The Happy Birthday Thread


Nov 5, 2000
Happy Birthday to everyone! Were you born today? No? Well, Happy Birthday anyhow!



I'm just realizing how many birthday threads go by that I either don't take the time to respond to (damn dialup - dont' have the DSL working yet) and/or I just never see!

So.... Happy Birthday, everyone!

If it's not your birthday yet, just tuck that in yer pocket and use it when it is.
:D Thanks! lol

Okay, how's this?

Happy Birthday Dragonlady , Nobody Special's wife , Juspar Emvan, midas2001, Poolman23 , keithuk, kalaniks, remo1953, Wordsmithress, atopen, MrDica, thebigc, bandman2000 (21), deano2001, jimwantsfun , shotty, bneg69, Sincere, MrExcitement30, knof8 , sparky33, benjay, msfredm1, nonstop7, tandp3 , man12358, DoubleT, weijah , boomerang01ca, Pagan_Dragon, terps, nsw, butterscoth, Ezarc, alazoo, arty_155, rrsteel, misternickster, pleasureboy4u, bunnyr, dominateone, bvaals, tx_countrygirl, Crimsonldy, ohjadey , MrCere, Registered, skol12, dabrownsugar, asaleemi, smim, wildivy2, Little_boy_blue , JerryR, Jimblohio, joed12 , dodgey , Beau_Jack_Walker , I'mVan, Eddietheman, frank007, Garee , OleHippyman, jimH, JB1 , alex23, LqqkN, shudiddy, Moonshiner54, dewey, one_shaved_dad, Whitehorse9, fezbear , jakeone 29, BoyinTN !!!

Jim_Henson said:
You dont know ANYTHING

It's happy UNbirthday.

- The Unbirthday Song
Statistics prove, prove that you've one birthday,
one birthday ev'ry year.
But there are three hundred and sixty four
That is why we're gathered here to cheer.
A very merry unbirthday to you, to you.
A very merry unbirthday to you,
It's great to drink to someone and I guess that you will do.
A very merry unbirthday to you