The only thing better than sex is <---->

Amen sister! *applause*

Got any? Should I be looking for a spoon?
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Are you having sex with the right person Mia???? I have never found anything better LOL :nana:
Ahh, but Tranquility...the taste of the dough inside your mouth...warm from the mixer...tasting the combination of chocolate, vanilla, brown sugar, butter...all melting into one massive flavour burst...

You do make the absolute best chocolate chip cookies!! Even better than moms.
So combine the fresh warm dough with sex = great tasting foreplay?

(and if you can incorporate sex & chocolate, so much the better) :p
just ad a lil milk and some chocolate syurp, blend to a nice liquid and have your sex and cookie dough.....:D


come on people, work with me here :D people are perverted!!

Sex AND chocolate chip cookie dough??? What can you be thinking!! :eek: ;)

Phyllo nests, with almond paste and glazed apricots.


Creme brulee.

In a perfect world, I'd have it all... sex, pastry, and creme brulee... all at the same time. The perfect threesome.
Temptress_1960 said:

Phyllo nests, with almond paste and glazed apricots.


Creme brulee.

In a perfect world, I'd have it all... sex, pastry, and creme brulee... all at the same time. The perfect threesome.

Mmmmmmmm, can I come over to your house to play??:D

And so much more but that works for me today...right at this moment...yup it works. ;)
Mia62 said:
Fresh chocolate chip cookie dough. Mmmm...

Nothing is better than sex..... Have you lost your mind? Do I need to give you a reality check? You need your ears pulled?

(giggling andwinking at you.)