The Party That Wants To Marry Children

Tennessee Marriage Bill Called 'Horrifying' as Law Could See Children Wed

Republican state Representative Tom Leatherwood said the bill offers an "alternative form of marriage."

Notice that's an (R), not a (D).

Do you provide services to minors?
Yes. Under California law, minors can access reproductive health care, obtain birth control, and receive abortion services without parental notification or parental consent. The one exception is that minors must be at least 12 years old to consent to and obtain sexually transmitted infections testing and treatment without parental notification.
This proposed law has passed a subcommittee but has not come before the full committee. If it were to make it out of committee, it would then have to pass a full vote on the floor of both chambers so it’s a long way from becoming law. If it were to become law, Tennessee would join 44 other states where child marriage is legal.

“There is no federal legislation in the United States regarding the minimum age for marriage, and states are allowed to set their own parameters. Currently, child marriage is legal in 44 states and nearly 300,000 children were married between 2000 and 2018 across the country”
The GOP party doesn't really stand for much....but, old enough to pee is good enough for me. . maybe their new platform.
This proposed law has passed a subcommittee but has not come before the full committee. If it were to make it out of committee, it would then have to pass a full vote on the floor of both chambers so it’s a long way from becoming law. If it were to become law, Tennessee would join 44 other states where child marriage is legal.

“There is no federal legislation in the United States regarding the minimum age for marriage, and states are allowed to set their own parameters. Currently, child marriage is legal in 44 states and nearly 300,000 children were married between 2000 and 2018 across the country”
Oh it....since lots of states allow children to marry, then it's cool.

One would think the effort would be to decrease this number rather than increase it. But as long as they aren't the gays..... we're cool
Oh it....since lots of states allow children to marry, then it's cool.

One would think the effort would be to decrease this number rather than increase it. But as long as they aren't the gays..... we're cool
Which has been the case. The move has been to increase the age of marriage to a general standard of 18.
Weak deflection. Do better.

Once again, half the information and all the outcry and tears...
Please enlighten us on the other half of the information.

This proposed law has passed a subcommittee but has not come before the full committee. If it were to make it out of committee, it would then have to pass a full vote on the floor of both chambers so it’s a long way from becoming law. If it were to become law, Tennessee would join 44 other states where child marriage is legal.

“There is no federal legislation in the United States regarding the minimum age for marriage, and states are allowed to set their own parameters. Currently, child marriage is legal in 44 states and nearly 300,000 children were married between 2000 and 2018 across the country”

Way to defend the undefendable.
Oh it....since lots of states allow children to marry, then it's cool.

One would think the effort would be to decrease this number rather than increase it. But as long as they aren't the gays..... we're cool
I did not say it was cool. Said it is common. Before criticizing a state that doesn’t allow it, go after those that do. And since it is allowed under federal law, perhaps this is something the Biden Administration and Congress could fix. Child marriage should be illegal regardless of whether it’s straight or gay.
I did not say it was cool. Said it is common. Before criticizing a state that doesn’t allow it, go after those that do. And since it is allowed under federal law, perhaps this is something the Biden Administration and Congress could fix. Child marriage should be illegal regardless of whether it’s straight or gay.
How about criticizing a state that wants to add the ability AND criticizing those who already do.
Weak deflection. Do better.

Please enlighten us on the other half of the information.

Way to defend the undefendable.
Who said I was defending it? I said it would have a long path to becoming law in TN. But go ahead and defend the 44 states that allow it if you want. You probably live in one of them.
Weak deflection. Do better.

Please enlighten us on the other half of the information.

Way to defend the undefendable.

Did you know the letters of your username spell doormat? Are you self-identifying as someone people use to wipe the shit off their shoes?

Tennessee Marriage Bill Called 'Horrifying' as Law Could See Children Wed

Republican state Representative Tom Leatherwood said the bill offers an "alternative form of marriage."

Notice that's an (R), not a (D).
the republican p.o.s leatherwood:
"So, all this bill does is give an alternative form of marriage for those pastors and other individuals who have a conscientious objection to the current pathway to marriage in our law," Leatherwood said in remarks quoted by WKRN.
"All this does"? so some pastors have a problem with following state law, TN should change the law so kids can be married, with deliberately NO AGE LIMIT? f.f.s!
Rachel Vindman, perhaps best known as the wife of whistleblower Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman, shared a tweet from Senator Josh Hawley about a bill that would impose tougher sentences for pedophiles.

"A Republican in Tennessee proposed a bill for an 'alternative form of marriage' which would allow girls under 17 to marry," Vindman said. "Tell me more about your party's anti-pedophilia initiatives."
Former federal prosecutor Shanlon Wu wrote: "Eliminating age of consent cannot possibly serve any legitimate purpose - Tennessee would be a haven for child sexual abuse."

Jon Cooper, former Long Island chair for former President Barack Obama's presidential campaign, tweeted: "Can someone tell me why Tennessee Republicans want to make it legal for an adult man to marry a child?"
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Every state has a different standard, but usually with kids below a certain age, a judge has to step in (usually it is when a girl has gotten pregnant). Each state is different when a kid can consent to be married (and usually, which tells you a lot about society, it involves under age girls.

In some states a child who is under 18 (and again, it is almost entirely with girls) has to have parental permission and then with younger kids (like under 14), usually a judge is involved.

What makes the whole thing sickening is if they allow underage girls to marry without any kind of controls (if that is what this does), it is basically done to circumvent statutory rape laws. In the "good old days" when the 'mighty church' ruled, often girls as young as 8 or 9 were married off to some creepy old nobel men..and i love hearing the apologists for the church, "Oh, you know, it isn't like they didn't have sex" hell they didn't.

In theory, no one should be allowed to enter marriage until they are 18 on their own behalf, and below let's say 17 parents shouldn't be allowed to allow it. Sorry, but you could have parents give a girl off to be married then at 14 and be paid for it, and there are sick fucks out there like that, the US isn't exactly immune to that. 18 is the legal age for contracts, ad that is what marriage is, a contract legally.

Under 18, a parent can sign a contract for a child, but there are limits to that, too.
Looks like they amended the bill with an age requirement of eighteen.

Sunshine is a powerful disinfectant.
Now, (D)s have to discriminate against another block,
Muslim cultures who like to marry them off young...

This small victory brought to you by the (R)s.

[This shit is fun. No (L)s involved!]
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Our local Historical Society publishes a quarterly magazine. They post photocopies of old marriage records. Back in the day, it was very common for girls in their early teens to wed much older men.

This is one of those issues where you see that morality changes with society. (no offense to bible thumpers).
Think globally, act locally?

Or maybe think locally and set the example for globally...