The Harris Voter


Jan 31, 2023
Hey, Vice-President Harris voters,

I think I have you sorted out:

The Ideology Voter – Abortion or Socialism. Abortion is waning as the central tenet and slowly being replace by Socialism, e.g., it takes a village, always clothed in the comforting wool of, I’m the government, and I’m here to help you…
The Identity Voter – We are Democrats. They’re for the working man, (What I heard growing up in my formative years) people like us (people who never went to college, ours was the first generation), remember how FDR saved us.
Unfortunately, they are not for the working man now, their milieu is the rich, powerful and influential [expand]. The working man class is being replaced bu AI and outsourced to State slave labor.
The Pop Culture Voter – I’m young and (still in the process of being) educated (I just don’t know yet that your education begins when they hand you your diploma [you’ve just been hiding from your education, sheltering in place some people never leave: The Glass Bead Game]).
~~ OR ~~
I’m one of the cool kids, still, at 30, in my 30s, okay, late 30s, honestly, pushing 40, but I’m still hip, cool swinging (and to prove it, I post at Lit)
The I Hate Him Voter – The Liz Cheney/Hillary Clinton voter. Hate is driven by envy.
The Value Voter – What’s in it for me? (The ask what your country can do for you Democrat)
The Envy Voter – I want what he has (Kill Igor’s Goat)
I mean, ok.
Ya found a chart somewhere summarizing most of the reasons folks give for voting a particular way and added corny conservative stereotypes to them. You’re working too hard to try to appear intelligent to eventually end up dull, dry, and boring. But hey, on the bright side, you’re certain to get a chuck outta wat. 👍
Is that how you evolve your thoughts?

Or do you just type out whatever is seething to the surface at the moment?
I thought 10% of that upon awakening and fleshed out the other 90% in the shower.

The typing was the easy part. I'm sorry to belittle the challenging to you.
Wat's gonna make some money off some of the "panic" that'll settle in here.

And there should be a big ol' boost in gummint housing funding, so work will be in the pipeline for years.

My Country Tis of Thee,
Sweet Land of Subsidy . . . .
Sigh. How about you surprise everyone by doing something different. You claim you’re not voting for the douche but you come here every morning to carry his soiled diapers. How’s about you making a substantive pitch for the Libertarian candidate? How’s about instead of scolding Dems on voting against trump you tell us why you’re opposing him as well and why others should maybe follow you? Geez. Maybe think about that while you’re taking your thought inspiring morning constitutional. 🤷‍♀️
You know so much about me (specifically, what I think) and I know so little about you.

...don't ask me what I think of you
I might not give the answer that you want me to...
You know so much about me (specifically, what I think) and I know so little about you.
Yeah, let’s keep it that way.

Sun Tzu: Know the enemy and know yourself in a hundred battles you will never be in peril.

It can be found here in copious amounts and at volume 11.

Ignore is a useless feature.
Ignoring certainly works!
Look. I don’t care to follow every freakin 70s, 80s, Spinal Tap cultural memory hole you want to take me down. Just freakin do what I asked earlier. It’s hard for you to do because your political views are really just a speck of Kansas dust in the wind.
Trumptard voters support rape and sexual assault ( especially on their adopted children)
Trumptard voters are angry old men who post memes and are cat ladies.
Spinal Tap?

Monty Python?

I don't do British humor.

It's silly and insipid. Y'all probably like it...
Speak not to the ears of a fool: for he will despise the wisdom of thy words. Proverbs 23:9