The Lion's Princess (Closed for Asa)

Rham was pacing in his fur, a low continuous rumble, his ear twitched as the door opened and he turned to see the Priestess enter his chamber, the swirl of menace around her almost palpable as he stared at her, Why did you attack a young one? Rham snarled low at her, pawing at the ground so the rake of his claws against the stone could be heard. And a low snarl behind the priestess told Rham that Nefer was with her as well. Not that the tremendous power of Goddess couldn’t be felt, with a snarl he shifted, crossing his arms over his chest “The cub touched me, I need no other reason” he stated coldly
Then I guess I need no other reason then if and when I choose to let the lionsesses rip you to ribbons because believe me my standing here in the open door is the only thing keeping you alive right now.

Her eyes never left him.

So now either drop your attitude with me and give me a reason or I might just let them kill you
Rham just snorted at her threats. He knew his females wouldn’t lay a hand on him, they knew better, faking a bored yawn he continued to stare at the female before him “Ive heard enough, and seen enough to know that I was right, you are no different then any other humans ive ever met or dealt with, you wish to control us just like everyone else and now here you are threatening to kill me, be gone little girl, I will be reclaiming my females and returning home, and you should pray we never cross paths again” Nefer snarled low somewhere behind Tikara and the muted sounds of the guards struggling against something and furious whispering that Rham could not make out “Move aside”
Oh I won't be going anywhere and don't say I didn't warn you. Ladies he is all yours. I am curious as to how this will go against his ego. Let them in I will be fine.

She stepped back with a smirk.

Oh and after all this is over ladies Syrene and I can help you find some real men to love and adore you all.

Something deep down wanted to taunt Rham make him attempt to strike so it can surface again and end him since it was stopped before.
Oh and after all this is over ladies Syrene and I can help you find some real men to love and adore you all. Rham Snarled at that and he lunged at her, “BITCH!” he roared, the guard freezing for just a second in surprise but Syrene and the others moved first, grabbing Rham who immediately lashed out, Sending Syrene flying into a wall before the other three Lioness’ launched him across the room and created a shield between the door and him, each of them snarling, fangs bared, the low moan from Syrene as she slumped, trail of blood trickling down her forehead “MOVE” Rham bellowed, as he stood and rushed the women, the fight ensueing as snarls, hisses and grunts echo’d and three women attack Rham hard and quick
She moved to Syrene and checked on her guiding her out of the room and turned to block the door herself to prevent him from escaping the lionsesses and their rage. Her eyes were fire as she smiled watching. Part of her wanting to join the fight and rip him apart bare handed as well.
The room echoed with the sounds of snarling, flesh hitting flesh, grunts and growls of pain as the three women continued to attack and rail against Rham. Nefer watched, amazed as they fought in human form, and it was clear they were all well trained, their moves unorthodox and different from the fighting he had been trained in. He looked over his shoulder, checking on Syrene as she leaned against the wall outside the room shaking her head, a low growl as she slowly began to regain her senses. A harder snarl brought Nefer's head back around was one of the other women was finally thrown back, and he barely had time to move to catch her as they bounced off the wall, Rham's face was furious as he finally landed blows and sent the other 2 women back, then he roared, shifting and launching himself at the still prone females, Nefer whipped his clothes off and shifted, lunging for Rham, praying he'd be able to intercept him before he did anything
She leaped as before her eyes molten flames. A protective instinct one of the Magi called out Priestess as he tossed a short sword towards her to catch.


Roared from her as she landed between Than and the fallen lionesses a cold lethal grin dancing darkly across her features.

You want to act like a rabid fool then let's dance.

No division no confusion and no loss of consciousness yet as she smiled watching Nefer leap at him too.
Rham turned as he heard someone yell, his eyes widening he froze for a moment, staring at the priestess feeling the wash of power from her and it stayed his swinging paw You want to act like a rabid fool then let's dance. that hesitation cost him as Nefer’s body slammed into him, snapping him out of his weariness and focusing his attention on the new Attacker. On some level Rham knew he was a dead man, his females had turned on him and while he was stronger, number’s were just not on his side. As he rolled and tumbled claws slashing and teeth snapped as Rham and Nefer battled. While Nefer’s rage helped, Rham still had a lifetime’s worth of fighting and soon began to overpower Nefer, teeth snapping around a limb as he twisted and Nefer roared in pain as his leg was snapped in two and he was thrown free, the females regaining their feet they watched, standing beside the priestess, ready, as if waiting for her command. Finally Rham managed to throw Nefer off him and away, bloody, panting hard he snarled, his eyes leaving the unconscious Black lion and focusing back on the Priestess, teeth bared
Magi tend to Nefer.

Her tone cold as the grave the short sword still in hand as she stared at him.

To end you quickly would be far too lenient of your attack on an innocent. To let them finish you would make it solely a pride matter when it was not a pride attack... Yet these ladies I know would accept jobs as Sekmet appointed guards for this temple and village in a heartbeat if it meant they could end you for attacking a child. Right ladies?

She smirked at him hearing their full agreement. There was however that tugging in the back of her mind that screamed for blood mingled with the deep fires in her eyes and aura.

However ending you myself for harming all of them sounds... Fun .. too? Decisions decisions... What say you Rham. Pick your death... Them... Or me...

She laughed standing there grinning.
Rham growled as guards swarmed the room, and he focused back on the priestess, his fur melting away as he shifted back, rage contorting his face as he looked to the females “See, this is what humans do, you dare attack me, we’ve lived in peace, and now look at us, fighting each other, while the humans threaten us, youre really going to side with them?” he growled, and the females just shook their heads at him, their shoulders stiffening, standing shoulder to shoulder behind the priestess, their hands on their hips in a pique “Stand……….aside………we are returning home” Rham commanded, and again the females just shook their heads To end you quickly would be far too lenient of your attack on an innocent. To let them finish you would make it solely a pride matter when it was not a pride attack... Yet these ladies, would accept jobs as Sekmet’s appointed guards for this temple and village in a heartbeat if it meant they could end you for attacking a child. Right ladies? the women nodded, heads held high “Yes” they said nearly in unison and Rham’s eyes narrowed “What magic is this” he hissed, “They………..are……MINE” Rham roared hands flexing in anger and shifting into his claws Ending you myself for harming all of them sounds... Fun .. Decisions decisions... What say you Rham. Pick your death... Them... Or me...

Rham snarled a few choice insults at her as the gathered guards lifted Nefer and carried him out, others had their hands on their swords, anger apparent on their faces, “If death is what you seek human, then death is what you will get” and he lunged for Tikara claws out stretched
That same slowing of the world around her as she stepped forward with a cold smile. A sharp turn as the sword danced around her. Whatever she was, fighting almost seemed unconsciously wired through her but with none of the insane training of those they believe her to be from their fight did allow him to draw blood as well though she clearly did not notice as she grinned during their fight.

The elders of the Magi who were present spoke low watching her yet made no move to intervene confusing the younger warriors who followed their lead for now
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Rham quickly realized something. 1. He wasn’t getting out of here alive. 2. This priestess was a bitch. 3. This Priestess was really a grade A bitch…… He snarled as he swiped and clawed, ducked and dodged that sword of her’s. She had an almost vacant look on her face, like she really wasn’t even seeing him, but staring off into space, but every move he made she either countered, dodged, or returned the strike with one harder and far more damaging to him then she seemed to be taking, though the exhaustion and blood loss were beginning to take its toll, he was flagging, body growing heavier from exertion and fatigue. He didn’t think he could even shift again to heal, as she dodged a wild punch she slapped his arm aside and kicked him, the power behind it shocking as it sent him reeling back and he rebounded off the wall, unable to move as he was swarmed by the 3 lioness’s who held him pinned, their collective fangs bared, low snarls warning to not true anything as her sword settled at his neck and he stared, his breathing ragged, labored, “kill me then… done with it.” he spat blood at her

She smirked

I think it will be far more humiliating for you to have them kill you. Ladies...have... fun...

With that she turned and walked from the room looking to the Magi and her eyes clearing as she once more collapsed. The older Magi being the ones to catch her as the younger ones still stood there in shock at what the Priestess had done. It was however becoming more and more seated in the elders minds that she was a fire warrior on some level deep within as it had never been known or nourished now it sought blood as if an almost completely different being within her finally coming out not unlike the shifters before them.
No... Rham’s eyes narrowed, and his lips peeled back, his teeth having elongated as he hissed at her, about to say something he was cut off as the priestess against spoke, the sword still against his neck stilled his hand as the thought of swiping out at her crossed his mind I think it will be far more humiliating for you to have them kill you. Ladies...have... fun... Rham’s eyes shifted to look over the priestess shoulder, watching as the female turned and started away from him, a sign she wasn’t afraid of him and he roared, he made to launch himself at the retreating form as Syrene, then the other two females shifted and jumped him, he rolled and shifted himself, backing himself into a corner where they couldn’t come at him from behind he snarled low. His head lifted as scents flowed around him and he saw two sleek cheetahs step into the room as the priestess collapsed, it was now five on one and he knew he was no match for them all. With a Snarl he lunged, and the fight was on.

As the Priestess was carried out the Magi just looked around, unsure, their weapons poised as the snarls, yelps, sounds of claws rending flesh echoed as the big cats fought, time seemed to stop as the fight raged, but it was obvious that Rham was flagging, his attacks growing slower, his breathing becoming heavily labored as he broke away, backing into the corner, tongue hanging out as he panted, body shaking hard. The three Lioness’s flanked him, the two cheetahs flanking behind them, the head lioness snorted, then snarled, and the two cheetahs attacked again, Rham was too slow as Kyrie and Kyrah latched onto Rham’s throat and the sickening sound of bone breaking, his body shuddering as he collapsed to the floor slowly, eyes wide, then glazing over, the cats all just sat, looking at each other, some silent communication, finally they shifted, their faces grim, blood smeared, Syrene rolled her shoulder and a few audible pops heard as muscles flexed and loosened. “so whose hungry?” one of the Lioness’s said
She was not unconscious as long this time awaking the second day. Leaping from the bed she was crouching on the railing around the sunken tub before she realized where she was. Her maidens looking to her as one summoned Nefer or the cheetahs or Magi.

The Magi walked in and over to her bowing.

All is well Priestess. Be at peace.
Things had remained tense while the Priestess and Nefer were recovering, Syrene and the lioness’s taking care of Rham’s body, they spent a lot of time with Kyrie and Kyrah, fast becoming friends they took turns watching over the pair, choosing to keep to cat form which unnerved many of the guards, and only acquiescing to the change with the Cheetah’s and the Goddess Blessing. Kyrie and Kyrah quickly strolling into the Priestess room on the second day when the servants began to panic and call for help, their fangs bared as they expected trouble, but blinked in shock to see Tikara was up, crouched and ready to pounce, they held their hands up “Priestess, be at peace” they said nearly in unison “Be calm, all is well……….come……let us help you return to bed”
She studied them for a long moment before nodding. She stepped down looking around.

Where are they?

She was looking around realizing that she was in her room
Where are they? Kyrie and Kyrah blinked simultaneously then looked at each other before looking back to Tikara “Where are who Priestess?” they asked in unison, Kyrie glancing over her shoulder at the soft pattering of feet, Syrene stepping through the door with a covered tray of food, her brows lifting in surprise, she quickly bowed to Tikara, her lips twitching into a smile, happy to see the priestess awake she set the tray down. “it warms me to see you awake Priestess” syrene spoke softly “I have brought you food, we were………..unsure…if you’d be hungry, but its been nearly two moons since you again fell unconscious” Kyrie and Kyrah stepped away as they helped Tikara sit “Nefer………….” Kyrah began…. “still has not woken, the Goddess healed his wounds, but they were many, “ Kyrie finished “he has remained in his fur, much to the guards dismay as they had to carry him to the Goddess chambers” Syrene added.
Where is he Syrene?

Her tone was cold but slowly returning to normal. Khonsu had said that perhaps it was good that Rham had angered her so to reveal who she truly was after all these years. She nodded at their words about Nefer.

Sekmet will help him. Though have them inform him I am awake and await him as well. Food would be a good thing yes.
Where is he Syrene? Syrene froze, eyes widening juuussstttt slightly, the cold in her tone spiking a fear in her worse then she’d felt with Rham “He’s………..dead……..Priestess…….dead and gone…….” She said, swallowing, Syrene casting Kyrie as sidelong glance, watching the cheetah slip out the door. “Nefer…………still sleeps, he hasn’t awoken at all in the last 2 days……we were……hoping,,,,,,, if you revived you would go to him, “ as Syrene helped Tikara get settled and gave her the prepared food a soft knock sounded as Kyrie returned, the Elder Magi smiling, “ahhh, Priestess, you’ve returned to us at last” he smiled, “so the legends are true”
Good. You and the others deserve freedom and to find beings human or lion to love and honor early h of you.

Tikars nodded.

Yes going to him myself... Yes...

She was returning to "normal" or at least the way she always had been before all of this. Looking to the Elder.

I wish to speak with Makmood and see what all he knows of the warriors of legend that he would create the questions of my being one of them even though I am beginning to think that he may be right. I feel strange this time reawakening... I cannot explain it.

She smiled at the food suddenly feeling as if she had not eat for a week and began eating.

Food then to see Nefer.
You and the others deserve freedom and to find beings human or lion to love and honor each of you. Syrene blushed, her hair falling into her face “uhh….um..Thank….Thank you…Priestess” she ducked her head briefly, to hide her smile at the thought of finding a better male. Kyrie and kyrah stifling their own giggles as they brought the food to Tikara. Seeming to finally be relaxing the Magi bowed his head as he was given his task and left to find the elder she requested. It was some time before Makmood arrived, smiling to see the Priestess awake and chatting amiably with the other women, he bowed his head “You asked for me Priestess”
You are the oldest resident of this village around Karnak. And clearly you know of the fire warriors. You and the Magi leaders believe me to be one. Tell me more of them

She sat down motioning for him to join her for food
As the priestess and the old man began talking Kyrie, Kyrah and Syrene slipped from the room. Syrene returning to the other lioness's Kyrie and Kyrah went to Nefer's room, the warm energy emanating from the room making them purr as they entered, Sekmet standing beside Nefer's bed, the two females moved silently and kneeled beside the goddess, her hand idly stroking over Nefer's shaggy hair, the gentle waves of healing energy rippling through him as she looked him over then turned to face the two cheetahs have you informed your ruler of what has transpired? she asked the two cheetahs softly, and they nodded The young male should wake soon, all that remains are bruises, even as he sleeps I sense the rage and worry within him, even in this deep slumber he claws to get to her, it is a curious thing, they are bound, together they will be powerful she said cryptically, idly stroking the twin cheetahs heads, their purring louder go, rest, . Nodding the cheetahs left, a gentle smile on the Goddess face she faded back to her temple