The Power of the Throne (closed for Ravenloft)

“I’d rather not be big green and gnarly.” She responded to his hulk comment. “Let’s just hope it gave me another 7 years of youth and not 7 years of bed wetting.”

She turned to see him carrying a basket and raised her eyebrow for a moment.

“If I didn’t know better, I would say we were on a date mister God of Asgard.” She told him as she walked around the tree. In between two of the roots, a waterfall fell down the trunk of the tree and into a stream. There were some deep holes in the small pool, the depths of which had been worn away from ages of water pounding down on it. She took off her sandals and lifted her skirt slightly and stepped into the shallow edge of the stream.

“So why is this tree so great to your people? Does it give the Gods power?” she paused and laughed at herself for a moment. Talk about a conversation she never thought she’d be having. She was then silent for a what seemed like a very long time.

“Why are you impersonating Odin? Has Asgard truly lost all faith in you?”
"No, no, no, it doesn't work like that, you would look just like you do now, perfect, but have a titan's strength. But its a moot point really, you have no reason to fight here, do you, with your every need being met. You but need to ask."

"This? Merely a midday's repast, nothing more. You have to eat, after all." Loki explained, not a hint of deception in his voice or face as he unpacked the basket, laying its contents out on a rich golden cloth. Only glancing up to notice the inches of leg she was exposing as she waded into the water, cracking a smile over it.

Loki sat down and let out a sigh as he began to recite the history of Yggdrasil. "Yggdrasil connects the nine worlds, the three roots travel to The Well of Urðr, where the three fates, Urd, Skuld and Verutheni dwell. Hvergelmir, from where all waters flow. And Mímisbrunnr, the well of all wisdom. Although I'm not sure how wise it is to drink from when it costs one an eye for but a sip."

Loki was thankful for Ivy's distracting question, it was far too dull, reciting Asgardian history for him. "I am... Posing as my father, Odin, for the sake of all of Asgard, you see, it is the time of his slumber and someone must rule, must they not? With my brother pursuing his lusts on earth and the damage he's done to my name, yes, this is the only way the people would accept me." He eyed her, weary of her line of questioning. "Why... Do you ask? What do the people of earth, and my brother say of me? What could you possibly think you know of me? Lies? Half truths? Have I not been a perfect gentleman to you?" He asked, going on the defensive.
She looked up at him a bit surprised. There was more on his mind than he let on, especially if became defensive over a question.

“I don’t pretend to know anything about you Loki.” She told him as she stepped out of the stream. “I know of your actions, what I’ve read in the newspapers, but I know nothing at all of you.” She told him as she approached the blanket.

Ivy sat down and poured herself and Loki a goblet of wine and looked back at the magnificent tree in front of her. “From what I can tell, the people seem to be contented and well kept. Though I know very little of Asgard, it would seem to me that you must be a fair ruler, else the people would not be at such peace.” She stated and then took a sip from her goblet.

“You aren’t tricking me this time are you? This one really is wine isn’t?” she asked with a small laugh. She then continued her train of thought.

“If you must know anything about me it is this: I don’t form opinions of people until I’ve met them and can judge them for myself. While my being here, admittedly, if for me to give you something, you have treated me very well. So at the very least, you seem to be fair.”

Ivy reached for a grape and popped it in her mouth. It was rich and sweet and burst in her mouth causing her to smile a little.

“Of course, the other truth, is that I have a quick temper. I burns like a match head, quickly ignited, brightly burned, and quelled quickly….for the most part. I can’t deny the irish girl in me. We are a scrappy lot.”
Loki's defensiveness slowly drained away as Ivy joined him at the blanket, pouring them a drink. He nodded graciously as he took up his goblet and sloshed the wine around, savoring the scent, waiting for her to sip first. He chuckled and winked, taking a hearty sip, himself.

"It tastes real enough to me." He said, wetting his lips.

"And I appreciate your candor, thank you for not pre judging me for my past deeds. It is a heavy burden, dragging the chains of condemnation around."

Loki stared intently at Ivy's lips while she ate the grape, pleased to see she was enjoying it.

He snapped out of his little trance as she mentioned her temper. He couldn't help but laugh. "And have I yet seen the fire of your flaring temper yet, Ivy Wild? Like the fright I gave you on the chariot? If so, then you must forgive me, but I can only say that I find it charming."

"So, tell me, do the Irish have myths and legends of the gods? As the nordic's once did? I would be interested to hear of them, if they did."
She raised a questioning eye as he “confirmed” that they were drinking wine.

“I think you just want to see me dance again. As for condemnation, it’s not my job to judge people, last time I checked anyway.” She took another drink of the delicious wine and relaxed a bit.

When he asked her of the Irish Gods, she was rather surprised that he even cared. She suppose it was a little cute though, given that he was this big bad God asking about children’s stories.

“Why yes we did. Back when the Celts still ruled things there was Dagda, the good god, he had super human strength and hunger, his goddess was Morrigan who was known as the great Queen, or the War Queen. She was said to have hovered over battles to influences the outcome to her will. There’s Angus, god of love, Brigit the god of inspiration…there are scores of them. I suppose there are quite a few here as well.” She smiled softly and drank her wine.

Her smiled then faded as she stared into her wine. “Why do you wish to hurt the people of earth? What have we done to anger you so?”
"Am I really that obvious? I must be losing my mysterious edge. How about if I simply asked you to dance for me? Would you be so kind?" He let the request hang in the air for the time being, leaning forward, interested in hearing about the gods of her people.

"Hmm, your Dagda sounds rather like Thor's son, Magni. Would you believe that they exist, out there, in their own realm, just like ours? It is likely true, only Odin knows for sure though, having given his eye for such knowledge."

Ivy's last question caught him off guard and he visibly winced. "Would you believe that I was in exile, looking for a way back to Asgard, serving the whim of an alien race? It was never about anger or hate, it was only ever about trying to find my way back to my rightful home of Asgard."
“I shouldn’t have asked…I’m sorry.” She told him. Only he knew the reasons for what he was doing, and whether he chose to tell her the truth or a fabrication, it didn’t matter. He would do as he wished when he wished, in truth, part of her didn’t want to know.

“As for the dance…” she smiled, trying to change the subject. She stood up and started to move her arms and hips as she performed her belly dancing moves from the previous evening.

“Did you want me to teach you a dance or simply have me shimmy my hips?” she asked. “If I would have known I would be dancing, I would have brought a belly dancing costume. Try and figure out that dance of one thousand veils.” She teased him.

Just as she finished speak she heard a shrieking roar. She stopped and looked around only to see a dragon perched on a faraway peak.

“Th..that’s not going to come over here is it?” she asked, as she wasn’t particularly in the mood to be reptile food.
Loki let out a sigh of relief that Ivy quickly changed the subject, wanting only to enjoy himself. He brightened, easily, as she got up and danced for him. "I much prefer to watch." He stated, snapping his fingers as she mentioned her costume. She was instantly clad in fine, colorful silks and light, filmy cloths. It was an illusion of course but it felt real.

Loki stood with his scepter at the ready as a dragon shrieked from a distance away. "Typical, just as I am getting comfortable, a dragon has to come and ruin things."
Ivy gasped as she was suddenly in the costume she was thinking of, only to cower at the sight of the dragon. Despite her independent nature, she found herself running to Loki, almost hiding behind him. The dragon left it’s perch, flying toward them. It flew right towards them, swooping down and almost hitting them, before flying on to it’s destination.

Ivy’s heart was racing as she looked at Loki. “Please tell me there aren’t many of those things around.” She said, wrapping her arms around herself. It was the first time she had been scared since she had arrived there.
The buffeting of the dragons wings nearly knocked the two of them prone, but as it turned out, the mighty beast had only been out to scare them with a buzzing fly by. "Welcome to Asgard, Ivy Wild, where mid day repasts are interrupted by mischievous dragons." Loki laughed, shaking his head, and his scepter at the departing beast.

He knelt down and helped Ivy up. "Not many, no, but with great beasts like that, just a few is too many. Wyvern's though, hunt in large packs."
“Are you kidding me!” Ivy exclaimed, not wanting to run into another dragon. “Maybe we should get out of here before we become dragon fodder.” She told him as she started to pack things up. The place was beautiful of course, but she also liked living. As she thought about all this, she looked at Loki.

“What exactly is it you want from me? You kidnap me and are yelling at me one minute, next you’re Mr. Charming trying to sweep me off my feet. I don’t know you but you don’t strike me as a man who needs anyone. Why all the sugar coating?” she asked a she loaded things back into the chariot.
"Dragon's are easy to appease, a little gold here, a virgin maiden there, they'll leave you along for years. Besides, they much prefer wild game to humanoids. We fight back too much." Loki tried to desuade Ivy from packing up, wanting to spend time with her.

"I want your company, simple as that. I was terse with you only because I did not know what to expect from you. Your kind have a way of being rather... Uncooperative. Now that I can see you for yourself, I'd rather have your companionship than stick you in some cell and force you to work." He stated as he used his scepter to telekinetically draw things back out and place them right where they were. "Please don't be this way, you are being difficult. Why not enjoy the day? The dragon is gone now, there is no more threat."
Ivy listened to his words and tried not to judge them. She supposed it was true, that he could possibly be lonely…but then again he had played so many tricks on her already that she wasn’t sure if she could trust what he was saying.

She walked back over to the blanket and sat back down. She wasn’t really sure what to say back to him. She simply picked up the goblet of wine that had been re-poured and took a drink. She then smiled and laughed a little.

“I’m a difficult person.” She grinned.
Loki grinned as well. "I can see that, but not completely unreasonable. I wouldn't want you any other way, your resistance to my 'charm' is quite fascinating, I must say. Any other woman would be like putty in my hands, but you, your fire, I can see I will have to handle with care, else I run the risk of getting burned." He came and sat next to her, taking up his own goblet, sipping at it slowly.

"So, shall I return you to your normal cloths?" He motioned toward her silk clad frame. "Or will you continue your dance for me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. This intricate game of seduction playing out slowly, he was beginning to wonder if Ivy would ever give in. He wanted her and his need was growing, if she didn't relent soon, he would have to take action.
The truth was, she really didn’t want to resist his charm. She had been fascinated by him from what she had read in the news, and wanted to run her hands through his dark black hair, that no doubt, was a dark as his heart. When his eyes followed her she felt it burn into her skin and warm her body, but she couldn’t trust him. He had already jested with her twice, and he was the god of mischief, if her norse mythology served her right.

She looked at him and smiled softly. His closeness was making her a little uncomfortable.

“I’m not sure you could handle it.” She said standing him and walked towards one of the waterfalls, letting the cool water flow over her fingertips. Part of her wanted to dance, but the dance was a seductive one and she was already questioning herself.
Loki tilted his head in question as Ivy again stood and distanced herself from him. He sighed and finished his goblet of wine before rising and sweeping up behind her. "Honestly, who are you more afraid of? Me? Or yourself?" He asked, drawing her firmly into his arms from behind, pressing against the soft, supple curve of her rear. His hands came up to rest just below her breasts, and his lips hovered by her ear. "I seem to be 'handling' you just fine." He whispered, turning her chin up and back toward him with gentle firmness.

"If you won't dance for me, than I must demand a kiss instead, Ivy Wild." He commanded, pressing his lips suddenly, hotly against hers. Pouring all of his considerable lust out upon her tender lips. His hand on her chest sinking lower, to press into the flat, softness of her belly, bringing her rear into more firm contact with his growing arousal.

His warm breath curled out from between his lips as he parted from hers, warming her already hot face.
Ivy turned her head away just before his lips touched hers. His hot breath was on her neck and her heart began to thud in her chest. She put her hands on his chest and pushed him back. She continued to push him until he sat back down on the blanket.

They were in the shadows of the tree now, the shade of the branches cast a mystical feeling over them. Ivy stepped back a few paces and began to move her hips. She began to sing as her arms moved slowly into the air. Her costume was made of little more than thin veils. She swayed her hips slowly side to side as she sang moving towards him slowly, she undulated her body and slowly discarded one of her veils into his lap.

She then move and dances around him, the small coins hanging from her costume jingled softly with her every move. She removed another scarf, letting it fall across his shoulder. The scent of her body and neroli oil lingered on the scarf.

As she danced, her movements began to increase in speed. With each discarded scarf, more and more of her creamy skin became visible, the jingling of her costume increasing with her movements, helping to communicate the powerful seduction of the dance.

She now stood in front of Loki, her hips moving side to side smoothly with a quick jerk to make her coins jingle. She was in nothing but her dancing bottoms, which consisted of a tiny bikini type bottom with pants made of sheer silk that had large openings at the side, allowing them to float with her movements, and a slightly thicker scarf that covered her heavy breasts, pushing them up delectably.

She swirled down until she was an her knees and then bowed in front of him, her hands resting palm down on the ground just above her head as she finished the dance.
Loki gave Ivy a knowing grin as she confidently guided him back to his seat. His nostrils flared ever so slightly as he slowly breathed in the exotic scents that clung to her scarves.

Loki watched with dark, smoldering eyes as Ivy swayed to the music of her own soul. He was transfixed by her, her hands seemed to weave the magic of her dance and crystal clear voice into a tapestry of pure seduction.

He took up the scarf she tossed into his lap and held it to his nose, breathing the lingering scent of her on it into his lungs.

Thousands of tiny chimes issued from her sequenced sash of gold coins, drawing his eyes down low, to the rolling curves of her hips. How he wanted to grasp those swaying hips and press firmly against them, to ride the sensual waves they made as she danced.

He tried to catch her with the second scarf she left cast over his shoulder, but she flitted just out of reach. His lips burned to taste that creamy white skin as, inch by inch, she revealed it to him.

Now, she stood only a mere three feet from him, swaying and snapping her hips from side to side with such natural grace that Loki began to clap in time to her tune, letting out a trilling call for more, coaxing every last swirl and sway he could out of her slender body.

Slowly, she swirled down and bowed at his feet, her knees tucked under her and the curve of her back a field of milky white skin. He clapped for her, trilling with excitement. He took hold of her hand and helped her up, rising with her, brushing the hair from out of her face.
Ivy’s body had a slightly sheen of sweat on it from her dance, causing her body to glisten enticingly. As he brushed her hair back from her face, she trembled slightly. He was so close, her body still burned with the seduction of her dance, and dance that came from a place she kept hidden from the world. She had never let it out until now, until she stood before the man, no, god that now gently caressed her hair.

She pulled away and walked to the small waterfall, running her hand under it’s cool water and then placing it against the back of her neck. Her head was spinning as her mind and her body fought against each other. She had never done this dance for a man, part of her was angry that she did it for him, but she couldn’t stop herself, it was if she was waiting her whole life to dance for him. She closed her eyes, trying to clear her mind and then dribbled a little cool water behind her neck again, droplets of it trickled down the small indent of her back and down her hips.

“I’m sure I’ve bored your enough for one day.” She said, looking at him over his shoulder. “Surely you’d like me to get to work on those portal cubes…”
Ivy's heat and the sheen of sweat that sparkled like glitter in the light of the stars that dotted the naked cosmos that surrounded them made her look like a goddess. She could easily be mistaken for Gaia, Aphrodite, Juno, or any of a number of other fertility figures, and Loki wondered what a child born of them would look like.

However, she pulled away again. It was all he could do to keep from groaning with frustration. Was she testing him? Or was she that unsure of herself? He could not tell anymore. Loki's eyes were drawn to the crystal clear droplets of water that ran down the nape of her neck. If he hadn't had such pride, he'd have been there in a flash, lapping it up, like a hungry dog.

He blinked, his jaw tightening against the lusts that were trying to rule him and sighed. "Perhaps you are right, enough play for one day... And you do have your work cut out for you." He reasoned, wanting nothing more than to take her right there, beneath the water falls, letting the flowing waters shower her from above as he ravished her from below, trapping her between to glorious fonts of life.

He shook the lascivious thought from his head and offered her a hand up, back into the Chariot, leaving the blanket and other items of their pleasant repast behind.
Ivy nodded and walked towards the chariot and paused. “Mind if I wear something a little more presentable before we head back?” In a flash she was back in her dress, or at least, the illusion of the veils were gone.

She bit the inside of her cheek and then took his hand to get on the chariot. Once he stepped behind her and got the chariot moving, she slowly moved her hand to cover his on the hand hold of the chariot. She let it linger a moment and then pulled it away. She felt confused. She wanted nothing more than to feel his hot mouth on her lips. She closed her minds for a moment as she thought about it, the thought took her breath away for a moment.

She shook her head and held on tightly to the edges of the chariot. If she was to work on these cubes, she couldn’t allow herself to be distracted and that’s exactly what this was. What would he think of her if she was so easily won? Just another bauble to be brushed aside she imagined. She felt a range of emotions bubbling inside of her that she swallowed down.

As they arrived in Asgard their guises once more cloaked them. She was with the all father now, no longer Loki, at least to everyone else. Once they landed, she took his hand to exit the chariot.

“Would you like me to commence work immediately? I would ask for an hour or two to myself, if that pleases you of course all father.” She said, trying to sound as Asgardian as possible.
"Go and rest, noble Valkirie, you work will be there waiting for you once are refreshed." Loki said, posing as Odin, finding the ruse to be something of a chore now. Now that all he desired was to plunder Ivy's every inch with burning hot kisses. He escorted her to her room and opened the double doors for her, letting her inside.

The moment she entered, he stepped in behind her, letting the doors swing shut behind him. He let the guise of Odin fall away and swept her up into his arms, suddenly and without warning, seeking to kiss her, anywhere his lips could find purchase, guiding her to her bed as he did.

He was furious with passion as he laid her back upon the bed and tasted the bare skin of her neck with his tongue. He hitched her gown up, exposing her silky smooth legs before she had the chance to think. He drew his hand up the back of her calf and lifted her knee to run along his hip, wanting to part her legs so that he could slip between.
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Ivy walked towards the room she had been given, “Odin” following her. She assumed he was going to some other part of the castle and bypassing her room, but she was mistaken. Just as she walked in, “Odin” followed. Just as she was about to question him, the guise fell away to reveal Loki’s true form and his lips were on hers.

She hadn’t been given the chance to think and now all she could do was feel his lips on hers. He carried her to the bed and she whimpered as his mouth left hers. She felt his mouth move to her neck as her hands moved into his thick dark hair. His kisses were like fire on her skin and his large strong hands on her body nearly send her over the edge.

“I…I shouldn’t be doing this…” she protested, trying to get her mind working again, only to move down to Loki and pounce him until he was on his back, kissing him hard on the mouth, her hot tongue seeking his own.
"Wa-umph!" Loki puffed out in surprise to find Ivy atop him. This time she was doing the plundering. He rose back up, quicky pulling her into his lap, so that they were face to face, with her straddling him. He managed to extricate his lips from hers, but only for a second. "This must be the fire you were warning me about?" He whispered, quickly, his tongue and lips aching for the warmth of her mouth again.

He tugged and pulled at her gown, working it up past her breasts and off, over her head. He took the moment that their lips were not met to plunge his mouth to her breast, tasting the tightness of her proud, perky nipple, circling it with his seething hot tongue.
Ivy moaned in hot passion and she felt Loki’s hands and delectable mouth on her. She wanted to devour him and be devoured, her attraction to him was something she couldn’t explain. Liking the bad boy was one thing, this was another.

Ivy ran her hands through his hair as his hot tongue toyed with her nipple. She could feel herself throbbing between her legs, as if the dam that had been holding back years of passion had suddenly broken open into this one moment.

She began pawing at his clothing, trying to get off the complicated armor like garment that was annoying difficult to remove.

“How do I get this damned thing off?” she asked her mouth went to his neck biting it gently as she pulled and tugged. Soon, with Loki’s assistance, she removed it and pushed him back, letting her hands roam over his skin. Her eyes looked over him with hunger and lust. She moved off of him and started to bite his chest lightly as her hands explored his torso.


Ivy was startled at the loud knock at the door.

“All father!” called the deep voice on the other side of the door. “Frost Giants are attacking Asgard!”

In the distance the sounds of battle loomed, the echo of assembling troops carried through the halls of the palace.

Ivy felt like someone had stabbed her. She got up and pulled up her dress as she pulled her legs towards her chest.

“I think you ought to see to that…” she said with great disappointment.