The Long Goodbye ((Open to 1 Female))

Marlowe took a bite of the succulent brisket, savoring the greasy flavor. He loved listening to Brigitte talk; he could do it all night if she allowed him. "You're anything but uninteresting, baby. In fact, consider me fascinated." Marlowe took a swig of the ice water to his left, then stared directly into Brigitte's warm eyes. "...and I happen to think you'd make a wonderful first grade teacher. That's very specific, I like it." With a wink, he placed his lips on hers.

Pulling away, he used a pair of chopsticks to dip some chicken into a bowl of spicy sauce. "I suppose I'm known for the scandal. I guess I had a problem at the time. I was seeing so much grisly shit in the homicide unit and my ex-wife was distant, so I turned to ladies' of the night. It was a way to forget. I'm not proud of myself."

Marlowe took the chopsticks to the soft egg dish, "My favorite color is red too. I love the blues: Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, B.B. King. I knew I wanted to be a detective when I read Dick Tracy comics as a kid and I still regret that the communicator watch was never a real thing. I don't pick up a good book as nearly as much as I wish I could...and I would do anything to be a police officer again." He gave a sigh and a smile. "I also happen to think you're the most beautiful in the world, no matter how broken you think you are."

Another kiss; this one longer and more passionate. "Did you enjoy this meal as much as I did? I had the perfect view." Marlowe cupped Brigitte's chin with his palm. They were as close as they possibly could be in public. And of course, the staff had to interrupt their bliss.

"Is there anything else that we can get the two of you?" said the waitress with a broad smile.

"Just the check," said Marlowe. She placed it in his hand and gratefully thanked them for eating at the establishment. As the waitress walked away, Marlowe turned back to Brigitte, "I'm gonna go take care of this bill. Do you want to take a stroll back to the house?"
Brigitte was leaning in to kiss Marlowe again, the feel of his hand cupping her chin sending a shiver down her spine. She felt breathless around him, and she couldn't remember the last time things had been like this with a man. If she had felt a spark even half as bright as this with William, she would probably have been right by his side, wherever he ran to.

The sound of the waitress broke Brigitte out of this sweet reverie, and she tried not to groan, looking up at the woman. Marlowe was eager to take care of the check, despite the fact that Brigitte had a ton of money to blow on this mini vacation. She figured she would use her husband's funds to her advantage, while she still could. And Marlowe was doing her a favor; when she had told him earlier that she didn't want him to pay for a thing, she had meant it. But Brigitte could see in Marlowe's eyes that he just wanted to feel like a man, in front of her. He wanted to feel like he could take care of the woman he was with, and that included buying her dinner once in a while. And so, Brigitte conceded to him paying.

When he was done, the two of them strolled out of the restaurant, beginning a leisurely paced walk back to the house. They were both relatively silent, though it was the kind of comfortable silence that comes with good food and good company. Brigitte put her arm through Marlowe's, holding his forearm and bicep with her hands and leaning against his body as they walked. He was warm, and firm, and she couldn't imagine anywhere else she would rather be at that moment. As if things weren't picturesque enough, the sun was beginning to set, and Richard and Brigitte were walking toward it. When they were only a few feet away from the house, the sand under their feet, Brigitte stopped, taking a minute to breathe in the comfortable evening air and admire the pinks and purples that the horizon had to offer. She turned to Richard, leaning up to kiss his lips gently, sweetly, murmuring against them, "Thank you....."

He chuckled against her lips, pulling back to capture her gaze with his before he uttered a soft "You're welcome, baby." Then he led her to the house, unlocking the door and letting her enter first. Shutting and locking the door behind them, Richard was also shutting out the world. The two were finally, blissfully, alone.
Marlowe watched Brigitte's hips sway as she walked through the portal. They moved in a perfect swishing rhythm, from left to right, highlighted by the clinging bikini bottom. He caught himself staring and even though he knew that Brigitte enjoyed his unhinged gaze, Marlowe wanted to prove to himself that he was starting to reform. This woman had changed him to the core. Only days before he had been a selfish loaf, taking on salacious cases with clear outcomes for petty cash and a clear conscience. He had learned the value of sacrifice and come to realize that he'd give his own well being in order to protect Brigitte.

If any other case had resulted in a busted lip and a death threat, Marlowe would've walked away clean and taken the money with him. This was different. This was personal.

And as the sunset dipped over the western horizon and a pinkish blue haze dotted the strings of summer clouds, Marlowe gave a sigh of contentment while closing the door behind him. He grabbed Brigitte by the hand and twirled her into his chest, keeping his eyes locked on hers. "Have I told you today that you are one hell of a woman? That I'd walk this earth ten times over to find you if I lost you." He gave her a deep, loving kiss. He wasn't trying to seduce her or get her into bed. He wanted to show her that she was appreciated.

"I know I don't have Fontaine's deep pockets. And I know this whole thing is a train wreck wrapped inside of the Titanic while the Hindenberg blows its gasket." He said the next words carefully with deliberate pauses. "But I haven't been this happy in a long time. I really enjoy spending time with you Bri, even if it does mean the occasional gun pointed at my face."

Marlowe draped an arm over her shoulders and turned to look out through the sliding glass doors. The ocean lapped at the shore, the clouds moseyed across the sky, and Brigitte felt perfect tucked inside of his bare arm. It was all natural. All beautiful.

He finally flicked on the light, bathing them in illumination. "I could use a shower, baby. Get some sand out from between my toes, if you know what I mean." He tugged at the strap of her top, kissing her again, this time softer. "What do you say?"
Brigitte's entire body was tingling, hearing Marlowe's words and seeing the expression in his eyes when he gazed down at her. She bit her lip, nodding slowly at his suggestion. "Mmm... yes, please." With that, Brigitte raised herself up to kiss Marlowe's lips, wrapping her hands around his neck and beginning to lead him to the bathroom. She walked backwards, his hands sliding around her waist as they kissed. She giggled against his lips as they stumbled a bit, letting him take over and lead the way, guiding her through the bathroom door. Her hand reached out to flick the light switch on, bathing them in a mellow glow.

Pulling back from Richard's lips for just a moment but staying close by, Brigitte whispered against them.

"Take my bathing suit off.... undress me...." she breathed out softly. Her hands ran down Richard's chest to his hard stomach, then traveled down to the waistband of his swim trunks. She stayed there for a moment, feeling the slick fabric, toying with the edge of it.
Marlowe engulfed Brigitte's lips as her hands grazed along the waistbands of his swim trunks. He wouldn't let her have the upper hand this time. He wrapped an arm around her; tugging her closer by the small of her back. Her diminutive form folded into him, accepting the passionate embrace. Tugging on her bottom lip with his teeth, Marlowe used his other hand to untie the knot of her bikini from behind her neck. The fabric fell between them and was caught between their heaving chests.

He continue pressing his mouth down the slope of her eager neck, each kiss successively softer and more sensual. Marlowe could feel Brigitte's weight drop just a bit in his arms, too overcome to stand. The bikini top drifted onto the bathroom floor as he slipped down onto one knee to take a taught nipple into his mouth. His tongue swirled around the edge and he used his teeth to pinch it for quick, explosive sensations. Marlowe smiled as he sucked it entirely into his mouth to toy with it for a few more desperate seconds.

Once in a kneeling position, Marlowe gave a few more pecks down Brigitte's stomach; arriving at the line just above her bathing suit. He smiled devilishly as both hands slipped to either side of the skimpy bikini. Brigitte was trembling. "You seem excited." A kiss and a small tug. "I think we both need this tonight." Another kiss and another small tug, this time revealing a patch of the trimmed hair just above her womanhood. "You look absolutely beautiful."

He slipped either side of the bikini bottom down her hips, then her thighs and then the rest of her perfect legs. Marlowe's lips pressed against the inner parts of her thighs; alternating between each, hovering near her wet, hot core without ever touching it.

Marlowe stayed like this for a few moments, worshiping her soft skin before standing. With a quick flip of his hands, he tossed his trunks to the ground and darted towards the shower. Turning the handle swiftly, water began streaming from the head. It was warm and he extended an arm to help Brigitte into the powerful jets. "I think it's time to clean up, what do you say?" He grinned and stepped onto the slick plaster floor, kissing her one last time, his hands strolling through her now wet hair.
Brigitte's legs trembled under Marlowe's attention to them, his light, trailing kisses making her weak. She held onto his shoulder as he made his way back and forth between both thighs, wondering if he would taste her. She knew he could smell her, the heady aroma from her slick cunt so close to his nose. She hoped he liked the way she smelled, because she had been wet from the moment they walked into the house, knowing what was coming. Knowing that he would be touching her soon.

As he stood, Brigitte steadied herself on him, then watched him slip his swim trunks off. She let her gaze slip down to take in his length, not fully hard but getting there, slowly growing in size. She bit her lip with longing, eager to touch him, feel him, have him inside of her. But she would let him lead now, let him be the one to dictate the pace and the action. She wanted to be made love to, in a place where the two lovers could forget about everything else that was happening in their lives.

Stepping into the shower, Brigitte tensed under the hot water for a moment, then let her muscles relax, reaching up to stroke her hands down through her hair, wetting the dark locks. She tilted her head back under the showerhead, sighing with pleasure as she felt the hard jets against her body. Opening her eyes as Marlowe stepped in after her, Brigitte giggled softly, feeling his hands go immediately to her wet hair. His lips found hers once more and she leaned into the kiss, never able to get enough of Richard's mouth. Her right hand found body wash on a shelf built into the wall as they kissed and she squirted some into her palm without breaking contact with his lips. Slender fingers lathered the soap and then began to spread it over Richard's broad chest. She scratched her nails down his muscles, through his chest hair, teasing him while simultaneously cleaning him. All the while, they kissed, and Brigitte smiled against Richard's lips at the sweetness of it all.

This was so intimate, here in the shower with him, their bodies exposed for each other, glistening with the warm water. She had never shared a moment akin to this with any other man.
Marlowe hesitantly pulled away from the long, engaging kiss; the soft white soap soaking into the skin of his chest. He gave Brigitte a sly smile, his wet hands sliding gently up her smooth arms. Nudging her shoulder slightly, Marlowe gave an obvious hint for her to turn. Brigitte looked stunning with the water streaming over her shoulders; catching in her hair and moistening her already soft skin. As she turned, she gave Marlowe a look of intense, but playful longing.

Marlowe kneaded her shoulders for a few moments before planting his lips on the spot where her neck met her back, flipping her hair out of the way to trace a line of kisses along the shape of her upper spine. "You know," he said between caresses, "You look absolutely beautiful all wet. I think we should just stay in the shower forever."

Reaching for a bottle of lavender-scented shampoo, Richard poured some of the gel into his palm. He shifted it about in his hand, spreading it before applying some to Brigitte's hair. He used both hands to lather the bubbly shampoo into her scalp and could feel her melt into his touch. The streams from the shower-head quickly cleansed away the suds and Marlowe got the urge to dip his head around and kiss Brigitte on the neck, nibbling gently.

A waft of lavender struck his nostrils and Marlowe started to feel pleasantly light-headed. It was truly his favorite scent, a pure aphrodisiac. Marlowe could feel his cock stiffen to its full length, pressing against the flesh of Brigitte's ample backside. He groaned in the back of his throat.

His mouth was near her ear now and he whispered, "Why can't I keep my hands off of you? Why do you have to be so god damned beautiful?" Marlowe's hands slipped from Brigitte's lathered hair, down her sides. One found its home at her right breast, teasing the nipple to hardness. The other snaked towards her inner thighs, playing lightly with her tempting folds. "I want to make love to you, Bri." A kiss on the neck. "I've wanted you all day."
Bri felt a shiver run up her spine, tingling up from the place where Marlowe's body met hers: his hard cock pressing against her ass, bringing sweet memories of the last time they had made love to the forefront of Bri's mind. She murmured softly, incoherently, as Richard whispered against her ear. A smile spread across her lips, and then a whimper escaped them. Richard's fingers had found her wet folds and he was teasing them now, making her desire for him burn within her.

"Ohhh, Richard.... make love to me then. Take me..." Bri wiggled her ass back against Richard's cock, pleased by the soft moan that this movement elicited from his throat. "How do you want me? Right here underneath the shower?"

Bri reached down to meet Richard's hand where it taunted her slick folds. She moved her fingers over his, pushing to add to the delicious pressure that he was already applying. She moaned again, tilting her head back and turning it to catch Richard's lips with her own. The kiss was soft at first but became more urgent as Richard pressed his fingertips against Bri's clit. She used her teeth to tug on his lower lip playfully, then whispered against his lips. "How do you know exactly which ways to touch me?"
Marlowe growled as his lips pressed against the crest of Brigitte's ear. He slid two fingers into her moistening cunt whispering, "I'm still learning how to read your body, but I think I'm doing okay so far." He bit down gently on the soft lobe of her ear, tugging on the small earring dangling there. Marlowe removed his palm from Brigitte's breast, slipping it down to her hips to hold her firmly in front of him. His cock was throbbing uncontrollably now, every nerve in his core firing with existential lust.

Gently, Marlowe flicked her clit with his fingers once more after withdrawing them from their exploration; and traced his tongue along the angle of her neck. Brigitte was panting now, barely able to speak from the sensations. She could no doubt feel the head of his cock grazing her awaiting entrance. He let it rest there, playfully teasing his perfect lover - prolonging the instant before utter pleasure. Brigitte mumbled commands below heavy breathing, but Marlowe could barely hear them. He was in control.

Placing a second hand on Brigitte's lusciously round hips, Marlowe gave her a slow tug and pulled her onto his longing cock. Inch by inch he entered her, savoring the bliss he felt as her wet folds enveloped him. His groan was palpable, vibrating through his body.

Once he reached as deeply as possible, he let his cock rest inside of Brigitte for a moment. Marlowe wanted to draw this out. They had gone too long without this kind of intimacy, had been through far too much. Every moment of making love with Brigitte would be cherished tonight. He kissed the back of her neck, down the top of her spine and whispered, "I almost forgot what this feels like."