The question is....

Hanns, at one time he promised to make us stronger. A better board.

He said the name "sexy-girl" meant nothing to him, he'd never repeat it.

Now he has it enshrined in his av title and is posting pics of some toothy bastard in his av's.

A collapsing star turned into a black hole becomes a field of fluffy teddy bears and Lifetime made for TV movie.

Fucking sellout.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Translation = Damn, he's better looking than me.

Translation: I'm his bitch, my name is quentin and my cock couldn't hit the bottom of a belly button.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Translation = Damn, he's better looking than me.


As someone who has seen Heavy, I can state that he is a very good looking man.

Being homosexual doesn't mean they can just *switch*. lol
Hanns, I feel bad I have to do this, but let me spell it out to you....

S-H-E I-S A L-E-S-B-I-A-N! S-H-E D-O-E-S-N-T L-I-K-E M-E-N!

G-E-T O-V-E-R I-T!

Have a nice day.

4laterer said:

*clutches heart*

if youre not careful, Ill publicise the pic of you with your teddy bear

the one you had since you were 4

whats his name?


Quentin and Pooky sitting in a tree

Hanns_Schmidt said:
Hardly better looking than me

The cunt

He's very sexy.

Anyways.. carry on with your attempt to change Sexy girl's mind.
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Hanns_Schmidt said:
Kitty, you pointy chinned bint

Are you saying that waffling prat FuckTwig is better looking?

The cunt doesn't even have the balls to post his pic

fucking weak sacked twat pansy ass plonker that he is


I went from darling back down to a pointy chinned bint.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Your fault for comparing such a fucking loser in life to a man of my stature

If I wasn't unwell I wouldn't even be in this fucking dive...that cunt is here posting 15,000 messages

you red bottle douche.

15000 posts since Jan 2002, compared to your 8000+ posts since Oct 2002.

the math is against you.

fucktard. pick up a calulator and do some basic math
HeavyStick said:
what error

No matter sweetcheeks.

By the time the night is over, and I've drank a few of these wine coolers I expect I'll have quite a few typing mistakes.
Hanns_Schmidt said:

If I wasn't unwell I wouldn't even be in this fucking dive...that cunt is here posting 15,000 messages

You're unwell?

btw Heavy you're such a doll! I was only teasing and you went back and fixed me. :kiss: 's all over yer sweet face!