The Author's Hangout Vending Machine

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And I get out Steven Jobs in a bathing suit

I put in a (rain dance), scratch that least I loose a friend.
I put in a soccer ball.
couldn't resist

and you suddenly got the urge to bend it like beckham as storm clouds rage over your head.

I put in all of the bad memories of the last year:(....
and you get me and my grassy scent

I put in a box of Claritin

and you become allergic to rainbow colored ass'fro's

ass'fro: ass so hair it has it's own afro complete with a pik in it.

I put in all the shaved pubic hair that I found in the public ladies room at summer camp. (EWW!!)
And you learn the benefits of safe sex

I put in a condom

. . . and you get back an undergraduate thesis explaining why a woman can't get pregnant if she has sex in a hot tub.

I put in a pair of smiley-face boxers.
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