The Author's Hangout Vending Machine

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And you get a pair of redheaded willing participants

I put in my shoes that appear to have been chewed on by my daughter.

Ha,ha and you get a new raw hide chew toy to replace them.

I put in a Dr. Pepper made with Imperial pure cane sugar...
:eek: and you get creamed leeks with curdled cream...

I put in a bunch of fresh ramps Never really cared for the taste

and you get a vehicle jack.

I put in a gallon of old engine oil

(Insomnia is a terrible thing. I'm off. Tata)
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and you get an organic 'Bloody Butcher' heirloom tomato plant.

I put in a pound of safflower seed... for our feathered friends...

and get the 45" coffee table edition of Feathered Friends - Songbirds of Northern Ontario in Glorious Colour

I put in 33" record - Meatloaf Bad Attitude:D
and get the 45" coffee table edition of Feathered Friends - Songbirds of Northern Ontario in Glorious Colour

I put in 33" record - Meatloaf Bad Attitude:D

and you get me! With rope bag and ass hook.

I put in a black leather corset, left behind after drunken party...
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