The Lion's Princess (Closed for Asa)

Makmood nodded.

Oh yes our travels as well observed. All is as expected. We are safe.

Her eyes moved as if tracking something.

I suspect we shall meet our host at nightfall. If anything or anyone unwanted is following us I doubt it will be for long. It's alright Nefer.
Nefer let loose a low growl as he rode up beside Makmood and Tikara, his nose flared as he scented the air, but the wind, although light was at their backs, so he couldn’t scent anything but those around him and he shifted restlessly on his mount I suspect we shall meet our host at nightfall. Nefer nodded and growled again, It's alright Nefer. he glanced to Makmood and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself, but he was growing more and more restless the farther they had gotten from the safety of the Temple. As they continued on their way and the horizon began to darken Nefer had chosen to dismount, leaving his Horse to follow with the Magi and he shifted forms, moving he paced beside Tikara, a few Magi having scouted ahead finding a place to camp for the night it was another hour before they broke camp, nefer settling in and laying beside his Priestess
They were all near the fire as just as the legends said this person seemed to walk from the darkness right through the flames to stand before them.

Your blood is fire... Your soul is fire... Your life... Is...not the path of your blood.

There was a behemoth of a man before them tattooed and scarred. Magi leaping to their feet even Makmood jumping up. Tikara however never moved from her seat not her meal as she spoke.

Sit and join us... You're late. Is it that frightening to see one that can be a balance of peace and warrior?
Nefer had been half dozing in his fur, Tikara curled against his Mane, he never heard the strangers approach, the startled gasps and the sounds of steel being drawn by the magi roused him. it took a second for his eyes to focus as he woke, then he was on his feet, snarling as the stranger walked right into their camp, and Nefer lunged, a roar echoing across the empty plains
Nefer... Magi... Calm...

Her eyes never leaving their guest as she again seemed to tell them to sit. The scarred tattooed behemoth arched a brow at her but smirked ever so slightly.

Your awakening protective combat wasn't it child? Let me guess taking on someone who would have believed it as easy to kill you as to pluck the wings from a horse fly.

Be turned his head to Nefer.

Makmood you did not tell me she turned the lion into a pet.

He chuckled.

Worry not I know the mark of the shifters... And I know you are not the one she led the other females to slaughter. I am pleased to see her mated to a warrior in her peaceful world. However...
His attention turned back to Tikara.

Do not think that there were not priests within our numbers long ago child. All the trades of the world of the outsiders we have as well. We were once many... Always scattered but many. Few could accept how we protected our young perhaps that is why there are so few left.

He sat down.

Now... Tell me of your life. Symbols that inhabit your mind and whatever Father Khonsu feels you can tell.
Nefer...Calm... that one statement, drew him up short, before he would have tackled the intruder, but his deep reverberating growl remained, his claws raking at the sand beneath him but he remains still at his Priestess command, slowly he back stepped till he was again beside her, brushing his mane against her, eyes glued to their…………….guest…….. Makmood you did not tell me she turned the lion into a pet. Nefer snarled again and moved to lunge at the stranger again for the insult but his Prietess hand in his fur again staying him in place, even as he vibrated with anger. Worry not I know the mark of the shifters... I am pleased to see her mated to a warrior in her peaceful world. he huffed, grumbling he moved to lay beside her, his eyes nearly glowing from the fire light as he refused to take his eyes off the man before them. But if Tikara wasn’t afraid of him, even as he listened to the Magi around them shift uncomfortably but they lowered their weapons and waited
Newborn infant found half buried in same in a desert all alone with no signs of why. But you already know that part. Supply caravan takes me to temple I am raised there speaking with the Gods and Goddesses as if friends and family from the moment I could talk if not before that. People have attempted to use my murder to start wars with Egypt but the looks of the blood on your dagger handle there at your side you have taken care of that. At least for this trip.

Her eyes turned cold even to him as she started at him.

Now you will tell me why whatever powers this blood offers me did not activate as my sisters and family in the temple were being attacked and slaughtered but it did over a simple clawed slap to a child?

Makmood looked to him.

This is the fight I suggested you prepare for old friend.
Nefer was nearly constantly growling now, his paws, and claws raking the dirt beneath as he rocked from paw to paw, tensed, and ready to spring. The tension was thick in the air, everyone sensed it, and Nefer brushed his muzzle and mane of hair against her, his golden gaze locked on the intruder before him, and their eyes met, they stared at each other and Nefer’s hackles rose. Then the bastard smirked at him, clearly saying “im not afraid of you” and Nefer launched himself at the warrior, his patience gone he roared, claws slashing at empty air as the stranger moved. Then Nefer felt himself airborne as he was thrown, but he shifted his body before he hit the ground, claws digging into the sand as he landed and skidded backwards, muscles coiling as he lunged again, this time shifting mid-rush, whipping his arm up into a vicious uppercut that the intruder barely wheeled back and away from, the muted sounds of Weapons being drawn but the magi remained unmoving as Nefer and the Male traded blows, Nefer shifting in and out of his Fur seamlessly as he unleashed everything he’d been taught about fighting over the last few years, a hard right hook from the Warrior had Nefer Reeling and wiping blood from his mouth, chest heaving as he pinched his nose and gave it a sharp jerk, snapping the bone back into place with barely a wince.

‘My Priestess asked you a question you arrogant prig” Nefer panted,
Makmood shook his head.

Her question is the fight I meant but Nefer also needs to be protective.

The man sat down.

She is why the feline still draws breath. Now child as for your question I am curious about that as well. You should have annihilated those attacking your home. Unless the Gods intervened.

He studied her for a moment.

Even now you do not attack even though I have drawn blood on one of your own. You hold faith in this feline to win or in my lack of willingness to drive you away over a simple lion hide. Interesting. Now what symbols have plagued you mind
She is why the feline still draws breath.. Nefer snarled low at that statement, watching as the Male sat down at their fire, the insult that this male would turn and show his back to him, clearly stating he didn't find Nefer a threat only served to make his blood boil, Nefer knew he needed to calm down, his training clearly thrown out the window, he knew better, he did. But something about this male had his beast raging, every instinct he held was screaming at him, "Danger" and he found himself struggling to reign in the need to protect, and to kill, his eyes flashing between his human gold, and the bright gold of his lion, and for just an instant as Nefer again clenched his fist, a crackle of white lightning trailed down his arm

Even now you do not attack, even though I have drawn blood on one of your own. You hold faith in this feline to win? Or in my lack of willingness to drive you away over a simple lion hide?

Simple lion hide? Again this arrogant male made a subtle threat against him and Nefer wasn't dumb enough to not realize that statement for what it was and he felt something inside snap, his eyes flashed a brilliant white "Simple Lion Hide?" His voice boomed, it happened fast, One blink he was standing before the fire warrior, the next the male was held off his feet by the throat, nefer's white gaze flashing as he drew back his fist and the next there was a echoing Crack of thunder that filled the plains as Nefer's lightning charged first slammed into the males Face the force of the blow sending the male flipping up and flying back several feet to land outside the light of their camp fire. His chest heaving nefer blinked, the white fading from his eyes as quickly as it came, and he stared at his hand, before his eyes rolled into his head and he collapsed,
Magi take Nefer to my tent and watch over him.

She stood and walked through the flames awaiting the stranger who was soon towering over her.

Why do you seek to cause trouble. Is it to anger or test me?


He almost smirked.

I test you and learn your mate is not exactly a normal shifter is he? Perhaps I think you already knew or sensed it. He should learn to wield your silent wisdom and peaceful strength.

Perhaps I am too well guarded.

She shrugged gesturing to the Magi who seemed even more on edge at the stranger's presence.

What do you fear as to never once offer your name nor why you and Makmood feel I am of your people?

Zanden and yes I see it in the depths of your eyes and your natural fire your training can not diminish.

Crescent moon... cradle and blade

When the words fell from her lips the massive stranger nodded.

And now I finally meet my sister of the blood and moon. Welcome Tikara.
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Nefer gained consciousness slowly, the pounding throb in his temples leading him to believe he must have drank too much wine, although he didn't recall having any......his hearing slowly returning, garbled at first, like he was hearing through a tunnel but soon that too began to focus as he felt the caress of cool air against his skin, the rough texture of......a..bedroll?.....smelled the hot sands, slowly he cracked his eyes open, his vision too was blurred but as he concentrated that too came into focus, it was full dark and he saw one of the female servants leaning over him illuminated by candle light, laying a cool cloth over his forehead and he looked up at her, blinking, watching as she looked him over then their eyes met and she froze Oh, you're awake Guardian she spoke quietly

I shall inform the Magi she rose, not waiting for Nefer to say anything as he lay there, memories trickling back to him which only made his head pound harder and he growled as things came back to him, the intruder who openly taunted and insulted them, and nefer sat up quickly, intent on returning to Tikara's side, but the world around him spun and he laid back down, fighting the darkness at the edges of his vision he fought to breath, You and your temper young lion came the soft female voice, and a wave of warmth washed over him as he looked to see Sekmet seated beside him, and he purred lightly the feline in him nuzzling into her hand as she stroked his cheek and adjusted the cloth over his head i see you too have have awakened a secret from within she smiled at him

you must learn patience, i know you fear for her safety, but you know she is stronger then she appears, it would be wise, to follow her lead, she has not guided you wrong in all these years, has she? Sekmet spoke quietly and Nefer just shook his head no in agreement, causing the goddess to smile and nod you will learn, in time, to know when to act, and when to hold back, trust in your instincts and not your rage, now rest she said, again stroking his cheek "Yes mother" he said, the goddess vanishing as the Servant returned with a water skin
Slowly she stood. Looking up into the massive warriors face.

Greetings now ever harm another of mine and I will be the last of our kind is that clear?

Makmood held up a hand the Magi begrudgingly obeyed.

The warrior seemed to bristle at her words before chuckling then laughing deep.

Agreed but for now have your feline join us and drink to family and bond.
It was a little while yet before Nefer felt stable enough to stand on his feet without help although a servant and a Magi stood near but he waved them off as he steadied, edging his way out of the tent it took mere moments for his eyes to adjust to the darkness as the tent had been lit by several candles and it messed with his night vision. He saw Tikara outlighted by the fire, the stern line of her face shaded by the dancing lights, and even now, so serious in the fire he couldn't stop the smile at how beautiful she was. Shaking his head of the errant thoughts he silently made his way back to the Fire, seamlessly shifting into his Fur from one second to another as he faded into the shadows then reimerged shaking his head side to side as his thick Mane settled into place and he nuzzled his muzzle and nose against Tikara's face and neck licking her cheek a deep purr rumbling from him as he laid down curling his body around behind her as he so often did so that she could lounge back against him, he settled his giant head beside her thigh, his golden gaze settling on the male before them.
Nefer meet Zanden... apparently one of my people... family.

She nestled back against him watching as servants and Magi carried food out and everyone seemed to relax more. She puzzled with Zanden about why the attack on the temple did not set off her bloodline hunger. The other lions and how many more of their kind could possibly be around.
Nefer meet Zanden... apparently one of my people... family. Nefer just gave a snort and yawned wide, baring his pointed teeth at the man before settling down, his head resting on his paws, head canted slightly to one side, pressed against Tikara’s thigh I still want to eat him Nefer’s voice softly rumbled through her mind as he licked at a claw Im sorry I lost my temper my Priestess, he said again before returning his gaze to the man
Fingernails dancing through his mane as they ate and talked.

If your feline mate can promise not to interfere I will work with you on your fighting Tikara.

Zanden nodded as he ate.
The gentle scratch of his mates fingers through his fur settled him and lulled him into a light sleep, his eyes drifting closed as a deep rumbling purr vibrated through his chest, occasionally he nuzzled into her hand and licked it when her hand passed over his muzzle and face. His ear swiveling back and forth as he listened to the dull drone of voices and movement around them from their guards and servants, stretching out further, listening to anything on the wind, each soft breath he inhaled the scents around them and the scents on the wind, lifting his head only when Tikara would offer him a piece of food. It was a few hours later after the food had been put away and Zanden and Tikara’s musings and discussions turned to other things that he opened his eyes and stared at the warrior. If your feline mate can promise not to interfere I will work with you on your fighting Tikara. Nefer gave a huff and rolled his eyes, laying his head back on his paws he grunted, a sound that could possibly even be translated into “whatever” his tail twitching, he flicked Tikara on the ass as she stood, his big lion eyes crinkling ever so slightly as he grinned and bared teeth
Standing they trained and sparred well into the dawn each managing surprising throws and dodges that sent the other flying. By the time Makmood demanded they stop and rest and eat breakfast both were bleeding and when he tried to growl a dismissal to those seeking to tend to his wounds a knife landing from her hand into the piece of bread inches from his lips silenced that quickly.

Makmood simply smiled she was combining that regal command along with the care and love of her people with the ruthless lethal and precise nature of her blood and training. He was impressed to see his priestess taking to this new side of her life and combining both with honor and respect.
Nefer and the Magi went through drills and sparred through most of the night, until the horizon began to show signs the sun was rising, his body was feeling loose, and relaxed, he settled in with a groan beside the fire as the servants began to bring out the food stores, talking idly with the guards he watched Tikara come storming back into the camp, grinning as he heard her snapping at Makmood who just merely looked at her and Nefer could tell he was trying to keep from smiling at her too. Stretching out, still in his human form he kissed her thigh. “you looked great love, “ of course the Magi had kept him busy and he only caught her briefly before they too had stopped “Thirsty? Apparently the servants brought wine” he held up his goblet offering it to her
Tikara nodded and smiled as they all relaxed enjoying a meal.

So Lion... Nefer how does this knowledge that she is possibly as lethal as any shifter make you feel? No longer someone in need of a protector how does that change your thoughts?

Makmood tilted his head suddenly curious as well.
Although the smile Nefer gave the warrior seemed geniune, there was, for just an instant, something that passed through his eyes, the gold of his iris’s nearly glowing as they shifted into the slits of his lions form then returning to human normal. “I was taken as a cub because of my fur, I was abused, and given away as a “gift” to be used to kill whoever I was given to” he spoke casually, and while the memories still haunted him some nights, his face remained neutral “then someone, fearing my Priestess, gave me to her, had wanted me to kill her during her coronation, for reasons we have yet to discover,” he rose to from his leisurely position to sit cross legged beside Tikara. “I was unleashed and told to kill, but I wasn’t able to, my beast wouldn’t touch her, we, couldn’t touch her, I turned on my masters and killed them” he looked to Tikara, his lips twitching in the slightest of smiles as he took her hand in his “Its never been about Protecting her, it was comfort, warmth, just needing to be beside her, and now, we’re mated” he turned his gaze back to the man across from them.

“She’s Mine, my mate, and……I love her…….i’d die for her” he stated plainly, but his voice held an undercurrent, a threat, that he’d also kill for her not needing to be voiced aloud, and he leaned in, kissing her cheek gently
He nodded with a smile.

Very good. She found what Khonsu called for us soul bond so young. That could be why her blood did not rage to life back then perhaps... interesting.

He finished his food watched the young woman who seemed to think Tikara's dagger at his refusal of medical help gave her any power over this warrior.

Is the nurse done so that I may travel home?

He humored the young woman especially after he saw both the old woman nearby clearly her teacher and Tikara watching him. The young woman jumped a little but nodded and handed him a small pack with clean dressings in it and herbs for any pain or itching of the wounds.

He chuckled but nodded resisting the urge to pat her head or shoulder unsure if he might break the tiny little nurse. Instead handing her a coin from his waist pouch. Eyes moving to the teacher and Tikara as if to challenge them to stop him. Tikara waved a hand to approval and the little girl studied and bit the coin before getting up and patting him on the head

You have been a very good patient... less argumentative than some.

Her eyes scoldingly looking to some of the younger Magi which brought a smirk to Tikaras lips.
Nefer’s head tilted as he thought about the warriors words, Sekmet had said something similar to him, and while his human brain was still processing what he’d learned and he understood what it meant, his Lion half was roaring in his head, calling “Mine” a fierce protective wave surged through his body as well as a flush of desire for her and he pressed a little closer, his hand going to her lower back, idly stroking her skin. The touch both soothing and comforting him and his beast and they continued to exchange pleasantries and talk. The Sun peaking above the horizon as the meal was cleaned up and the food stored, they sat around the fire, conversation dying to idle chatter “So, “ Nefer began, his gaze turning back to warrior, “Tell us more about your people, how long have you walked this life? How did the, Fire Warriors, come to exsist?”
The warrior sat for a moment thinking.

Much of our story has been lost over time and fewer of us but one of the stories given was that we were the human born people formed when Khonsu and an ever unknown Goddess had a child. The child clung to the lunar side just as Khonsu. So we walk the darkness and night as our sacred. And just as the maternal side of the child is unknown so they were taught by all the Goddesses and Gods we honor that with our leaving offspring to learn from others as well. Just as our Tikara has. We live longer than most mortals. I myself am nearly 100. I know of no lands we ever called home. The walking through flames has just been something we have done as naturally as breathing.

Her eyes turned to one side.

Grumble all you want Khonsu. Have you anything to add to his...

She paused staring I to the darkness. The warrior before them looking to her with a nod but made no movement... yet.