"The Heir Presumptive" (closed)

Breck Farm
County of Warrick
Barony of Parse

Late Evening:

Camilla was lost to the euphoria of orgasm. Her heart thumped fiercely within her chest, which itself rose and fell rhythmically with deep, accelerated breaths. Every bit of her seemed to be trembling, though -- eyes closed -- Camilla wouldn't have seen it but only felt it throughout her being. What had Walton … what had this wonderful, incredible man done to her?

She found his free hand wandering her bosom again and grasped it with both of hers, pressing it firmly to one breast, as if afraid he was done with her and about to call the night to a close. She managed to open her eyes open, to take him in, as he asked her, "Camilla, love, might you again help this poor, injured man remove these clothes? I want to show you the effect you have on me."

Camilla blushed a deep, heated red as her brain reminded her that they weren't finished yet. She'd known -- or at least hoped -- when she came out her tonight that the two of them would be breeding. She hadn't expected whatever this had been; but that was something Camilla was sure would be the result of the evening.

"Of course, my love," she repeated, smiling broadly at realizing that for the first time he'd used the word in speaking to her. "Lay back."

As she urged the man to his back and sat up over the top of him, she thought to herself My Love, Walton … My Love, the heroic Guardsman … who will, as soon as he is healed and able, take me away with him to the Baroness's castle … to be married … to birth his children. Will I be allowed at court...? A simple country peasant?

These weren't new thoughts, of course. Camilla had been imagining such things from early in her care for the Guardsman from Riverbrook. The Gods had brought Walton to her … hadn't they? They could have let him die out there in the woods … or they could have let some passing coach discover him and whisk him off to the next town for care. But they hadn't. They'd delivered him to her, and they'd given Camilla enough strength and courage to go find him and bring him here.

And Walton himself had proven the Gods' intentions with what he'd just done to her. Surely, such pleasure was only bestowed by a man to a woman with whom he intended to spent the rest of his blissful life … right?

Moving to her knees, Camilla first checked Walton's wounds, untying the cloth wrapped about his belly to see the inner bandages. She'd feared he would again bleed through them, but Nalla's stitches had held and there was no indications of this infection thing of which the Healer had spoken.

Then, hesitating as she looked to the growth in the man's groin that pressed her father's spare undergarment upwards, she asked timidly, "What do I do?"

With Walton's direction, Camilla managed to get the underwear pulled off his hips, over his raging hard-on, and down past his feet. Again struck by her innocence, the country virgin had difficulty setting her eyes on Walton's … manhood. But after he encouraged her to actually touch it, Camilla found herself staring at the massive erection with great interest. She caressed her fingers over it, looking for Walton's guidance and following his direction.

"Am I hurting you?" she asked innocently as she realized that Walton's chest was now rising and falling as hers was. After he'd reassured her that she most definitely wasn't hurting her, she noticed that he sometimes twitched and asked, "Is it alright?"

Camilla giggled to herself, blushing again. She was such a little girl she thought to herself. She was actually older than when her own mother had birthed her, as well as a full year beyond the Age of Consent dictated by the King's Law. And yet until Walton, she'd never found herself in any sort of intimate situation with a man. She really had no idea what she was doing.

"Tell me what to do, sire," she whispered eagerly to Walton. She clutched his shaft tighter and stroked; the skin moved easily up and down it a couple of inches, making Camilla think of how her kitty cat's fur moved up and down its body when she lifted it to be petted. It seemed to please Walton, and she asked, "Am I doing this right?"
Breck Farm
County of Warrick
Barony of Parse

Late Evening:

Walton was surprised at his own use of "My love" with Camilla, yet he knew it was true. He was falling for her, despite his relationship with Chloe. How could it be? Had that Nalla given him something that addled the mind and reason? Was it the pain? Or was he simply weak?

Camilla was eager to please, pausing only to check his wound before easing him out of the underpants. Her eyes, even in the dim moonlight, were bright and fixed on his manhood. Just as earlier, she looked eager yet uncertain.

"What do I do?"

Walton smiled and encouraged her to touch him. Tentative at first, Camilla was soon exploring his shape and heft, fingers dancing across both his shaft and scrotum. It had been a while since he'd last had some release and after the repeated teasing through the afternoon he was very ready for an outlet. He knew if he asked, she would mount him and give up her virginity. He wouldn't last, though, and he wanted her first time - if indeed with him - to last beyond the pain.

"Am I hurting You? Is it alright?"

Walton realized his breathing was intensifying under her touch. "No, love, you're doing wonderfully. This feels amazing."

He proceeded to show her how to stroke him with a steady rhythm, using pressure both firm and relaxed. Wonderful, indeed, and such an eager partner.

"If you want..."

"Yes?" She prodded when he hesitated.

"This might sound odd, but if you spit in your hand and keep doing that..."

Camilla looked shocked, then giggled when she realized he was serious. Without questioning why, she spit a little in her hand and then went back to work, her hand sliding a bit more with the lubricant.

"Ah, now I see," she said, pausing to add a good bit more saliva to her palm. "This feels better?"


Camilla continued stroking his shaft until he felt the inevitable orgasms building. Camilla noted the change in him, but he urged her on, faster. She obeyed and moments later he came, several streamers shooting across his stomach and one of her breasts that had been dangling a bit too close.

Walton sighed in satisfaction, taking in her reaction. "That, love, is one way to please a man. And this man is very pleased."
The Thicket
(The Highwaymen's Hideout)
The Wailing Woods


Kitts listened to Nalla's story in silence, no emotional response of any sort. Her story sounded right with what few memories he had of the following day when Enid had died. Where the sexual encounter with his sister had imprinted itself in strange ways in his mind, most of the rest of the episode was fractured and hazy. Those who'd witnessed the fight that led to Enid getting stabbed had given mixed accounts. Those who had already distrusted Nalla tended to blame her. Others had suggested Enid had come at Nalla in a fit of rage. No one had known what precipitated it. His own confusion had been chalked up to grief.

He did remember holding Enid's body afterward. He didn't remember banishing Nalla.

Now, the hurt was clear in Nalla's voice. She'd made a poor choice that had led to tragedy, but not by her intentions.

The pain and fever were back upon Kitts and he closed his eyes. Rest was what he needed. Sensing Nalla shift uncertainly beside him, he reached out and took her hand.

"I know how you've continued to help us from afar," he said. "Probably more times than I even know. And you came for me, tonight. Thank you."

He cracked his eyes and locked on to hers. "I guess I wouldn't be much of a brother if I couldn't forgive my sister."
Last edited:
The Thicket
(The Highwaymen's Hideout)
The Wailing Woods


"I know how you've continued to help us from afar," Kitts told Nalla.

She didn't respond verbally to his acknowledgment of all she'd done for the Highwaymen over the past 3 years. Nalla hadn't been looking for accolades, of course; she'd only been trying to help the band that had once been her people, as well as make up as best she could for the damage she'd done.

Kitts continued, "Probably more times than I even know. And you came for me, tonight. Thank you."

"Of course I came for you," the Healer murmured softly.

When Kitts took hold of her hand, Nalla looked to the linked appendages with surprise. He told her, "I guess I wouldn't be much of a brother if I couldn't forgive my sister."

At this, Nalla smiled broadly … then immediately teared up in joy. She'd waited so long to hear him say that again. Over her 1000 days away from him, Nalla had often asked Bella or Zelia how her brother addressed her when he did. She was disappointed in the first place to hear that Kitts didn't talk of her often in public; and to make matters worse, he always spoke of her by her given name and never by sister.

To hear that word from him tonight was almost magical. She was about to say something as heart warming to Kitts as he had to her when she realized that he'd closed his eyes again. And after just a short moment, it was obvious to her that he'd drifted off to sleep once more. She let him be, covering him with another blanket. She began to scooch up closer to him, to spend some time just near him, when she remembered the other woman in Kitts life.

Crossing to the fire pit, Nalla asked Chloe more about her situation in the Thicket. The Lady In Waiting explained more about how she'd gotten here, and when prompt about Kitts, the woman only said, "He's been nice to me."

"Sit with him," Nalla told her, handing out a wooden cup filled with a mixture into which she'd been stirring hot water. She stuck a hollow reed down into the cup, explained that the soft meat of the straw's interior was an analgesic -- which led Chloe to ask "A What?" -- and told the woman, "Make my brother drink from this if he awakes."

"Shouldn't you sit with him?" Chloe asked, standing up even as she was suggesting a course that would make her rising moot. "You're the healer … and, I hear you and Kitts haven't seen each other for some time."

"You sit with him," Nalla said sweetly. "I'll be close."

Chloe thanked Nalla for saving Kitts life, and Nalla in turn thanked Chloe for the same. The Lady In Waiting returned to her sitting place, took Kitt's hand in hers, wrapped a blanket around her own body, and laid down close enough to the man's side to pull his arm around her torso.
Breck Farm
County of Warrick
Barony of Parse

Late Evening:

"If you want … This might sound odd, but if you spit in your hand and keep doing that..."

Camilla's eyes widened at Walton's suggestion to increase the pleasure of hand job. She giggled, hesitating before lifting her palm before her face and spitting into it. She giggled again, blushing as she returned to working her tightened fingers up and down his the man's shaft.

Camilla realized immediately that Walton was right; as she began stroking his full length, the man's reaction was obvious, leading him to moan, "Heavenly."

She followed Walton's direction in speed, length, and strength, moving a bit closer to his midsection for a better grip. Suddenly his cock lurch in her grip and a stream of thick cum shot straight up in the air … and landed on her breast!

Camilla gave out a surprised little squeal of shock. She pulled her hand back from Walton's cock as suddenly as if she'd thought she'd been grasping a poisonous snake. Pushing her bosom out to better look down, she found the milky substance dangling from her swollen nipple, then dripping down to splat on her thigh.

Looking to Walton again, she found his cock still spurting out his ball's contents. Camilla's eyes were wide open, as were her mouth. Her knowledge in this area was very limited: males put their seed in the female, the female birthed their offspring, and that was about as much as she'd known. She'd had no idea it would look like this.

Nor did Camilla know there would be so much pleasure involved. What Walton had done to her earlier, and what she'd apparently done to him now...! Unbelievable.

Walton sighed in satisfaction, taking in her reaction. "That, love, is one way to please a man. And this man is very pleased."

Camilla diverted her gaze, giggled, and blushed again. She was a bit embarrassed, not by what they'd done but by her naïve reaction to it. She looked back to Walton's torso, seeing the streams and lone globs of his discharge. She tried to imagine all of that inside her. After all, that was how it worked … right?

"Cami! Where are you?"

Though it wouldn't have seemed possible, Camilla's eyes and mouth widened even more than they had before at the sound of her father's voice. She was up and grasping for her clothes in a flash as her father was again calling for her, "Cami! Answer me!"

"I'm here, Papa!" she hollered back. She peeked out of the tack room, then looked back to Walton to panic with her eyes. She pleaded in whisper, "You have to hide somewhere! He'll come here! He'll check the whole barn!"

As she exited the tack room, Camilla left the door open, knowing it would block the view of the barn's rear entrance. She ran deeper into the barn, reached into a pen, and slapped the plow mule on the ass. It jumped, slamming into the fencing surrounding her and raising a ruckus. As the mule was braying, Camilla rushed to the safety lantern attached to a vertical support and blew it out. The barn fell into near total darkness as Camilla rushed for the entrance of the barn.

"What are you doing out here?" her Papa asked with a combination of surprise and suspicion.

"I heard the mule, Papa," Camilla said as she walked past him, heading back toward the house. She looked back over her shoulder, adding, "I thought it was that coyote again."

She continued onward, glancing back over her shoulder, waiting for her father to fall in behind her. But he just stood in the entrance to the barn, staring down through its now dark center.
Breck Farm
County of Warrick
Barony of Parse

Late Evening:

Walton flipped from pure pleasure to pure terror in a fraction of a second at the sound of Camilla's father, Papa Breck, calling out for her. The man had to be near the barn, if not in it.

Camilla was up in a flash, grabbing for her shift and peering out. Eyes wide in fear, even in the darkness. Whispering urgently, she said, "You have to hide somewhere! He'll come here! He'll check the whole barn!"

The girl shoved her feet in her boots and had her shift back on, hopefully covering the mess he'd made on those lovely breasts. She then slipped out of the tack room and called to her father, making up a story about hearing the mule and fearing some coyote.

Walton looked around frantically for the borrowed underpants. He spied them some distance away and reached for them. The angle was all wrong, pulling the very muscles in his side that had suffered the worst from the crossbow bolt. He gasped even before he could grit his teeth.

Hide? He could barely roll onto his side. Pulling the pants up might be doable by himself, given five minutes and no fear of making any noise. Likewise, it'd probably take a half a minute to pull himself up off the ground, with considerable cursing involved.

"Go back to the house, Cami," Papa Breck said. "I heard something. Need to check it."

Walton could just make out Camilla protesting, insistent that she'd checked the entire barn. From the sound of it, though, Papa Breck wasn't having any of it. If anything, Walton feared she was only making him more suspicious.

Walton finally laid a hand on the underpants, but was in too much pain to get them on. He looked frantically for a hiding spot, but there were no good options from even the most cursory examination. His best, only chance was to get the blanket pulled back over him on his makeshift cot and hope to talk the man down.

He wasn't quick enough. Papa Breck, a burly man who looked every bit as gritty and tough as the land he worked, pushed open the door to the tack room - pitchfork in one hand and lantern in the other. His eyes met Walton's and time seemed to slow, the farmer's mind processing the sight of a naked man laying on the floor, still covered in the semen he hadn't the time or presence of mind to try to wipe away.

Walton froze. He knew there could be no good explanation, so he offered none.

"Go inside," Papa Breck said to Camilla, somewhere behind him. His voice was soft, making it all the more terrifying. "Now."

Even Camilla knew better than to protest any further. Walton, eyes still locked with her father, waited until they heard the door open and close in the distance.

"I'd be within my right to skewer you here and now," Breck said, a dangerous edge to his even words.

"You would, sir," Walton said, summoning as much respect as he could manage.

"Who are you and why are you in my barn?" By the way the farmer looked at Walton's bandages when he said it, Walton assumed that to mean "besides screwing around with my daughter."

Walton confessed to being one of Pollania's guardsmen, having been ambushed while transiting the Wailing Woods. He explained his injury, leaving out Chloe's pleading to keep him alive, and then how Camilla found and saved him from near certain death. Everything from there out was emphasizing how he owed her a debt that he couldn't repay.

"She fell for you, too, didn't she?" Breck's voice softened some, the pitchfork lowered.

"I'm sorry, sir," Walton said. "I didn't ask for it. Hells, I'm supposed to marry another back in Riverbrook. And yet, Camilla...she's something special."

Breck's expression soured. "Did you...?"

Walton held up his hands. "No, sir. Her virtue's still intact."

"Splitting hairs, there, young man," Breck said. "You could have turned her away. Should have."

"You're right, sir."

Breck shook his head and sighed. "The curse of a father to have such a beautiful daughter in a community with no prospects. The few eligible men are either drunkards or violent or both. Even she has the sense to keep her distance."

The farmer studied Walton. "You'll live, I trust?" Walton nodded affirmatively. "And you're an honorable man, given you work for Pollania." Again, Walton nodded, even though it wasn't really a question. "Good. Then you'll do the right thing by marrying Camilla. Tomorrow. I'll make the arrangements."

Walton's jaw dropped. He couldn't. Chloe...her captivity at the hands of the highwaymen and his unfaithfulness the first time a pretty girl offered herself. He needed to rescue his betrothed, redeem himself. Was that option too far gone, though? He was stuck with no righteous path out - a situation almost entirely of his own making.

"Looks like that wound might need some more attention," Breck said, pointing the pitchfork at Walton's side. Indeed, in his struggle to reach for his pants and the blanket, Walton must have stressed the injury. "I'll send Cami back to tend you."

"Thank you, sir." It was all Walton could manage to get out.
Breck Farm
County of Warrick
Barony of Parse

Late Evening:

"Go back to the house, Cami," Papa Breck said. "I heard something. Need to check it."

"But Papa, I already checked the barn," Camilla said, trying to contain the desperation that was aching to escape her. There's nothing--"

"Inside!" her father cut her off, looking back to ensure she did as told.

Camilla turned for the house a few steps, but as soon as her father entered the barn she spun and ran for the corner of the barn. She crept carefully, avoiding the build up of dried Autumn leaves and using the mud in low spots to hide her sound. She slowed even further and arrived at the outside wall of the tack room in time to find the light of her father's lantern illuminating a still naked and barely hidden Walton.

She was certain Papa was going to run the sharpened, wooden tips of the hay rake through Walton's chest … or through his manhood! And yet instead, she heard her father arranging her marriage to Walton. Her marriage to Walton! She was going to be the Guardsman's wife! She was going to go with him to Riverbrook, to the castle, to Court! And she was going to give him strong, heroic sons and beautiful, graceful daughters!

And she would meet the Countess Pollania … and Princess Ranna!

Ironically, Walton's information about how he was already betrothed went right over her head like a soaring eagle. Walton was now hers, so, this other woman … well, what other woman?

And her father had called her beautiful, too. That, along with the pronouncement that she would be wed tomorrow, was the greatest thing Camilla could have asked from Papa, and before she knew it her eyes were tearing over. When was the last time her father had told her she was beautiful?

"Looks like that wound might need some more attention," Papa said. "I'll send Cami back to tend you."

Camilla's heart jumped, as did she, hurrying back the way she'd come in a sprint for the house. Somehow, she managed to reach the porch before her father exited the barn. She stood there waiting for him, her body trembling anxiously. When he arrived, she lowered her eyes to the ground between them, waiting for him to speak.

The longest moment passed before he finally said calmly, "I met your friend, Walter."

"Walton," Camilla corrected looking up with a bit of a joyous smile. She instantly wished she hadn't done that, looking back to the ground as she clenched her trembling hands together, trying to control them. Again, she waited for a response, and when none came she offered, "He is a Guardsman for Countess Pollania of Riverbrook, Papa. An officer."

She hoped that that information might temper the anger and disappointment she was expecting. Of course, if Camilla hadn't been listening in, she would expected far more, possibly a beating.

"Yes … so I have been informed," Papa growled low. Another moment of silence passed before he asked bluntly, "Did you open your legs to this … Officer?"

Camilla looked up quickly, vowing, "No, Papa! No! I am still chaste!"

Quickly, he asked, "And if I hadn't come out to the barn this evening, would you have been able to say the same tomorrow morning?"

Camilla didn't look up from her twiddling fingers. She didn't want to lie to him, but she couldn't tell her father she would or wouldn't have given her purity to Walton tonight … because … honestly, she had no idea! She was still shocked by what her manipulation of his manhood had caused back there in the tack room!

"I thought so," Papa murmured, more to himself that to Camilla. He drew a deep breath, held it, then exhaled slowly before saying, "Your officer friend … he is an honorable man."

Camilla wasn't sure whether that had been a question or not. Peeking up at her father -- whose gaze was firmly on her -- she ventured softly, "Yes, Papa … I believe he is an honorable man."

"Do you with to be with this man?" he asked immediately. When Camilla's face lit up with excitement, he clarified, "If … Walton was to offer to marry you--"

"Yes, Papa!" Camilla called out loudly, leaping forward and throwing her arms around her father's torso. She gripped him like a swamp snake trying to smother its prey. While her father wrapped his arms around Camilla, too, he was a bit slower to do so. "Thank you, Papa. You've made me so happy."

As he embraced her, Papa Breck said softly, "Well, let's hope Walton does, too … otherwise--"

"He will, Papa!" Camilla promised, standing on her tippy toes to kiss his cheek. "He will, he will, he will!"

"Well … your betrothed … needs your attention," he told her. He gestured to his side, telling her it looked like Walton was bleeding. "You may go tend to him … however...!"

He grasped Camilla's upper arms and held her before him as he stressed, "You will return from the barn as pure as you are going out to it … understand?"

"Yes, Papa!" Camilla agreed, hugging him again.

The door behind her opened, and her mother stepped out on the porch, asking, "What's going on out here?"

"I'm getting married!" Camilla blurted out at the top of her lungs. She lunged forward to hug her mother, turned to hug her father yet again, then ran at full speed away toward the barn. She called out as she went, "I'm coming, Love! I'm coming!"

On the porch, Papa Breck watched his only child disappear into the darkness … then turned to face his wife, whose face was filled with a bewildered expression. He just shook his head, turned her back inside, and said with a resigned tone, "It's a long story."

At the tack room, Camilla rushed in and threw herself against Walton's body, hugging him around his middle and planting eager kisses on his lips. She noticed his reaction, apologized, kissed him one more time, then set about dealing with Walton's bleeding wound as she began with a slew of questions about what it was like in Court.
Breck Farm
County of Warrick
Barony of Parse

Late Evening:

Walton managed to get into the underpants by the time the ebullient Camilla returned and smothered him in a wince-inducing hug. He couldn't recall ever seeing a woman so happy before, which only further clouded his concerns. He'd thought he might be able to talk his way back out of it, but not after seeing her like this.

Was he really going to get married tomorrow? How devastated would Chloe be, especially after he'd worked so hard to get promoted and thus be in a position to even court her?

He answered, vaguely, Camilla's non-stop questions about life in court while his mind was contemplating the real consequences to his job and duties. Could he even bring Camilla back to Riverbrook with him? How would he be viewed after betraying Chloe? Would he be relieved of duty?

Maybe leaving service would be for the best. Stay here, return to the roots of his youth and become a farmer? He'd been raised that way and only moved on to martial training when it was clear he wouldn't inherent any farming land as the fourth son in the family. Camilla saw him as a savior, her every dream made manifest, whereas he hadn't been able to court Chloe (officially) until achieving an officer's rank. Even still, no one saw him as the equal to Chloe. As a Lady of noble birth, she would forever be seen as having "settled" for a mere guard.

Camilla, now replacing his bandages after rubbing some more of Nalla's herbs on the wound, gave him a disappointed look.

"Sorry, love," he said. "I'm listening. Trying, anyway. Just, tired and sore and I'm not sure how this will affect my duties. It's all just so...unexpected."

She kissed him and promised up and down that it would be perfect. Together, they could get through anything. Much as his concerns weighed on him, Camilla's enthusiasm buoyed him back up.

"Go, sleep," he told her softly between kisses. "We have a big day ahead."

Walton needed sleep, too, but his mind wouldn't rest.
(OOC: All of our characters are caught up and on the same day now. :))

On the Riverbrook-Weston Road
East of the Village Greenhaven
The Barony of Parse


The sun was only just beginning to peek over the distant Central Highlands, and yet Bruno was already into his second hour of work out in the barn. There was simply too much work to be done in the fields to let milking wait for daylight. He liked this time of the day, though; with the exception of the constant bleating of the goats and the waking birds in the barn's rafters, the world about him was quiet and peaceful. After the sun rose and the world to the east and west awoke further, the main road that passed within sight of his home would soon be filled with trekkers, riders, carts, and wagons passing through this, the eastern portion of the Barony of Parse.

Bruno perked up from his milking, though, at a thunderous sound that he had first dismissed as a distant thunder storm. It didn't take long to realize what the sound truly was, though. He set aside the half filled bucket of milk and rushed out of the barn in time to see half a dozen torches emerging from the darkness of the forest, carried by a band of riders who numbered twice that many.

The door to his house opened just as he reached it. He told his anxious wife to hide the children, unsure of the group's intentions. He watched his wife and eldest daughter carry the littler ones out the back of the house, then turned to meet the riders. They carried no banners as Bruno would expected from a Noble's or Royal's force. But even in the low light of the breaking dawn Bruno was able to recognize the crests on the lead riders' tunics: The House of Weston.

Then, even as he was preparing to bow respectfully, his eyes widened in shock as a rider -- a female rider -- threw her leg over the front of the saddle of her still slowly horse and slipped out of the saddle to the ground with incredible display of combined grace and strength. Bruno had only seen this particular female twice in the past, and each time it had only been for a moment as she and her entourage rode by. But there was no doubt, even in the low light, of who this woman was.

He fell immediately to one knee and bowed his head, speaking with great surprise, "My Grace!"

"Rise!" Ranna commanded as she neared the peasant farmer. She demanded he rise again, and as he hesitantly did she asked, "What is your name?"

"Bruno, my Grace," he said simply. He lacked any sort of station or recognition that allowed him to identify him with anything more descriptive than a simple given name.

"You can feed my men, Bruno...?" Ranna asked politely as she surveyed the humble farm about him. She continued, "Food, water … a place to rest … and tend their horses?"

"Of course, my Grace," Bruno said dutifully. "It is my honor."

Seeing the Princess look around with a serious expression, Bruno assumed she was taking note of his state of near destitution. Most of his goats were already in the barn and out of sight. They were Bruno's only true wealth, providing the milk and cheese he would sell at market to buy the things he couldn't otherwise grow or make himself. A donkey danced about inside it pen, excited by the arrival of so many larger hooved beasts. Bruno used it for carting or carrying goods to market, but -- this past winter -- had found himself contemplating butchering it when it had seemed that he and his children might otherwise starve. There were a few acres of garden, too, half of which were yet to be harvested for the market or for the family's root cellar. The other half had already been harvested and replanted with wintering-over crops

It was a pitiful state of wealth, leading Bruno to say with a hesitant tone, "I am but a humble farmer, with little to spare, my Grace ... but you and your men are welcome to all I have to offer."

Ranna reached to her waist and retrieved a coin purse, telling Bruno simply, "Hands."

The poor farmer -- who rarely had a coin more than a day before having to spend it on one necessity or the other -- cupped his hands before him … and saw the Princess spill a dozen or more silver coins into his palms.

"Take care of my men and their horses," Ranna commanded. She looked over the coins, then reached into the purse to pull out and distribute four more coins. "More men will arrive soon. Cold drink, hot food ... a dry place to rest … do you have grain for the horses."

Bruno nodded in stunned silence to the question. The amount of coin with which the Royal had filled his hands…! He could take the small fortune he now held to the market and replace every morsel and drop her men might eat or drink -- including the goat milk he was yet to extract! -- and he would still have more coin left than he could earn at market in half a year.

Ranna slapped the wide eyed farmer on the arm and sent him off to get to work. As he was calling loudly a woman's name -- presumably his wife -- Ranna turned to the Captain of her Bodyguard telling him "Pick two men. We will continue onward while the others--"

"You need to rest, my Grace," William cut in with concern.

"I will continue onward," Ranna said with a commanding tone as she headed toward the well, where one of the Bodyguard was already raising a filled pail. She took a long drink from the bucket, then looked to the messenger who'd come to Riverbrook. "How much farther?"

"Half a day's ride, my Grace," Keno said. Then he looked to their horses, most of which were lathered and showing other signs of exhaustion. He began with concern, "But the horses--"

"They'll survive," Ranna said, already moving back toward her mount. She slung herself up into the saddle again, looking to William. "You, me, Keno, and two others. The rest will wait here."

William knew Ranna was capable of continuing onward, of course. She was one of the strongest women he'd ever known with endurance that surpassed most of her Bodyguard members. But he didn't like the idea of her going out ahead of her full protective detail. "My Grace, we should wait for--"

"The men here will rest, three hours," she continued, ignoring his expected concern. "I want them rested in case we run into trouble."

Without waiting for a response from William, Ranna kicked her horse in the sides. It surged forward, back toward the nearby road. Behind her, William called to a pair of her Bodyguard, then told Keno, "And away we go."
The Weston Castle
City, Barony, and Kingdom of Weston:

After another fitful night of unsatisfactory sleep, Lady Victoria awoke … alone … again. She was becoming sick and tired of not having Trett to warm her bed … and her body. She blinked her eyes clear and stared up into the lacy canopy of her bed for a long moment. Then, like the demonic child pitching a fit while simultaneously suffering a seizure, she began thrashing about her bed and screaming at the top of her lungs.

One of her Chamber Maids rushed in from the ante chamber, followed by yet a second. A male Bodyguard followed, his weapon drawn; finding his naked Grace flailing atop the thrown away bedding and knowing it was just another one of her periodic fits, he quickly turned his back to her, asking from afar is she needed his assistance.

"Out! OUT!!" Victoria screamed as the two females attempted to serve her. "Get out of my sight, ALL of you!"

The trio retreated, but just as the door was about to close, Victoria called out, "Amma! Come back. Close the door behind you, and come back."

The longest serving of the Princess's Chamber Maids returned, finding her naked mistress now sitting on the far edge of the bed staring at the draperies. Victoria ordered, "Open them."

"Yes, my Grace," Amma responding, knowing that the proper title My Lady could get her beaten with the nearest object.

The servant pulled aside the drapes, and when further told to do so, opened the glass pane and wood framed doors that led out to a small balcony. Beyond the balcony lay the Kingdom of Weston … the land Victoria so badly wanted for herself upon her father's death. A rush of cool, autumn air flowed into the room, causing Victoria's skin to explode in goose flesh and her nipples to swell to twice their already pert size.

Why can't Ranna just fucking die? Victoria asked herself about her older sister. Why can't she just die … and let me have what should rightfully be mine?

Of course, Weston wasn't rightfully Victoria's. She was, after all, the second daughter of King Elrod. Ranna was the Heir Apparent. Just the thought of her sister caused a painful chill to run up Victoria's spine.

She doesn't even live here with us, the 2nd of 4 sisters mused. She hasn't for more than a decade!

It angered Victoria that within a moon of their mother's death so many years ago, Ranna had been whisked away from the City and Castle of Weston to their maternal grandmother's castle in Riverbrook, in the neighboring Barony of Parse. (Map)

Why her? Why Ranna? Just because she was the eldest? She should have stayed here BECAUSE she was the eldest! Victoria thought for the hundred thousandth time. Ranna should have remained here in the City of Weston to better prepare herself for becoming Queen upon their father's eventual death, rather than running off to Granny Polla's to … to … to do whatever she was doing there.

While Victoria had been here in the City of Weston learning to be a Lady, a Royal Lady, Ranna had been off in the boondocks of the Eastern Kingdom learning to … to what … become a man? Victoria had had eyes and ears in the Castle and City of Riverbrook for years -- so had Trett -- so she knew all about her sister's activities there. They got regular reports about how Ranna had spent the last decade learning to ride -- in trousers no less -- and to wield weapons of war while mounted and at war speed. She was no longer a Lady of the Royal Court. She was a … a common soldier!

Victoria didn't understand all this behavior, which was part of her reason for believing that she should inherit the crown, throne, and kingdom. Ranna is an aberration … while I am a lady.

Of course, Victoria's standing as a lady could be disputed. She hadn't been a virgin for years; she'd lost her purity to a male Hoshian slave -- who she'd then had executed to silence him -- and then purchased a female Hoshian slave to teach her the Sexual Arts; and, of course, for better than two years she'd had a lover in Lord Trett, who had barely been able to call himself a Noble before Victoria herself had had him knighted … and, honestly, she'd only done that to keep him near enough to her so that she could fuck him whenever she wanted.

Well, okay, maybe that wasn't entirely true. Not anymore, anyway. Victoria had never spoken the words to him, of course, but she was desperately in love with Trett. It had started almost immediately following the first time he'd penetrated her womanhood and driven her to … two, three, four orgasms that night? Victoria knew that her love for Trett had initially been lust-driven; and she knew now that that love was perpetuated by her desire to be Queen and Trett's desire to help her achieve that goal. Whatever the reason, Victorian knew she would always want, need, and treasure Trett.

As she'd been sitting there looking over her kingdom and thinking of her lover, Victoria's hands had been unconsciously caressing themselves over one of her naked thighs … slowly making their way nearer to her crotch. She parted her thighs a bit more as her fingertips found the days old stubble at the meeting of her thighs.

Olean had been the inspiration for Victoria's years of shaving her pussy free of her kinky, brunette curls. The now mid-20-something former Hoshian sex slave had had her own private area shaved clean from the time she'd first begun to grow hair down there, as was the custom in the brothels of Medianna's Southwestern coastal cities. One of the first things Victoria had had Olean do after the former had purchased the latter was shave her own womanhood clean.

How long has she been away? Victoria thought about Olean. The pokey stubble surrounding her recently ignored pussy told her the answer: Too long. It was bad enough that she didn't have Olean here to tend to her down there; Victoria didn't have Trett to tend to other needs down there either.

"Would you like me to leave, my Grace?" Amma asked meekly.

Victoria looked to the servant, whose gaze had dropped excessively low to the floor directly before her. Victoria suddenly realized that she'd unconsciously begun toying with her clit, her chest beginning to rise and lower with the rising pleasure. She ceased the activity, telling the older woman, "Draw me a bath."

As the servant moved to tend to the bath that was already mostly ready, Victoria glanced toward the closed door, contemplating the Bodyguard on duty. He was a well built and powerful man with a big cock; Victoria had had one of her Chamber Maids invite him to fuck her in a room that included a secret viewing area, and she'd been very impressed with his weapon and his knowledge of using it.

And although she knew Trett had other lovers -- Victoria had after all provided Olean to him -- the Nobleman was the only male lover Victoria had had since the Hoshian. Victoria often imagined having another man inside her. But she knew it would never happen.

Of course, Victoria had no idea that her lover had purchased an Unwanted (def) as his own personal sex slave. How would she react to learning that Trett had bought himself a virgin and taken her chastity … and then asked Victoria's sex tutor to train the young woman?

When Amma announced that her bath was ready, Victoria rose to cross to the elegant tub. She stopped short, though, turning her back to the suds-filled tub. She looked to Amma and parted her knees. The Chamber Maid knew what that meant, and -- reluctantly, as this was not her favored sexual activity -- a moment later she was on her knees pleasuring her mistress.
(OOC: Last we heard from Zee was here.)

Warrick House
Warrick County.
(In the Barony of Parse, on the border with the Barony of Weston.)


Zee awoke to the thick smell of coffee wafting through the bed chamber. As she blinked her eyes back to life, she rolled to find her host and lover standing at the window, still naked. She didn't have to ask what Warrick was doing to understand that he was admiring the ongoing harvesting of his vast wheat fields. The Count had a love for watching his wealth grow; his thousands of acres of grain fields, dozen or so ore mines in the Highlands to the north, and rent paid by Free Peasants were his largest three sources of income, though he had others.

"M'lord?" Zee said softly as she tossed the bedding back and sat on the edge of the bed. As Warrick turned to face his naked lover, she asked dutifully, "Shall I fetch you some breakfast?"

He crossed to stand before Zee, his cock already hardening with anticipation. He caressed her face a moment, then -- taking her head into both of his hands -- urged her forward as he said suggestively, "Let me feed you instead, my love."

She sucked his cock until he groaned out loudly, flooding her tongue with his discharge. Once the twitches in his groin had ended and Zee had swallowed her breakfast, Warrick crossed to a bath that had been prepared for him even before he'd woken up.

"What are your plans for the day?" he asked Zee as she joined him in the bath.

"I thought I would play hostess to your Guest's ladies, m'lord," Zee answered as she began caressing a rag over his body. "I'm sure you and Lord Trett have business better conducted without the presence of women."

They chatted about Trett, Olean, and Anya … fucked yet again … then got out, dried, and dressed. Warrick made his way off to join Trett. Zee went off to find Anya again, taking her for a walk beyond the Keep's moat to once again speak about the younger woman's new assignment as a spy for Countess Pollania.

The Thicket
(The Highwaymen's Hideout)
The Wailing Woods

Hours later:

The rider slowed his cantering horse as the woods thickened. He turned suddenly, rode up a short but steep incline, then simply waited there for the longest time. Once he knew he wasn't being followed, he turned again and rode a few miles to the entrance to a narrow canyon.

Through the gap, he walked his ride slowly until he caught sight of the Highwayman lookout he'd been expecting. They signaled to one another, and the messenger gave the signal that said his tail was clear. He continued onward and soon was seeing more of the Band, as well as the cave itself.

"I have word from Zelia," he told Granny as she came out to meet him with a wooden mug filled with steaming tea. He handed over the note in which Zee explained that she'd made a new contact -- Anya -- inside the home of Lord Trett or Lady Victoria or, hopefully, both. Nervously, the messenger looked around, then asked tentatively, "I was wondering..."

"Bethany's down at the creek washing bandages," Granny said, shaking her head. It was no secret that Zee's friend was occasionally parting her thighs for Zee's messenger. "Get something to eat first. You'll need the energy."

The messenger blushed before turning for the fire where he knew he would find porridge and frying meats. But he stopped short when his brain caught up with Granny's statement. "Why bandages?"

Granny looked off toward the cage, then explained about Kitts's injury. The old woman growled, "The witch is caring for him."

The messenger went to the cave, to his surprise finding Nalla tending to her brother. He knew who the young woman was, of course, but knew very little about the situation that had alienated the two siblings. He inquired about Kitts's condition, learning that his fever had broken during the night and -- presuming no other hardship -- he should survive.

"Should I return to Warrick House and tell Zelia?" he asked Nalla. The Healer hesitated before responding, then only nodded. "I'll leave right away."

He departed the cave but didn't immediately head for his horse. Instead, he looked about for prying eyes … and headed for the creek and, hopefully, a little bit of morning delight with Bethany.
Breck Farm
County of Warrick
Barony of Parse


Camilla bounded into the barn's tack room to find Walton still sound asleep, warm under a second blanket her father had suggested she take out to him before she'd laid down to sleep herself. She had a platter of food and drink for him, much more nutrition than before now that she didn't have to hide her relationship with the man she'd only met three days earlier but who she was now going to marry.

She set up next to him, and as he stirred she leaned forward and pressed a wet, erotic, though still noticeably inexperienced kiss to his mouth. She smiled, whispering, "Good morning, love."

She sat back and -- as she dealt with his breakfast -- explained that her father had left at sunup in the cart, drawn by the mule. With joy, she told him, "He's going to Greenhaven … to find a priest!"

Behind her, another figure appeared in the doorway. Camilla hopped up to retrieve the woman, leading her inside the room. "Mama, this is Walton. Walton, my love … this is my mama."

Camilla's mother had lived a hard life, as her hands would show if viewed. But she was still beautiful in her face and shape; she was barely 14 years her daughter's senior. She just stared at the man laying in the straw for a moment before softly saying, "You can call me Lonna."
West of Pratt City:

Freeda awoke to the sounds of movement and found Baran already up and around. And her first thought was Fuck, what have I done?

The night before, she'd stripped off her clothes and demanded that her traveling partner fuck her. Her traveling partner … a man … a man with whom her former female lover was now in love after having been matched up with him back in Riverbrook.

Freeda didn't have sex with men. Not normally, anyway. She preferred other woman; always had, always will. But sometimes, the urge … oh hell, she just needed the feel of a man taking control of her body, of filling it, of touching her in that one place that a female lover couldn't.

Rising and donning the rest of her clothes and weapons in silence, she turned to Baran and just stared before asking quietly, "We're good … right?"
(OOC: This post begins in the timeline exactly where all the other characters currently are. However, it does a time jump of 2 days by the time the post ends. Don't worry about it being out of the timeline: these two characters will not interact with the other characters, let alone play a part in their own stories, for quite a while. The two timelines will merge eventually without a hitch.)

(OOC: Also, keep in mind that images are typically out of context, as are the images of Caitrin below. Also, the two female models may appear to be different women, but for the purpose of our role play, the new model replaces the previous one as being Caitrin.)

City of Pratt:


Caitrin was looking out the window on her side of the coach for a last look at the City of Pratt. For all she cared, this could be the last time she ever set her eyes on this place. There were far too many bad memories here, from both her childhood and from the last couple days of her young adulthood for her to ever return here voluntarily.

The last time Caitrin had taken in this particular view of the City of Pratt, she'd been traveling with Rollen, her now deceased husband; Baran, Rollen's closest friend who had become Caitrin's most capable lover and, unrelated, had accidentally killed Rollen; and Freeda, Caitrin's only-ever-female friend who she hadn't seen in years, who had begun her recent mission stressing to Baran, her traveling partner, that she was only into women, and who -- unknown to Caitrin -- was yet now carrying his seed within her womanhood by her own demand.

And now, of course, Caitrin was riding away from that wicked city sitting next to her third lover in as many days, Freeda's long lost brother, a Count-to-be who had asked Caitrin to marry him less than a day after losing his virginity to her.

The poets can't make this crap up! she thought to herself, recalling the satirical performances she and her street urchin friends used to watch in Pratt City's Main Square on Sunday afternoons. She looked across the coach to Leo, whose gaze was set upon her. She smiled, then blew him a kiss. "I love you, my Lord."

"I love you, my Lady," he responded.

"I'm not a Lady yet," she reminded him, shrugging as her smile faded a bit.

"I'm not a Lord yet either," Leo reminded her as well. "When we get to Hollard, I will make my request to the Bailiff to verify my right to my father's titles. I will become Count Leonin of Hollard … I will marry you … and then, you will become Lady Caitrin of Hollard."

Caitrin's smile returned. A bump in the road that shook the coach took Leo's attention away for a moment, and Caitrin returned to looking out at the city just as the forest around them took away the view. She looked away from the window.

Good riddance … hope to never see you again, she thought to herself. Then she recalled the greatest part of the last week -- seeing Freeda again after so many years -- and felt her eyes glisten over. I miss you already...

They rode the rest of the day without incident, though they were stopped three times to present their papers. Before leaving the City of Pratt, Leo had had to identify himself to the Gatehouse Captain and explain his reason for traveling. It seemed that the City Guard was looking for a man and woman who had been seen cutting a man's throat, robbing him, and leaving his body in the street for the dogs to nibble on until the Guard found and removed it the next day.

Leo had asked the Captain, "Who was this man … the murdered man? Anyone of importance?"

Leo's inquiry had caused Caitrin's stomach to turn over. She had felt it better for them to show no interest at all. But afterward, Leo would point out to her that not showing interest might insinuate that the pair of them already knew something about the killing … which, of course, they very well did.

"An agent in the employ of the Baron of Pratt," the Captain had offered, feeling that a Count-to-be had the right to know such information. "He was murdered by foreign operatives, a man and woman. When they are caught … and they will be caught, my lady..."

Caitrin hadn't realized until that moment that her face had slowly been filling with a concerned expression for Baran and Freeda. She would give the Captain a relieved nod of appreciation for his concern for her safety as he continued, "When they are caught, they will be tried, sentenced, and hung as a warning to others who would attempt to stand in the Baron's way."

Only now, two hours later and many miles away did Caitrin begin to wonder about the Captain's last line: others who would attempt to stand in the Baron's way. She didn't understand nearly as much about the politics of Pratt as Baran or even Rollen did. But she knew that there was a power struggle in the kingdom. There would be conflict again, just as there had been just before King Merion abdicated. Would it be outright war? Or would it be small skirmishes between Royal and Noble forces as she'd witnessed as a little girl?

She looked to her future husband again. His gaze was out the window, but she could see that while his eyes were looking, his mind was seeing anything. Leo had come to Pratt to seek revenge against the man -- Jardin Lopes -- who had killed his father, Count Frederican of Hollard.

Jardin was now dead, as verified by the Captain at the Gatehouse. Leo felt avenged. Ironically -- and unknown to either of them -- Jardin had had nothing to do with Frederican's death. The man had been killed for good reason … but not for the reason Leo had had.

The truth behind his father's death was still unknown.

That night:

Caitrin slumped to the bed, sweating and gasping after yet her third orgasm. She took a moment to gather herself, then complimented her husband-to-be, "You're getting much better at this."

In truth, most of Caitrin's pleasure was of her own doing. Leo had a nice sized cock, great energy, and worthy endurance; but his finesse in bed was lacking. Caitrin was teaching him, though, and she was sure that by the time they finally married, he would be very much worth the title of husband.

"We shall go shopping tomorrow, my love," Leo said after he'd gotten back his own ability to breath. When she asked what they were shopping for, he said, "Clothes worthy of a Lady."

The next day:

Arriving in the only true city between Pratt and Hollard, Leo took his bride-to-be to the only dress shop in town worthy of the Nobility. He explained as they entered, "Today, we buy you a dress here. But, in the future, a seamstress will come our home … to your own bed chamber … and she will make your clothes for you personally ... as is done for my mother.

Caitrin turned suddenly to look at Leo with widened eyes. "Your mother?"

Leo didn't understand the reason for the shock, until Caitrin explained that she didn't know that Leo's mother -- Freeda's mother -- was still alive. Caitrin asked, "Does Freeda know this?"

"Of course, she does," Leo said, still perplexed. "I told her. That first night after we discovered one another."

"She said nothing to me about it," Caitrin continued, trying to wrap her head around it. "How could she not speak of it to me … of her mother?"

Only now was Caitrin beginning to understand the enmity Freeda must hold for her mother. The woman had abandoned Freeda when she was 13 years old, taking only her son with her; had left to live on the Hollard Estate as Count Frederican's well-tended consort while Freeda continued living in poverty and despair on a farm that would no longer receive financial support from the Count.

Freeda had described in detail to Caitrin what had happened to her on the farm after her mother's departure. For two weeks, she'd been raped every night by Cronan, the Landed Peasant who had been ordered by the Count to sell Freeda at the sex slave markets in East Port. The first opportunity she had, she put the sharp, broken leg of a milking stool through his neck. Even as he was still bleeding out, she robbed him of anything and everything of value and fled on his own horse.

Freeda would spend months hiding in the City of Pratt, living off her ill gotten coin. It was only after she'd run out of money and taken to the streets to steal that she was taken in by Madame Lucy, the owner-operator of a brothel that catered to the Nobility and wealthy Merchant class.

It was here that Freeda found her place, not as a whore but as the collector of knowledge. Madame Lucy, it turned out, was far more than just a peddler of sexual pleasure; she was an informant to the Lord Chancellor of Weston, keeping him -- and in turn the King -- apprised of the goings-ons in the Baronies of Pratt.

Freeda herself would become a spy and informant, ultimately learning to ride to become a messenger. She would come to meet the Countess Pollania as she rode messages between Pratt and Riverbrook; and after Lucy was tried and executed for espionage, Freeda would flee to Riverbrook where, eventually, she would become close to Princess Ranna, the Heir Apparent to the Kingdom of Weston.

Freeda had risen to a position of importance and respect … but she had suffered greatly before achieving this. And not surprisingly, she'd blamed most of that suffering on her mother. As Caitrin thought about it now, it suddenly didn't surprise her that her old friend hadn't told her about learning that her mother was still alive.

Caitrin flinched at the feel of a hand on her elbow, turning to find an older woman looking at her with a surprised expression. The seamstress apologized for startling the daydreaming Caitrin, then invited her deeper into the shop to look at some dresses.

"Something simple and comfortable," Leo explained. "We still have a day's ride before us."

Caitrin spent the next hour or so wide eyed with a smile upon her lips. She couldn't believe that she was going to wear one of these dresses. Oh sure, they weren't the custom created dresses the upper nobility wore to balls and to Court functions; but they were far more than the type of clothes she had worn for the majority of her life.

When she stepped out of the shop to show herself off to Leo, who was speaking to the coach driver about the road ahead, Caitrin held her arms out wide and did a slow turn. She told him, "It's simple, but I love it. It's so comfortable. Do you like it?"

Leo smiled, gave her an overexaggerated bow, and said, "You are lovely, Lady Cait of Hollard."

"There is another, do you want to see it?" she said excitedly, urging Leo back inside. She showed him another dress for his presentation of her to his mother. But after Leo said he wanted something more extravagant, they found a more elegant, more colorful dress. Without even knowing the cost, Caitrin told him, "It's too much. You don't have to spend--"

"We'll take this one," Leo stressed. He paid for the dresses, shoes, hair dressings, and more; the final bill was more than Caitrin had spent on clothes in her entire life … far more. He told her with a smile once the second dress was packed and her original clothing had been tossed out into the alley for some street urchin to claim, "We have a long way to go, my lady."

They stepped back into the coach to continue the ride. Caitrin wore a devilish smirk about which Leo inquired yet received no answer. No sooner had they passed through the city gate then Caitrin was on her knees between Leo's parted thighs, quickly but now -- after being educated by Baran -- skillfully sucking her husband-to-be's cock until it exploded and filled her mouth with his seed.
West of Pratt City:

Rising and donning the rest of her clothes and weapons in silence, she turned to Baran and just stared before asking quietly, "We're good … right?"

Baran rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he rose. He knew she wasn't talking about the fact they'd just killed a man close to the baron and were going to be ruthlessly hunted until they were safely out of Pratt.

No, this was about the other thing. He was still a little surprised she'd propositioned - nay, practically demanded - he fuck her. This from a woman who fancied only women. Still, it had been a stressful night. That sort of thing could form a bond and drive strange needs between people.

"Yeah, we're good," he said simply. "And I can't think of anyone I'd rather flee my old homeland with right now."
West of Pratt City:

Freeda studied Baran for a moment, looking for any sign that what had happened between them was going to be an ongoing issue. She thought she knew him enough by now to know one way or another, but … no…

"Okay, let's get going," she said, resigning herself to the knowledge that they would just have to wait and see. "The City Guard … maybe even the Barony Guard, they're gonna be looking for us. Jardin may have been a lowlife, but he had connections … not that I have to tell you that."

Freeda was right on target with that last comment. Jardin had had friends in high places. If only Freeda had known just who these friends were and how high they were -- in and beyond the Barony of Pratt -- she might have been a little more concerned than she was.

Did Baran even know who some of these people were?

Freeda swung up into her saddle and waited for Baran to do the same. They headed away, the way sometimes led by Baran and sometimes led by Freeda. Between the two of them, they knew the roads and the forests through which they would sometimes cut to avoid guarded bridges and passes.

It would take them a week or more to get back to Riverbrook the way they were traveling now.
OOC: For anyone following our story, we have started another thread:
  • It follows the same time line as this thread … roughly!
  • It could be a few days, weeks, or months behind or ahead of this time line.
  • There will be no (or at the least very little) interaction between the characters of this thread and the new one.
  • Eventually, the two threads will come together as one, but there is no way of knowing when or how that might happening.
  • Here is the new thread.
Breck Farm
County of Warrick
Barony of Parse


Walton, for a few brief moments as he woke, didn't have the weight of the world on his shoulders. Well, maybe not the weight of the world, but certainly the anvil of his conscience. Camilla, bless her, was bubbling with enthusiasm to kiss and feed and pamper him.

He was usually one to rise before dawn, but the sun was clearly slicing through the gaps in the barn's wall. Between his injury and the stress of his situation, it had been late before sleep finally claimed him. Disappointingly, a solution hadn't appeared from thin air over night.

As he nibbled at breakfast, Camilla explained her father was already off to find a priest. That was another step toward the seemingly inevitable outcome of the day. Maybe the priest was ill and it'd give him another day's reprieve to sort things out.

Then another woman appeared, quickly introduced as Camilla's mother. She was older, but far younger than he'd expected given her father's apparent age and grizzled nature. Lonna, she insisted he call her, certainly had the look of a hard life, but wore it well. She'd probably looked a lot like Camilla in her youth and her daughter would do well to age like that.

Walton struggled to stand. Camilla helped him, but by the time he was halfway up, he realized the pain in his side had diminished considerably. Walking would still be a chore and riding was out of the question. Still, it was progress.

Bare chested and wearing only Papa Breck's underpants, Walton made a short, stiff bow before Lonna. "Pleasure to meet you, ma'am. Now I know where your daughter's beauty comes from."

He wasn't sure why he'd said that, but it sounded distinctly like some of the drivel he overhead between nobles in court. Flattery. At least in Lonna's case, he meant it.

"I'm, uh, sorry about my state of dress. It's been a rough couple days."
Breck Farm
County of Warrick
Barony of Parse


"Pleasure to meet you, ma'am," Walton greeted Mama Breck. "Now I know where your daughter's beauty comes from."

Camilla beamed at the compliment, which she took to be meant for her, not understanding that it was meant to flatter her mother. Lonna, for her part, only stared at the man with whom she was certain her innocent, naïve daughter had fucked and possibly been fucking for the Gods only knew how many days and nights.

"I'm, uh, sorry about my state of dress. It's been a rough couple days."

Again, Lonna only stared; Camilla, looking from Walton to her mother, finally caught the lack of friendliness in the older woman's expression. She turned her head away from Walton and growled softly, "Mama..."

Lonna met her daughter's stare, drew and released a breath, then looked back to Walton for a moment before forcing out, "It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Walter."

"Walton!" Camilla corrected, unsure of whether or not her mother had been serious. She whispered, "Thank him for saying you're beautiful, Mama."

Lonna stared for a moment, then tossed a garment underhand toward Walton. It hit his chest, and Camilla snatched at it. The younger woman immediately recognized it as Walton's shirt, which she'd washed in an effort to get out the blood and then darned herself. It had been hanging from a limb down at the creek, but obviously her mother had found it this morning.

"Dress him," Lonna said. She gave Walton another long glare, then turned to leave, finishing, "Bring him inside. We'll feed him proper."

Camilla was embarrassed and apologized to Walton for her mother's rudeness. "She'll be nicer … once we are married."

She steadied Walton with a hand to the tack room wall as she set about getting his shirt on him again.
The Thicket


Kitts woke, knowing he'd slept soundly and feeling better with the fever gone. Nalla knew her trade well. As he cracked his eyes, he found his sister already checking his injury, though there wasn't much new to look at.

"I'm alive, I see," he said. "Thanks to you."

He inquired about the count's men, whether there had been any further problems. All he got, though, was that it had been quiet so far and most of the men were out watching the trails. They'd held off in making any demands, given Kitts' state.

"Where's Chloe?" He half expected her and not Nalla to be the first face he saw that morning. He'd woken briefly, half hallucinating, several times and seemed to always find her concerned and compassionate face beside him.
The Thicket


"I'm alive, I see," he said. "Thanks to you."

"You're alive because your friend from Court stopped the bleeding," Nalla said as she secured a new bandage over his stitched wound. She appreciated her brother's words, though, and added, "The fever might not have killed you, but … it was good to get it under control before it caused you any brain damage..."

She smirked a bit and added playfully, "Any further brain damage."

He inquired about the count's men, whether there had been any further problems.

"Gauld and some others went out for a peek," Nalla answered, urging her Kitts to slowly rise to a sitting position. "There is more activity on the roads, but no one is entering the forest. They either don't care enough about your lady friend's safety … or they're very afraid of entering the Wailing Woods … for fear of the banshee … or fear of you."

"Where's Chloe?"

"She's down at the creek washing bandages before we boil them, and she asked me to tell you that she wants to speak to you," Nalla told him. But she quickly told him with a more serious tone, "We have something more important to discuss first. When your big friend Gauld came to retrieve me, I was already tending to a patient … a man with an arrow in his side..."

She looked into her brother's eye with a serious expression, adding, "...a Guardsman … a man who, it would seem, is betrothed to a young woman … named Chloe."

During one of Camilla's absences from the tack room, Nalla had given Walton a healing elixir that had a pair of side effects: sleepiness of the body and activity of the brain. As a result, in a stupor, he began rambling on about this, that, and the other thing; and, curious about who and what he was, Nalla asked him about the coach and the person or persons who'd been in it when it was attacked.

"Your hostage, it seems," she said, a bit of a smirk spreading her lips, "is engaged to one of Countess's protectors."
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The Thicket


Down by the creek washing bandages. His bandages, after saving his life and staying by his side throughout. What kind of hostage did that? He wondered what she wanted to talk about.

Then Nalla went on to explain about the guardsman she'd also been treating for an arrow wound. Kitts felt her disapproval at the results of their ambush. Attacking and killing men, even in the service of unworthy nobles, was not exactly honorable work, regardless how badly they needed the funds.

But the whole betrothed angle caught him completely off guard. Since when did guards court Ladies? And why hadn't she mentioned it? He did remember how she'd pleaded for Kitts to spare the man's life. Now he knew why. He felt even worse about the whole affair.

"Well, shit. I trust he'll live?" Nalla nodded affirmatively. "I guess they'll get the chance to marry, then, after someone pays her random."

He didn't sound at all happy about it, having already envisioned her staying with them in the woods. But that was silly. Why would a Lady want such a life over the pleasures of court?
The Thicket


"Well, shit. I trust he'll live?" Kitts asked.

Nalla nodded affirmatively. She said with a mix of humor and pride, "Of course. I treated him."

Kitts continued, "I guess they'll get the chance to marry, then, after someone pays her random."

He didn't sound at all happy about it
, and Nalla didn't fail to notice the emotion in his tone. He likes her, she thought to herself. Typical. Nalla's brother had always fallen for women he should have avoided. Enid was one of them, of course. Even as the three siblings -- Kitts, Nalla, and Zee -- had been creating a new community out here in the Wailing Woods, Enid had already been looking for a way to return to life in her father's Court. Traitorous bitch.

As soon as Nalla thought it, she regretted the thought. You killed her, remember? Oh, sure, she hadn't meant it, and -- in fact -- Enid had been the one to attack Nalla, not the other way around. But still, sometimes Nalla found herself wondering whether she would have avoided the fight entirely if she hadn't known the Noble girl was going to leave her brother, likely in the middle of the night without even the courtesy of a goodbye.

"I'm sure they'll get married and live a happy life in Court and have dozens of beautiful babies," Nalla said with an obvious tone of sarcasm. She had no interest in marriage or babies herself, particularly the latter. Sex for Nalla wasn't something in which to engage except for very specific, spiritual purposes. Her encounter with her brother three years ago had opened a world of knowledge to her, even if Kitts didn't believe as she did.

Nalla's Night Visions -- not dreams as she'd been opened eyed and fully conscious for them -- had told her that her next stage in spiritual and intellectual evolution would come with her next encounter. And while she sometimes burned with lust and a want to be with someone, Nalla hadn't met that next person yet. She didn't know who that person was … yet. But, her Night Visions had told her she would know when the time came.

One of the dozen or so children who called the Thicket home rushed up to whisper in the Healer's ear. She shooed the girl away, telling Kitts, "I have other patients, but … you need to stand and take a few steps. You don't want those muscles tightening up any more than they already are."

She rose, grabbed her medicine and herb bag, and as she walked away smirked and said, "Maybe I can find a pretty, betrothed hostage who would be willing to take you for a short walk."

Nalla headed away to see one of the women with a bulging belly, sending one of the children down to the creek. A few minutes later -- armed with a simple crutch made of a branched limb cushioned by wrapped cloth -- Chloe came to Kitts, saying, "I've been told you need to take a walk. When was the last time you … you know..."

Chloe glanced down toward Kitts' groin, hoping she didn't have to actual use the words pee or poop. They headed slowly out of the cave...
Breck Farm
County of Warrick
Barony of Parse


Walton let Camilla help dress him in his cleaned and patched uniform. As the clothes went on, so too returned his sense of duty and responsibility. He hated the position he'd found himself in. No, gotten himself in. He could have prevented this but was weak.

Camilla took him into their house, a small but cozy place that reminded him of his own home growing up only less crowded. He smelled cooked eggs even as he entered the door and happily ate everything they offered. He was still in considerable pain, but his would had definitely improved.

"Who is the local noble responsible for this area?" he asked between bites. "I'm afraid I'm still responsible for my duties, injured or not, and my charge was kidnapped by some highwaymen scum. If I can't search for her personally, then I at least need to get word to someone who can."
Breck Farm
County of Warrick
Barony of Parse


Camilla's mother had the table already set for their guest, with a platter of food, a flagon of Morning Wine, and a bowl of fruit freshly picked from the wild bushes just inside the woods behind the house. Lonna noted how eagerly Walton ate; she'd been wondering how she hadn't seen that her daughter had been sneaking food out to the man, but now she wondered just how well Camila had been feeding the Guardsman.

"Who is the local noble responsible for this area?" he asked between bites. "I'm afraid I'm still responsible for my duties, injured or not, and my charge was kidnapped by some highwaymen scum."

Camilla and her Mama looked to one another at the mention of the Highwaymen. Although the members of the Breck family had never participated in the crimes committed by Kitts's band of outlaws, they had benefited from those activities. Most of the stock animals -- or, at least, the offspring of said creatures -- had been provided to Papa by the people living in the Thicket.

"If I can't search for her personally, then I at least need to get word to someone who can."

"My husband will take care of that when he gets to town," Lonna reassured Walton. Ensuring that he recalled the reason for Ricken Breck's trek into Greenhaven, Lonna said, "After my husband locates the priest … he will look for the Sheriff. He will inform him that you are here and safe … and ask about the woman you were … you did say a woman, yes?"

Camilla, who'd been moving about collecting more food and drink turned suddenly. She asked with just a hint of jealousy, "Yes, my love … who was this woman you were escorting … who you so heroically attempted to protect?"

Of course, Camilla had no idea that Chloe was Walton's betrothed. If only she had been in the tack room when Nalla had learned of the connection between the two...