The Lingering Appeal of Trotskyism


Jan 8, 2022

Leon Trotsky and the Struggle for Socialism in the Twenty-first Century

by David North, April 4, 2023​

Leon Trotsky was the most significant figure in the history of socialism during the first four decades of the twentieth century, and that his legacy remains the critical and indispensable theoretical and political foundation of the ongoing contemporary struggle for the victory of world socialism. The events of the last forty years have powerfully substantiated this appraisal of Trotsky’s place in history and his enduring political significance...

As late as November 1987, as the Stalinist regime was careening toward collapse, Gorbachev included in his address on the seventieth anniversary of the October Revolution a defense of Stalin and a venomous denunciation of Trotsky. But as Trotsky had once noted, the laws of history proved to be more powerful than even the most powerful general secretary.


In the present political environment calling some a "Marxist" is often a name calling insult. Nevertheless, I have known and liked Marxists, including those of the Trotskyist persuasion. The appeal of Trotskyism to a devotee is that a Trotskyist can imagine that if only Leon Trotsky had won the power struggle with Joseph Stalin that followed the death of Vladimir Lenin in 1924, the promises of the Russian Revolution would have been achieved. I do not think so.​

I do not even think the Russian Revolution was what Karl Marx had in mind. Marx believed that capitalism was good at creating wealth, but bad at distributing it. He believed that in a capitalist country there would eventually be a small minority of extremely rich capitalists (we call them employers) while the vast majority of the country would comprise a fairly poor class of workers (we call them employees).​

The eventual socialist revolution would pit the vast majority of a capitalist country against a tiny capitalist elite. The new socialist government would have the fun, easy, and popular task of spreading the wealth around.​

In Russia there was no wealth to spread. Even before the devastation's of the First World War and the Russian Civil War, Russia was a poor country. If Karl Marx had been able to rise from his grave in Highgate Cemetery he would have told Lenin that Russia was not ready for socialism.​

The Russian Revolution was a coup by a minority of well armed, well led political fanatics. Because the Bolshevik government was unpopular it had to rule as a dictatorship.​

Trotsky demonstrated his understanding of that grim reality when he orchestrated the crushing of the Kronstadt Uprising of 1921. This was an authentic working class rebellion against the Bolshevik dictatorship.​

The Bolsheviks won the temporary support of Russian peasants with the slogan "land, peace, bread." After the peasants were given land, it was Trotsky who advocated that the land be taken from them to form collective farms. Stalin took this idea from Trotsky, but Trotsky originated it. Collective farms were unpopular. They were less productive than farms owned by families of peasants.​

After Communist revolutions in Eastern Europe and Germany were crushed with popular support Trotsky came up with the policy of "permanent revolution." This meant that the Soviet government should continue to foment revolutionary activism in Europe and the United States.​

If the Soviet government had done this the Western democracies would have been less willing to help the Soviet Union defend itself from the German invasion that began in 1941.​

Finally, I think Trotsky would have been a bad war leader for the Soviet Union. He took Marxist dogma too seriously. He would have kept expecting the German working class to overthrow Hitler.​

The Russian Revolution was a catastrophically bad turn for the left internationally. Things would have been worse for the left if Trotsky had won the power struggle with Stalin.​

Tl-dr - dipshit wants people to stop giving Marxism a bad rap
You may ignore Marxism but Marxism doesn't ignore you. Paraphrasing Trotsky.

David North is a typical American sectarian leftist whose WSWS website produces ridiculously recycled propaganda for dictators and who personally contributed to the deluge of truly deranged conspiratorial nonsense in the Trotskyist milieu.

Trotskyism is, like me, a cheap ho. Anybody can post anything about Marxism, Bolshevism, Trotskyism anywhere. And like me, nobody cares if the ho is slapped around.

Nobody except me, it seems.

The commentary attached to North's effusion is replete with absurd misrepresentations of a history taught by serious scholars at the great universities.

My old adversary Christopher Hitchens said correctly that not knowing what PERMANENT REVOLUTION is constitutes an unanswerable tell: the commentator is bluffing.

PERM REV was not a policy of the Soviet government.

It has nothing to do with the question of pursuing revolutionary attempts in the West.

PERM REV is a theory of revolutionary development in the less developed and colonial nations.

Its essence holds that national uprisings in such countries lead to similar events in similar countries. Further, it holds that in lands where the democratizing bourgeoisie is weak, with the impetus to revolution carried by a politically unsophisticated peasantry, the local industrial proletariat, however small, may intervene decisively.

Thus, a bourgeois democratic nationalist revolutionary movement may become "permanent" by its transformation into a labor-based socialist revolution.

This article describes the background of the theory:

Kurzman is despised by hard Mossad but I defended him because of his symmetry with PERM REV. a variant of Trotskyism.

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Lev went painfully. Always gives me a cringe. He sure as Hell made winning the Russian Civil War happen. He could be ruthless like the rest of those folks.

Stalin did drag the USSR kicking and screaming into the 20th century as far as the development of industry. If he hadn't, the western part might still be a German vassal. His farm policy was abysmal.

During the War in Vietnam I attended something called "The Socialist Summer School." it was given under the aegis of the Young Socialist Alliance. This was the youth affiliate of the Socialist Workers' Party, which had broken off from the American Communist Party during the 1930's, when Trotsky was expelled from the Soviet Union.

The Young Socialist Alliance would give us a pamphlet to read. The next week we would discuss the pamphlet.

One week the topic of discussion was the United Auto Workers' Union. A member of the Socialist Workers' Party began with a lecture on how the United Auto Workers' union had betrayed auto workers.

I raised my hand and politely said, "Working on an automobile assembly line requires no more skill than working in a fast food restaurant. Nevertheless, auto workers are paid much more than fast food workers. They also have good benefits. This is because of the work of the United Auto Workers' Union. How has the Socialist Workers' Party benefited auto workers? All you guys seem to do is talk."

He could not answer my question.
During the War in Vietnam I attended something called "The Socialist Summer School." it was given under the aegis of the Young Socialist Alliance. This was the youth affiliate of the Socialist Workers' Party, which had broken off from the American Communist Party during the 1930's, when Trotsky was expelled from the Soviet Union.

The Young Socialist Alliance would give us a pamphlet to read. The next week we would discuss the pamphlet.

One week the topic of discussion was the United Auto Workers' Union. A member of the Socialist Workers' Party began with a lecture on how the United Auto Workers' union had betrayed auto workers.

I raised my hand and politely said, "Working on an automobile assembly line requires no more skill than working in a fast food restaurant. Nevertheless, auto workers are paid much more than fast food workers. They also have good benefits. This is because of the work of the United Auto Workers' Union. How has the Socialist Workers' Party benefited auto workers? All you guys seem to do is talk."

He could not answer my question.
It's unfortunate that your encounter with Trotskyism involved the YSA. About as serious re Trotskyism as a bunch of high school white kids talking gangsta. Welcome to America. Where revolutionary ideas go to die.

YSA and SWP forfeited all cred in 1941. The Stalinists prevailed on FDR's AG, Francis Biddle, to charge the Trotskyist leaders of Minneapolis Teamsters local 574, which dominated over the road trucking in the Midwest, with sedition. The Trotskyists went to jail. They had committed the terrible crime (in the eyes of the stupid American ruling class) of organizing strike pickets on a 2A basis.

They were prepared to die for the working class.

Need I say their spirit is missing today, to our detriment?

But they chickened out and declared in court that they were good little socialists who would never call for armed self defense.

A Mexican who delivered the eulogy at Trotsky's funeral, Munis, blasted the cowardice of the American Trotskyists. I much later became a partisan of Munis.

"To accuse the government and the bourgeoisie of a reactionary conspiracy; of permanent violence against the majority of the population, physical, economic, moral, educative violence." — Munis

You are clearly lazy AF when it comes to research. That's the online vice. Say whatever you feel like saying and don't check anything.

The United Automobile Workers, CIO, was created by the Trotskyists who led the 1934 Toledo Auto-Lite Strike. Walter Reuther and his brother Roy threw the commies out of the UAW and welcomed the Trotskyists.

Only someone who never worked in industry would compare a factory assembly line and its demands with working in fast food.

I worked for many years in the U.S. Merchant Marine, the railroad industry, and in unionized media. My Big Domme is a Directors' Guild stalwart. We don't use Uber or Lyft.

I saw many men die at work. Had to clean ravioli off the railyard tracks. A rail ferry deckhand who fell overboard on SF Bay; a switchman who smiled as I handed him his work order, and died in a little railyard miles away.

Men were killed in strikes where I was on the picket line. A man was killed during the 1994 San Francisco newspaper strike.

Doesn't happen when you're flipping burgers.

In 1946 the Trotskyists assisted Reuther and the UAW in civilizing the Big Three. The Trotskyists put forward the demand that if the corps claimed they couldn't pay a decent wage, their books should be opened and audited by the union.

We call it Workers' Control. It's how we create socialism -- democratic socialism like they have in Benz factories in Germany -- within the structures of capitalism. We're patient. But the egg will hatch. It always does.

Afraid of socialism? Don't buy a Benz. Or a Volvo. Or an Alfa. Or my personal fave, a Lambo. All produced under socialist work rules.

Get a Tesla. Named after a Serb. Produced in scab factories. Your speed.

This is extremely tedious for me. It propels me back into the masculinity I loathe. And the last time I tried to correct the users of this site re labor and socialist history I was grossly defamed.

Be yourself. You were obviously never a member of any union. Get a job at Amazon. If you're too old, try greeting at Wally's.

Leave labor to those who do it. Ditto, on this site, re sex.

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There's no need to have an autoworkers union when all you have to do is hire a some actors to wave placards claiming to be union workers so you can spout a few lies to the press in front of them.
And there's no point to having sex if you can watch porn.

In Marxist terms, I am an extreme materialist. I believe absolutely in the revolutionary power of the proletariat; I believe that material interests affect but do not determine ideas.

Plus I work in porn and publish erotica, but I much prefer having two nice cocks in my ass to reading amateur smut.

Lenin's MATERIALISM AND EMPIRIO-CRITICISM sits on my nightstand alongside De Sade's PHILOSOPHY IN THE BEDROOM.

And when two big cocks come in my booty I sing stridently:

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Lev went painfully. Always gives me a cringe. He sure as Hell made winning the Russian Civil War happen. He could be ruthless like the rest of those folks.

Stalin did drag the USSR kicking and screaming into the 20th century as far as the development of industry. If he hadn't, the western part might still be a German vassal. His farm policy was abysmal.

We always heard in the Communist Party that the Stalin purges were necessary to defend the Soviet Union. So why was there no effective defense on 22 June 1941?

I argue that the SU was in the 20th c. from 1921 to 1931.

After that, the Caucasian bandit with the yellow eyes, as Lenin described him, dragged it kicking, screaming, bleeding, and moribund back to about the 17th c. in Russ historical terms.

And thus the gargoyle of the Kremlin now attempts to subjugate Europe, with the brainless help of copperheads like J.D. Vance, kapos like Sean O'Brien, and befuddled followers of the person I once called Nancy Leprosi.

Reagan's shining city on a hill is now Putin's shithouse in a ghost town.

Putin wants to be this:

Or at least this:

But is no more than this:

Lots of his peers on this site.

(Acknowledgements to Costa-Gavras)

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The members of Young Socialist Alliance I knew were college students radicalized by the War in Vietnam. Some had left the Students for a Democratic Society when SDS broke up into various splinter organizations.

The members of the Socialist Workers' Party I knew were middle aged men who had failed to achieve their goals in life. They could not pass the Bar Exam, or they flunk out of law school or medical school.

In The True Believer Eric Hoffer said that political extremists become that way because they lack confidence in their abilities.
We always heard in the Communist Party that the Stalin purges were necessary to defend the Soviet Union. So why was there no effective defense on 22 June 1941?

I argue that the SU was in the 20th c. from 1921 to 1931.

After that, the Caucasian bandit with the yellow eyes, as Lenin described him, dragged it kicking, screaming, bleeding, and moribund back to about the 17th c. in Russ historical terms.

And thus the gargoyle of the Kremlin now attempts to subjugate Europe, with the brainless help of copperheads like J.D. Vance, kapos like Sean O'Brien, and befuddled followers of the person I once called Nancy Leprosi.

Reagan's shining city on a hill is now Putin's shithouse in a ghost town.


Thank you again for pulling no punches. I never have to ask you, "so, tell me, how do you really feel?"

He was certainly a Georgian bandit - from seminary no less. There was that bank job in '05 where he nearly blew himself up. I reckon that's how he funded the party. He was always good at getting annoying people removed. If I'm not mistaken, he got 8 trips to the far east from the Tsar and always managed to escape. Radzinsky theorizes that it's because he'd sell out some annoying party people and they'd decline to follow him when he walked. Hell, they may have provided train fare because it's a long hike back.

So, 20th century industry - kinda - and certainly a cult of fear rivalling anything Ivan 3 could have pulled off.

Russian/Soviet machines and equipment are a hoot. Clunky crappy ugly half=assed pieces of shit, but the parts that have to fit to make it work, do, and the damned things work.

Russian people are long-suffering, but durable.

Love the Nancy Leprosi!!!!


The members of Young Socialist Alliance I knew were college students radicalized by the War in Vietnam. Some had left the Students for a Democratic Society when SDS broke up into various splinter organizations.

The members of the Socialist Workers' Party I knew were middle aged men who had failed to achieve their goals in life. They could not pass the Bar Exam, or they flunk out of law school or medical school.

In The True Believer Eric Hoffer said that political extremists become that way because they lack confidence in their abilities.
You had a very limited contact with a small group of people about who you had no real curiosity. Like almost everyone else on this site you dabble in cliches and stereotypes.

Eric Hoffer was a rank and file member of Longshore Union Local 10 in San Francisco. His observations of Stalinists in that local were broadened into a general commentary on extremism in modern society. But without context his book seems merely dyspeptic.

There are many much better books on these topics. For example, almost anything by the Moby-Dick of ShitPsychotica Mediocrita, never seen and possibly legendary, Wilhelm Reich.

I have developed a comparative list of charismatic leaders in the 19th-20th c. addressing the issue of radical politics as a reflection of personal inadequacy:

Marx -- failed journalist
Lenin -- failed attorney
Hitler -- failed painter
Mao -- failed mandarin
Castro -- failed attorney, baseball player
Guevara -- failed doctor


Engels -- the Bill Gates of his time -- super rich factory owner
Trotsky -- successful journalist
Mussolini -- ditto
Franco -- successful military officer
Tito -- ditto (Habsburg)
Me -- successful journalist and avatar of a New World

The future according to me:

But meanwhile, comrade:

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Thank you again for pulling no punches. I never have to ask you, "so, tell me, how do you really feel?"

He was certainly a Georgian bandit - from seminary no less. There was that bank job in '05 where he nearly blew himself up. I reckon that's how he funded the party. He was always good at getting annoying people removed. If I'm not mistaken, he got 8 trips to the far east from the Tsar and always managed to escape. Radzinsky theorizes that it's because he'd sell out some annoying party people and they'd decline to follow him when he walked. Hell, they may have provided train fare because it's a long hike back.

So, 20th century industry - kinda - and certainly a cult of fear rivalling anything Ivan 3 could have pulled off.

Russian/Soviet machines and equipment are a hoot. Clunky crappy ugly half=assed pieces of shit, but the parts that have to fit to make it work, do, and the damned things work.

Russian people are long-suffering, but durable.

Love the Nancy Leprosi!!!!
Radzinsky is good. The best Stalin bio is still Souvarine.

The machines: when the Lada car was first offered for sale in foreign countries, its alleged advantage was its heavy suspension thanks to horrid Sov roads.

The Kalashnikov was their only decent export item aside from natural resources and vodka tainted with industrial chems.

In 1964 I was informed by my GRU control (an American) that the USSR would not survive another quarter century.

The reason? The Bolshies imagined producing consumer goods that would dazzle the world. But nobody ever bragged about owning a Sov watch, pen, or car. The propaganda books we distributed were abominably low in quality.

The Russians endure, but at what cost?

"With us the individual has always been crushed, absorbed, he has never even tried to emerge. Free speech with us has always been considered insolence, independence, subversion; man was engulfed in the State, dissolved in the community. The revolution of Peter the Great replaced the obsolete squirearchy of Russia—with a European bureaucracy; everything that could be copied from the Swedish and German codes, everything that could be taken over from the free municipalities of Holland into our half-communal, half-absolutist country, was taken over; but the unwritten, the moral check on power, the instinctive recognition of the rights of man, of the rights of thought, of truth, could not be and were not imported.

"With us slavery increased with education; the State grew and improved but the individual reaped nothing from it; on the contrary, the stronger the State, the weaker the individual. European forms of administration and justice, of military and civil organization, developed with us into a kind of monstrous and inescapable despotism.

"Were it not that Russia was so vast, that the alien system of power was so chaotically established, so incompetently administered, one might have said without exaggeration that no human being with any sense of his own dignity could live in Russia." — Herzen

( O )( O )
Radzinsky is good. The best Stalin bio is still Souvarine.

The machines: when the Lada car was first offered for sale in foreign countries, its alleged advantage was its heavy suspension thanks to horrid Sov roads.

The Kalashnikov was their only decent export item aside from natural resources and vodka tainted with industrial chems.

In 1964 I was informed by my GRU control (an American) that the USSR would not survive another quarter century.

The reason? The Bolshies imagined producing consumer goods that would dazzle the world. But nobody ever bragged about owning a Sov watch, pen, or car. The propaganda books we distributed were abominably low in quality.

The Russians endure, but at what cost?

( O )( O )

Bless their hearts and the little old ladies who pray for them daily.

There was a rumor that FDR made Packard give the senior car model dies to Stalin because he was such a fan. Whereas ZIS did plagiarize a lot of the Packard 180 for the WW2-era model, there are a lot of boring Buick elements in it, too. I think the Packard Motor Car Company left the dies out in the weather for 4 years and they got ruined. No matter, because the Clipper was a better model anyway.

I'm really ambivalent about the AK. I originally thought is was a direct rip-off of the Sturmgewehr-44, but further examination said no. Influenced some, yes. The damned thing works in the Soviet manner. The Israelis pirated bits of it for the Galil because the AK is least finicky in their environment. I thought that was interesting.

Oddly, my mother says that she thought to herself sometime in the late 40s that the USSR could make it to the next century. Her conclusion was more based on intuition than observation, but something about it/them didn't make sense to her. She didn't write it down so there's no proof but her word.

e/t/a: their ammo works!!
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During the War in Vietnam I attended something called "The Socialist Summer School." it was given under the aegis of the Young Socialist Alliance. This was the youth affiliate of the Socialist Workers' Party, which had broken off from the American Communist Party during the 1930's, when Trotsky was expelled from the Soviet Union.

The Young Socialist Alliance would give us a pamphlet to read. The next week we would discuss the pamphlet.

One week the topic of discussion was the United Auto Workers' Union. A member of the Socialist Workers' Party began with a lecture on how the United Auto Workers' union had betrayed auto workers.

I raised my hand and politely said, "Working on an automobile assembly line requires no more skill than working in a fast food restaurant. Nevertheless, auto workers are paid much more than fast food workers. They also have good benefits. This is because of the work of the United Auto Workers' Union. How has the Socialist Workers' Party benefited auto workers? All you guys seem to do is talk."

He could not answer my question.
That's because he was stupid.
You had a very limited contact with a small group of people about who you had no real curiosity. Like almost everyone else on this site you dabble in cliches and stereotypes.

Eric Hoffer was a rank and file member of Longshore Union Local 10 in San Francisco. His observations of Stalinists in that local were broadened into a general commentary on extremism in modern society. But without context his book seems merely dyspeptic.

There are many much better books on these topics. For example, almost anything by the Moby-Dick of ShitPsychotica Mediocrita, never seen and possibly legendary, Wilhelm Reich.

I have developed a comparative list of charismatic leaders in the 19th-20th c. addressing the issue of radical politics as a reflection of personal inadequacy:

Marx -- failed journalist
Lenin -- failed attorney
Hitler -- failed painter
Mao -- failed mandarin
Castro -- failed attorney, baseball player
Guevara -- failed doctor


Engels -- the Bill Gates of his time -- super rich factory owner
Trotsky -- successful journalist
Mussolini -- ditto
Franco -- successful military officer
Tito -- ditto (Habsburg)
Me -- successful journalist and avatar of a New World

The future according to me:

But meanwhile, comrade:

( O )( O )
Leaders of extremist movements have occasionally been men who could have succeeded in other fields. Those attracted to the movement have rarely been like that.

The Trotskyite movement has always been irrelevant to the labor movement. Most Trade Unionists have never known who Leon Trotsky was.
Leaders of extremist movements have occasionally been men who could have succeeded in other fields. Those attracted to the movement have rarely been like that.

The Trotskyite movement has always been irrelevant to the labor movement. Most Trade Unionists have never known who Leon Trotsky was.
I expect this comment to be censored or otherwise messed with

You obviously have never read anything serious about American labor history.

James R. Hoffa stated that while he never shared their ideology, the Trotskyists who created the modern Teamsters union were the most brilliant labor organizers this country ever saw.

9:00 here, doof.

Guess Minnesota was tricked into this.

Are you dyslexic or just dumb? The people I mentioned -- Engels, Trotsky, Mussolini, Franco, Tito -- were not men who could have succeeded in other fields. They were men who succeeded very well in other fields.

Engels was the richest manufacturer in England. Trotsky was a brilliant author and journalist. Musso was a successful socialist and nationalist journalist. Franco was a very efficient military officer. Tito was a notable veteran of the Habsburg military.

They were not failures.

Andreu Nin, murdered by Stalin, was the leading Catalan essayist of his time.

Camillo Berneri, murdered by Stalin, was a brilliant philosopher.

Walter Benjamin, ditto, one of the greatest intellectuals of the century. You and your ass-out panhandling hoodrats on ShitPsychotica Mediocrita want to spit on him? Be my guest. Millions of grad students will spit on you. Except they'll never hear about you.

Obviously a rutabaga like you will never have heard of Jean van Heijenoort. Trotsky's main secretary in exile. Appears in the movie STAVISKY. Tracked by the Russ; the only leading Euro Trotskyist who was spared murder. Became the editor of the works of Kurt Gödel. I know you never heard of him. They don't discuss Gödel in the gamer arcade.

Here's a roster.

Add to it the names of Marx's best biographer (very critical) Otto Rühle, and Victor Lvoviç Kibalçiç, pen name Victor Serge. Wrote books. People read them in many languages.

Books. Heard about them? "Lit" usually refers to them.

Look, I'm a ho. I give blowjobs and rent out my sweet, smooth pussy. I want people I connect with to feel good. So here's a suggestion: tell BigTitsBitch a subject you know something about and I don't know anything about. Say, how pigs' knuckles are pickled. Or how to disassemble a motorboat engine. Maybe a review of books by Erle Stanley Gardner.

Because honey, my ex, i.e. my former male self speaks Russian, worked with CIA at a level where you don't apply to work for them, they come to you with an offer, organized union workers, and participated in armed struggles you wouldn't go near.

I'm as far above your pay grade as the Sun is from Pluto.

BTW, the smell of the innocent dead is unforgettable. I don't know about dead soldiers or guerrilla fighters. I know about dead civilians. Mom. Dad. Grandma. The kids. The newborn great grandkids. The dog. The cat. The farm animals. The man in the street who was passing by and saw something he wasn't supposed to. The woman in the store who was too young and pretty for the terrorists to pass up.

I have mentioned that I know a lot about dead workers in industry.

Let me add that whatever the judgment of history the revolutionaries of the classic European, American, Latin American, Asian, and African traditions were geniuses. Those who dismiss all leftists as stupid are projecting.

What happened to communism was a tragedy. What happened because of fascism is a crime. The same crime that led you and millions of others in this country to a disembraining.

Support DJT. Biden is too smart for you.

So let's do this. You talk about sports teams and I'll talk about Bolsheviks.

Because I love getting my ass fucked but I don't respect people who talk out of their ass. I speak 10 languages, 6 of them fully fluently. Ass isn't one of them. No ATM!

On 18 July 1936, 88 years ago, the lions of the Spanish anarchist movement led by the immortal Durruti and Ascaso seized weapons from the military and a prison ship in Barcelona. They began fabricating homemade explosives and literally creating armored cars. They were joined by members of the armed police. They beat the fascists.

They believed in libertarian communism.

They weren't stupid.

When America has collapsed in total ruin we will rebuild it. We carry a new world in our hearts.

Be not afraid.

Nothing sexier than a well-tailored terrorist.

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