelve Angry Men
Arsenic and Lace
Joe Dirt
Moulin Rouge
Pitch Perfect
Disney (Non-Princesses: Mulan, Pocahontas, Hercules, Tarzan, etc.)
The Wedding Date
Pearl Harbour
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
Remember the Titans/Glory Road/Miracle on Ice
The Avengers
Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Shawshank Redemption
The Departed
Almost Famous
Forrest Gump
Michael Clayton - an almost perfect movie with Clooney and Swinton both masterful.
for me the test of a really good movie is if I'll rip it and add it to my digital collection.

The Crow
The Emerald Forest
Once Upon A Time In The West
Bridge On The River Kwai
10 Commandments
Passion Of The Christ
Witches of Eastwick: A devilishly entertaining movie with a great cast giving great performances - Cher, Jack, Michelle and Susan.
I agree with too many to bother listing.

Ok with so many mentioning Disney movies....I never get tired of Emperors New Groove
In no particular order, and I'm sure I'm forgetting many . . . will report back.

Jacob's Ladder
Stunt Man
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
A Life Less Ordinary
All That Jazz
Moulin Rouge
Summer Lovers
I watch movies I love over and over.

Sound of Music
Son In Law
50 First Dates
Phantom of the Opera(live)
Snow White
Weird Science
Mr. Poppers Penguins
Dogma, Mallrats, Clerks
Super Troopers

There are hundreds more I am sure...
lots of great picks on this thread!

Thirteen days,
the Replacements,
The Waterboy,
Twelve Angry Men
The Quiet Man,
The American President
Indians Jones films
Back to the Future trilogy <1.21 gigawatts!!!!!!!!!!!!!???>
Lethal weapon series
Forrest Gump
Finding Nemo
Second-hand Lions <a really nice film>

I'm sure there's loads more to
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The Parent Trap (the original)

Also, I think movies are subjective. I see some of your choices are great, then I see some and think...Ach, that was awful!

As I'm sure some of mine will be. :)
Great thread, Lia.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

La Strada

My Life As A Dog

I love this thread! Lots of great movies on here...I have such a huge list of guilty pleasure films...but there's some great suggestions here.

I'm a pushover for Marvel films. So any and all of them.
Die Hard. I can't help myself.
Sherlock Holmes. Again...just loved both of them.
Easy A
Crazy, Stupid Love
Zack & Miri Make a Porno
Bachelor Party
Mystery Men
Ever After
A Cinderella Story
Godzilla (1998)
and the worst guilty go to film when I'm as low as I can get...Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves. There, I posted some of these out loud. Don't judge me.
I love this thread! Lots of great movies on here...I have such a huge list of guilty pleasure films...but there's some great suggestions here.

I'm a pushover for Marvel films. So any and all of them.
Die Hard. I can't help myself.
Sherlock Holmes. Again...just loved both of them.
Easy A
Crazy, Stupid Love
Zack & Miri Make a Porno
Bachelor Party
Mystery Men
Ever After
A Cinderella Story
Godzilla (1998)
and the worst guilty go to film when I'm as low as I can get...Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves. There, I posted some of these out loud. Don't judge me.

"Zack and Miri" is funny and smart.

And talk about guilty pleasures. "Mystery Men" was so bad it was good. I find myself watching it again and again. I loved Garafalo and Reubens.