The Democrats Problem.



Looking out on the people assembled at the Democrat National Convention whats obvious is the majority of brown faces in the audience: Blacks, Latinos, Muslims, etc. The rest are sundry liberal whites: Perfessers, Gays, Lawyers, Journalists, Atheists, Jews.

Yuh gotta wonder how the party will control such diverse groups who are so antagonistic to each other. How do you reconcile a Jew with a Muslim or black?

The seeds of destruction are in this diversity.
E Pluribus Unum.

I know it's a foreign concept to selfish pricks everywhere, but some people actually believe in it.
How do you reconcile a Jew with a Muslim or black? You hold a convention, and give them all a common foe.
E Pluribus Unum.

I know it's a foreign concept to selfish pricks everywhere, but some people actually believe in it.

Make up your mind which it is, Elizabeth Warren says corporations arent people, yet E Pluribus Unum is exactly THAT very thing.
Not that it maters....but one man can't make a difference, right? Who shot Kennedy, Lennon and Reagan? Oh, golly man....

I want and advocate an armed revolution; I want the Liberals, like the Redcoats, up against the wall.

To further that cause, I have a small Broadside, "A Call to Action", with specifics, and, James, you might appreciate this...two versions in Chinese, Simplistic and Traditional, one point billion chinks? My book in eBook, paper and hardback, will be Mao's Little Red Book, with an image of Tianamen square, the boy and the tank, and two flags, American and the real Chinese flag before the communist hordes poured in....

First ebook proof I should see tomorrow....

Amicus the agitator
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Not that it maters....but one man can't make a difference, right? Who shot Kennedy, Lennon and Reagan? Oh, golly man....

I want and advocate an armed revolution; I want teh Liberals, like teh Redcoats, up against teh wall.

If there ever was a revolution, after five weeks without your social security check you would be reduced to sucking cock for table scraps.
I want and advocate an armed revolution; I want the Liberals, like the Redcoats, up against the wall.

If there's ever another revolution in this country, it will end with the RWs going up against the wall. Workers of the world, fire when ready! :D
To be quite honest, I think the only problem the Democrats have is not having more backbone in calling out the sexist, racist, corporatist, unethical, hypocritical, and greed filled nature of the Republican party and not showing average Americans that they are actively voting against their own interests because of a media blitz that has convinced them that Democrats are going to murder babies in the street until it rains blood if they are voted for. There is no compromise with republicans anymore, so the only option is to expose them for what they really are and to not stop doing so until America wakes up to the false rhetoric and empty promised that Republicans have been spouting ever since Reagan.

How you conservatives sleep at night knowing that so many Americans are suffering nightly to find even basic shelter or to survive astounds me. YOU ARE THE PARTY WITH NO SOUL.
To be quite honest, I think the only problem the Democrats have is not having more backbone in calling out the sexist, racist, corporatist, unethical, hypocritical, and greed filled nature of the Republican party and not showing average Americans that they are actively voting against their own interests because of a media blitz that has convinced them that Democrats are going to murder babies in the street until it rains blood if they are voted for. There is no compromise with republicans anymore, so the only option is to expose them for what they really are and to not stop doing so until America wakes up to the false rhetoric and empty promised that Republicans have been spouting ever since Reagan.

How you conservatives sleep at night knowing that so many Americans are suffering nightly to find even basic shelter or to survive astounds me. YOU ARE THE PARTY WITH NO SOUL.

Here, dude...

...just to show you I, for one, care about you and your "suffering nightly" "to survive" deal more than you'll ever realize:

Scroll down to "fluff boy employment opportunity" - I believe it's one of those all you can eat situations...

...and good luck.
No, you tell them a common lie, and then wink and explain it's needed to secure the greater good, their economic interests. :rolleyes:
That's the Republican method. Be sure to let us know how well it worked.
Here, dude...

...just to show you I, for one, care about you and your "suffering nightly" "to survive" deal more than you'll ever realize:

Scroll down to "fluff boy employment opportunity" - I believe it's one of those all you can eat situations...

...and good luck.

Not even going to try arguing that trash. Blow me.
Put the tweezers down and stop plucking your chest hairs...

...and in 3 or 4 years when you reach 18, try propositioning me again.

I think I got a dollar to waste...if only I get to unload on your face, it will remind me how I keep whipping you on these boards..
Looking out on the people assembled at the Democrat National Convention whats obvious is the majority of brown faces in the audience: Blacks, Latinos, Muslims, etc. The rest are sundry liberal whites: Perfessers, Gays, Lawyers, Journalists, Atheists, Jews.

Yuh gotta wonder how the party will control such diverse groups who are so antagonistic to each other. How do you reconcile a Jew with a Muslim or black?

The seeds of destruction are in this diversity.

Spoken like someone who can't himself reconcile with diversity and who lack the the imagination to comprehend the mindset of those who do.

You miss the point that diversity in itself is an idea that the diverse can gather around. "We're so different, and yet we can come together and agree on so many important things. God(or Allah)damn we're awesome!"
Spoken like someone who can't himself reconcile with diversity and who lack the the imagination to comprehend the mindset of those who do.

You miss the point that diversity in itself is an idea that the diverse can gather around. "We're so different, and yet we can come together and agree on so many important things. God(or Allah)damn we're awesome!"

Diversity never works out in practice, unless we're talking about cuisine, music, art, fashion. What always works is common-cause and common interests. Diversity is Babel.
Not that it maters....but one man can't make a difference, right? Who shot Kennedy, Lennon and Reagan? Oh, golly man....

I want and advocate an armed revolution; I want the Liberals, like the Redcoats, up against the wall.

To further that cause, I have a small Broadside, "A Call to Action", with specifics, and, James, you might appreciate this...two versions in Chinese, Simplistic and Traditional, one point billion chinks? My book in eBook, paper and hardback, will be Mao's Little Red Book, with an image of Tianamen square, the boy and the tank, and two flags, American and the real Chinese flag before the communist hordes poured in....

First ebook proof I should see tomorrow....

Amicus the agitator

Do you know anything about Chinese history? In specific, dynastic history? Do you know where the source of all upheavel throughout that history has come from? Do you know anything about 20th Century Chinese history? Do you know anything about Chinese philosophy? Can you read Chinese classical poetry and literature? Can you speak Mandarin? How many characters can you write on your own? Have you any post graduate degrees in Chinese language, history or other? Do you have East Asian studies academic credentials?

I did not think so.
Do you know anything about Chinese history? In specific, dynastic history? Do you know where the source of all upheavel throughout that history has come from? Do you know anything about 20th Century Chinese history? Do you know anything about Chinese philosophy? Can you read Chinese classical poetry and literature? Can you speak Mandarin? How many characters can you write on your own? Have you any post graduate degrees in Chinese language, history or other? Do you have East Asian studies academic credentials?

I did not think so.

Amicus doesn't even know when his pants are on backwards so... probably not.
Do you know anything about Chinese history? In specific, dynastic history? Do you know where the source of all upheavel throughout that history has come from? Do you know anything about 20th Century Chinese history? Do you know anything about Chinese philosophy? Can you read Chinese classical poetry and literature? Can you speak Mandarin? How many characters can you write on your own? Have you any post graduate degrees in Chinese language, history or other? Do you have East Asian studies academic credentials?

I did not think so.

What warrants any attention to the Gook? Theyre a nation and culture of forgers, plagiarists, and thieves. Almost everyone has kicked Chink ass.