The eternal Yahoo chat buddy question. Answers within.


Really Experienced
Oct 24, 2011
Did I say answers? I meant a solid wall of disappointment. Or maybe I didn't, if you happen to be one of those unicorn female posters interested in chat.

Hello. Jay here. Mid-30s wandering lust monkey wishing to add to the not insignificant volume of gents on the forum looking for some chat - preferably Yahoo - of the female variety.

Deviating from millions of posts before me I'm from London, attached but sometimes we play together on here but less so recently, looking to make a connection with any woman.

I guess you'd say I was sexually pretty plural. I have bi leanings, but unfulfilled, have experience of FFM, love indulgent luxurious oral (tipping on the giving side), I dance, I have decadent cliche fantasies (rockstars, hotel rooms, coke and drinking champers off you) and more elaborate domestic ones. I'm liberal, will flirt with light taboo, and generally make good polite conversation with you until you make my monocle pop out in a) surprise or b) lust.

Genuinely interested in making a local time connection. Any connection. Would adore some PMs and a lavish them with replies.
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A shameless bump here. I'll be working from home all day and would welcome being diverted or even being talked into diverting you from your otherwise productive day.

Thanks for the messages thus far, I hope we've kicked off something positive and fun.
I promise this will be my last and final bump with this particular personal. I've had a few PMs but no one to take it further into chat.

I can provide references from previous encounters with Lit ladies that Lit men can be articulate and gracious and giving and just the right amount of kinky for a discerning woman correspondent. Only to do so would not be gallant. I'm brimming with pep and lush and English charm. I drink tea and brown beer and everything.

Would love a darling PM to kick things off tonight. I'm sure I can surprise you. Try me out.
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I think I told a bit of a fib when I said I wouldn't bump this again. One of my many vices I guess. I'll tell you all about my others and indulge yours if you'll send me a PM and we can have a chat.

Would be delighted to receive a PM from any liberal, kinky, fun women in much or even little need of fun and indulgence. I won't bite. Unless it'll take you over the edge.
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Good luck fella....

i think i'll bump this for the fella. His ad is articulate, genuine, and humorous. Surely, there are women here who can appreciate it.....
Thanks for the bump kind sir. Either I lack appeal or the ultra desirable women of lit reserve the right to not be indulged, challenged, caressed and kinked. Which is a crying shame in much need of addressing.
In much need of PM contact. I dare you, dear lady reader, to PM and not be delighted and charmed.
After a brief sabbatical I'm back and eager for scandal, playful messaging and a PM liaison with the women and ladies of lit. I'll leave the differentiation between these to you of course.

Would love to revel in some indulgent PMs and Yahoo chat (if you are so inclined). Hit me up and let me spoil you.

Get in touch, Jay x
A bit of a bump. Would still be delighted for anyone to drop me a PM. Would love to start new friendships and conversations with women interested in an articulate, fun, indulgent Englishman. Your PM guarantees flirty hand crafted reply in return.
As seems occasionally traditional. It's late Friday night and I'm in need of company in need of ravishing.

Dear lady reader, be assured that any PM or Yahoo IM sent to me will be dealt with with just the right about of charm and naughtiness. I guarantee I'll listen, respond and lead just as required. Just ping me a message and tell me a bit about how I can indulge you.

Really looking forward to meeting some of you, Jx

PS - If totally kinky send me a ;)

Jay x
A bump for the ages to add to my pages.

Just to clarify a few things:

1. I am English and I promise my reply will not lack colour.

2. I have an almost pathological desire for American women. It's all TV's fault. The accent(s), your almost mythical teenage years and images of prom and college. So celebrated and iconic and a huge deviation from anything experienced in the UK. I'm utterly seduced by your almost mythical sexy unicorn status.

So please, literate ladies of lit, drop me a PM and give me the chance to exceed your frisky, kinky and in need of much attention attentions.

Jay x

PS. Bump.
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~little hip bump~

Wishing you good luck in your Unicorn search. ~smiles softly~
Bump. Keeping an irregular hour I'm actually around in the day UK time.

I'd be delighted to have a chat and respond to any PMs. Drop me a line.
A bump for you and hope you find what you are looking for. If you find that Unicorn, be careful you are not attacked by a leprechaun, they are nasty and not nice!
Attention women of lit. My fellow creatures of the night. Libertine ladies with a sence of fling in need of swing. I graciously submit to you that you are currently not enjoying as high a standard of erotic chat as you currently deserve.

Indeed I'd go as far to say that your previous daliances have been just that, daliances.

I'm in a mood to indulge tonight. I love to offer stories of midnight trysts, deep and lingering oral encounters and kinks aplenty.

So please, my discerning audience, challenge me to challenge you.

Jay x
I enjoyed reading that too much...Had to bump...He seems to be a witty gentleman of the kind we rarely find around Lit...
It is with regret that I post in here again. I've lost my lady playmate. And I fear she will never return. And I still have so much kink to impart and indulgence to render.

We met and courted through here through this advert and exchanged PMs that bordered flirty and then melted warm and hazily into sumptuous nights of Yahoo eroticism. Boundaries pushed and yielded, things learned about the other and fun certainly had.

And then she left. And this story ended.

Ladies of Lit, I need to play again and I want to start new adventures.

So if you want some fun with an English gent with experiences real and virtual, ping me a PM and we can polka personally as paramours.
Oh dear, what did you say to frighten her off?

Maybe there is only so much charm and wit anyone can take.

Mid 30's.... articulate... whats your problem?
Oh dear, what did you say to frighten her off?

Maybe there is only so much charm and wit anyone can take.

Mid 30's.... articulate... whats your problem?

Sadly I just think the real world intruded. As it is want to do. I don't think there was any problem.