The Power of the Throne (closed for Ravenloft)

"But you must understand, what guarantee do we have that Loki won't send more giants to attack earth again? Too many have suffered and died because of him for us to just sit back and do nothing. He needs to be brought to justice for the things he has done, if not ours, then Asgardian justice." Fitz countered, finding it almost unbelievable that someone as well respected as Dr. Wild would be defending that monster. "We can't just... Let him go... Can we?" He turned to Simmons for support on this.
Somehow, Ivy had forgotten the central role Loki had played in New York, they had a point. She suddenly felt very stupid for coming there, however, she felt that Loki was holding his own world together in the absence of his brother, and that should count for something.

“All I am saying is that he has been protecting Asgard against it’s intruders in his brothers absence. I feel that his ability to do good should have some baring on his fate.” She said and stood up. “Or, you could just leave us alone.” She murmured under her breath.

She reached into her other pocket , feeling for a small metal object. Her hand itched as she fingered it. She wasn’t sure she could bring herself to use it.

“Good luck with the formula…I found it in a state of delirium, but perhaps that won’t be the case for you…” She reached into her other pocked and squeezed the button on top of the transportation cube and was gone. She couldn’t bring herself to use her electromagnetic device that would have wiped out their data for fear that he plane might have dropped from the sky.

She reappeared in her lab and sat down discouraged.

Meanwhile, Simmons looked at Fitz. “That was quite confusing…we must be getting close.”
Before she noticed his presence in her lab, Loki slipped up behind Ivy and gently began rubbing her shoulders. "And where have you been, my love? You look positively miserable... I hope nothing is wrong. What is it that bothers you, my fire sprite?" He asked her, his breath hot against her ear.
Ivy jumped at first, startled by Loki. She then smiled as she felt his hands on his shoulder, her nipples hardening as she felt his breath against his ear.

“Just causing a little trouble for our would be technology stealers.” She said, fibbing only a little. “I feel that we have plenty of time until they can figure out the correct formula, if at all. In the mean time…” She said and pulled out her working cube, “If you can replicate this we can send it out and find our new home, should it come to it.” She turned and smiled at him, kissing him softly.

“And what about you soon to be father? Have you been governing well?”
"My, you are a bit jumpy, aren't you, my love?" He slipped a hand down to caress her right breast gently in his hand. "Need me to relax you some more, dear?" He whispered suggestively in her ear.

"Oh? And how did they handle your little visit?" He slipped away and circled around to face Ivy, not quite so playful any more. A bit concerned, in fact. "That is good news, the more time, the better chance we can prepare for the inevitable, I suppose."

He looked down at the cube, his eyes lighting up, pleased with Ivy's quick work. "This..." He put his hands out to receive the cube. "Is magnificent!" He was almost ecstatic with it's completion. "Well, not as magnificent as YOU, my love, but nearly. Yes, yes, quite fascinating... Quite fascinating, indeed..." He hissed in delight as he paced with it in his hands, turning it over and over, like he had any idea how it worked.

"Very good, it is simple enough, I can make several hundred every hour." He looked up at Ivy and though he was very pleased with her work, he gave her a rather serious look. "Tell me, what is your honest opinion on just how long it will take those meddlesome agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to crack your code and arrive here? Minutes? Hours? Days? And please do not underestimate them. They already sent one through on accident, just like you did before. I need to know how much time we have before we are inundated by... Unwelcome guests?" He had completely ignored her question about how things had gone in court. He knew several Asgardians were beginning to suspect something was amiss. The pressure was on them, from two fronts now.
“It took me 72 hours straight just about to get it, but then again, I was familiar with my work and my methods. For them…I would say a week. They’ve got two people on it…they were on a plane or something. I don’t know…” she said, wishing they hadn’t been flying so she could have wiped the data.

She sighed heavily. “I would say 4-5 days.” She told him, her voice wavering a little as she bit back tears. She was terrified of what they would do to him. She didn’t know how the law of Asgard worked, but between New York and him posing as the All Father, it couldn’t be good.

She took a deep breath and then looked up and smiled at him. “So I guess we had better start looking for our new home my love.” She said and caressed his face, scared of going to an unknown world that might be completely brutal.
"Four or five days, hmm, that's not terribly long, we best get started right away. I have an idea of where to start, when I was banished, I did a little searching of my own and found a place that we might be able to hide for a few months before anyone noticed us. Its a temporary fix, but it should give us the time to find our own paradise. I'll have to keep my identity secret while we are there and the less we deal with the natives, the better." Loki went about constructing multiple copies of Ivy's device, within minutes, there were seven more, ready and waiting to be activated and sent out to who knows where.

"So, do you have a way of telling if one of them has found a safe place?" He asked as he finished off the first set of ten. It seemed almost automatic, the way they just came into being, seemingly from nothingness. "Or do I go in my chariot to see what is on the other side?" He asked as he started another set of ten.
“I’ve embedded a small camera in the device, it should be able to scan the horizon. Other than that, you would have to go seek out who the natives might be.” She told him.

She then moved to hug him, stopping him from his work and pressed her face against his chest. She hated this idea, she hated having anyone around that might threaten their happiness. She didn’t want anyone to take him away from her, especially now that she knew she was pregnant.

She looked up at him, trying to hold back tears. “They confirmed that I was pregnant while I was there, they scanned me with something…so I guess you’re a little more than just talk.” She told him, trying to smile through the tears.
"That, I can do, but we will need to steal away in a chariot, just in case there is no atmosphere, or one that could be poisonous to you." He paused in his work when Ivy came to hug him and took the time to embrace her tightly. When she looked up at him with tears in her eyes, he felt his heart tremble for her. "Why do you look so sad? This is happy news, isn't it? That our love should bare fruit? Is there something else that is troubling you?" He asked, soothing her tender cheeks with a light touch of his loving hands.
“I’m afraid of what they’ll do to you Loki…” she told him and then pulled away a little to wipe her tears away. “We must find some place to go. Surely there is some other inhabitable planet.” She said as she moved to let him get back to duplicating.

For each cube he duplicated she sent to a different coordinate. “It will take a few hours before we can see where they landed, they have to pick up signal to beam back information.” She told him, feeling foolish for having cried. She was usually tougher than this.

“I will not falter again. I apologize for my tears.” She sniffed, hating the idea of being perceived as weak. “What other precautions should we make?”
"The worst the Asgardian people would do is exile me, I am sure, and send you back to earth. I much prefer the notion of self imposed exile, especially with you at my side. Asgard be damned, I've found my peace, and it is in you, Ivy Wild, don't you forget that." He said, catching her before she could pull completely away from him. He held her and kissed her, drying her tears with his thumb. "Remember, I already know a place we can hide for a while, just in case they surprise us in the next few days."

"Good, then we will have some time to wait until we know if we've found a new home, a paradise just for us. Here, send one to these coordinates as well, keep it safe and ready to port there at any moment, just in case we get separated, you'll be safe there, trust me. Just don't accept a ride from anyone with blue skin. They can be very unpleasant if you are not careful."

He was into his seventh set when Ivy felt the need to apologize for her tears. "Nonsense, you were scared, I understand, it's not a weakness, you would be a fool to not be at least a little afraid. And all things considered you have truly held yourself together far better than most other mortals would have in your position. Most would have turned on me the moment I left them an opening to do so. Your faith in me is nothing short of astounding. I can never tell you just how much that has meant to me. No one has ever trusted me as much as you. Nor loved me so completely." Loki sighed, putting the last cloned cube down and standing up. "One last precaution, we will need to take a chariot through, to where we will hide until we can find a better place to live." It was the biggest gamble he would have to make, there was no excuse, no legitimate reason he could give Heimdel that would not make the bridge keeper suspicious of his actions.
“I’m not entirely sure I’ve ever really loved anyone until I met you.” She whispered, finding it difficult to look him in the eye. She didn’t want to appear weak but she hated the situation in which she now found herself. Loki had done terrible, terrible things. However, when she looked at him, all she saw was the man of the past few days, a man that she felt was rarely shown.

“Why did you do it?” she suddenly asked as she started programing the cubes and sending them to their coordinates. She had to know, she had to understand...or maybe she never would.

“Were they really so cruel to you?” she asked, sadness in her voice.
Loki was stricken by Ivy's admission of love. "I... I feel the same..." He admitted in turn. "You have made me feel whole in a way I have long thought impossible." She was asking the hard questions now... He closed his eyes and lowered his head to think. "Why? Apart from trying to regain some semblance of power after being exiled from Asgard? I was not exactly doing it for my own glory. I fell under the thumb of some purple skinned mad man and tyrant, Thanos, be thankful that I failed in completing his ends."

He paused again, thinking some more. "I... I was a different soul back then... All I saw was the endless black of space ready to swallow me up into insignificance. I had no place in Asgard and unlike my brother, I could not see lowering myself to live like an earth man... Where was I to go? What was I, a god, to do?" He frowned and shook his head.

"Must we really discuss this? I know the things I have done are reprehensible, and if you knew them all, I fear that I would disgust you... The last thing I can afford to lose now... Is you... It... It would destroy me." He whispered, focusing his power so intensely upon a cube that it shattered into oblivion. "Damn..." He hissed, catching himself.
She moved towards him and caressed his face. She wished he had never done the things he did, but they were part of who he was.

“I love you, all of you. I can’t and won’t pick out pieces that I like and other’s I don’t.” she told him as she let her hand drop. “They’re all part of you. I’m just trying to understand.”

She took the hands that had just shattered a cube and held them in her own. “I think we’ve done enough work tonight. Why don’t we do something else for awhile. Have you eaten?” she asked as she moved one of his hands to hold her face.

“Perhaps we should have something to eat…it will make you feel better love.” She had no doubt in her mind that they would escape. She supposed she wished only that others could see the man she saw in him, but if they were too polarized to see it, then that was their failing.
"Very well, then I will say this... In my heart, I felt helpless, awash on a sea of my own inadequacies, it was all a childish attempt to exert control over the people of earth in an attempt to regain some of my former glory. There now, you know my shameful secret, my love... I would not admit it to any other, but you..." He watched her closely for any sign of revulsion over his admission of a childish need for self aggrandization. She only took his hands in hers and placed one upon her cheek.

His heart melted for her all over again, he had never loved another quite as much as he loved her in this moment. He felt naked before her, but not vulnerable. "Yes, I could indeed eat. Shall I have something sent to my bed chambers, or yours?" He suggested with a slightly naughty grin. "Or would you prefer the feast hall this time?"
She smiled at him and pulled him closer. “Gentleman’s choice.” She told him as she ran her hands over his stomach and then around to his ass.

“Where ever you choose to devour your choice of sustenance….I will be.” She smiled and then gave his butt a firm slap. “So long as I can get out of this pesky dress, I’ll be content my liege.” She winked naughtily.
Loki cracked a roguish smirk over being called a gentleman but only nodded in reply as he whisked them back to her bed chambers with a gesture of his hand. "Feel free to disrobe to your heart's content here, my lady love." He whispered in her ear as he gave her a firm squeeze on her behind in return.
Ivy smiled and started to make her way, as best she could, being unfamiliar with Asgardian clothing. Each piece of skin she revealed was like a treasure. She had never felt so dopey about a man before, but then again, she supposed she wasn’t with a man, but a god.

She kissed every inch of skin as it came into view until he was down to his breeches. She looked up at him and wondered how she could love someone like she loved him, especially in the very short time in which she knew him.

She snaked her away down his body and slowly lowered his breeches until he was bare before her. She held his cock in her hand, kissing his length until she slowly took him deep into her mouth. She moaned softly at his taste as she moved her tongue tantalizingly around him.
At first, being undressed by Ivy surprised Loki. He had been expecting HER to disrobe, but this was just as tantalizing, having her strip him to his breeches. He gave her a curious look and tilted his head slightly as he regarded her minxish actions.

The look of love in her eyes struck his heart though and he felt a rise of tenderness for her as he swelled for her. Despite his will he found that he shivered under her touch. She certainly had a sensual quality to her, the way she snaked her way down his body.

His eyes went a bit wider as she took his manhood in hand and kissed it. "Oh." He said in a whispered sigh as he watched her take him within her mouth. Then she did something with her tongue that nearly made him yelp with pleasure. Instead, he found that he could maintain just enough control of himself to throw his head back and let out a hissing moan, instead.

It was a struggle, but in a moment he regained enough of himself to lift his head and touch Ivy's hair, fixing her with eyes that were full of need and, perhaps, a hint of surprise.
Ivy continued to savor the taste and texture of him in her mouth. Her tongue swirled around him as she reveled in the salty sweetness of him. She moved her mouth enthusiastically along his length, looking up at him from time to time to see his reaction.

After several minutes she released him from her mouth and began to slowly creep back up his body, creating a trail of kissed up his stomach, chest and neck until she reached his mouth and kissed him hotly. She ran her hands through his raven black hair and moaned softly into his mouth.

“You are intoxicating…” she whispered an inch from his lips, her hot breath caressing them.