The AR-15

I think it just pisses him off I'm living the good life giving the feds the finger, go out and play with pimpin' ass hardware, getting paid stupid TAX FREE money to shoot jihadis and pirates.


What's that all mean, uncle widdle dickie, when an admitted illegal substance grower/dealer/possessor/user posts such "shoot" stuff as "giving the feds the finger"?

Aren't there federal felony laws against that stuff? You know, just like your other piece of shit pal Alton Sterling was likewise committing felonies before he tried giving those cops "the finger", too? Does that mean you're going to whine and moan murderers! if this felony committer gets blown away by the cops, too?

Don't the website owners have a legal responsibility to report a poster to "the feds" when that poster openly brags on their site about "giving the feds the finger" by committing federal felonies?

I'm scared, uncle widdle dickie: the whole world seems like it's unraveling - please hold me.
Don't the website owners have a legal responsibility to report a poster to "the feds" when that poster openly brags on their site about "giving the feds the finger" by committing federal felonies?

Why don't you do it eyer? A good statist like you has no problem calling the feds on someone for what they do in their own home right?:D

Call the feds and tell them there's a disabled vet in NorCal with a couple gnaja plants and technically doesn't own any guns or much of anything for that matter.....I'm sure they will get right on wading through that legal shit storm and PR nightmare just to give statist like you a federal supremacy boner. ;)
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That "disabled vet" part was a nice tear-jerking, sphincter-clinching touch, wannabe, to go along with the rest of your woe is me usual crap when you step on your own dick.

You're not a "vet", punk; remember: you once pontificated that only dumbass politicians' sons voluntarily joined the military to serve their country, and that you did it to improve your economic station in life and because you love to blow things up. That's not a "vet", boy - you're nothing but a wannabe soldier of fortune who got his wannabe bad ass handed to him by those "ragheads" and "hajis" you still love to talk about blowing away.

And to fantasize you would somehow cause any "legal shit storm and PR nightmare" because the feds bust a simple washout like you for felony possession of firearms, and illegal possession, distribution, and use of controlled substances at the same time?


Dude: I fully understand you've spent a lot of bandwidth building up your wannabe brand here, but - just like all the rest of us - you really ain't even a pimple on an ant's ass, and nothing but another Alton Sterling voluntarily committing felonies while fantasizing you're giving the cops "the finger" all the way down.

Such a bad, bad wannabe ass...

Say, you brought up your county's Sheriff as a reference recently: are you actually stating for the record that he knows all about your felonious substance and weapons activities and doesn't do anything about it just because, rather than what I've posted about wannabe you, you're really, really someone that special?

I mean, as long as wannabe bad ass you is so proud "giving the feds the finger"...
You're not a "vet"

All the paperwork says otherwise ;)

And to fantasize you would somehow cause any "legal shit storm and PR nightmare" because the feds bust a simple washout like you for felony possession of firearms, and illegal possession, distribution, and use of controlled substances at the same time?

You still don't seem to understand that being executor of an estate that owns weapons in another state isn't felony possession of firearms you fucking retard. No matter how badly you want to think it is.:D

Hard time prosecuting me for something I'm not in possession of and don't technically even own.

I don't distribute, and I've got a doctors recommendation, just like millions of law abiding citizens who are in possession of and use controlled substances for medical reasons every day.

Say, you brought up your county's Sheriff as a reference recently: are you actually stating for the record that he knows all about your felonious substance and weapons activities and doesn't do anything about it just because, rather than what I've posted about wannabe you, you're really, really someone that special?

I mean, as long as wannabe bad ass you is so proud "giving the feds the finger"...

What weapons activities?? I don't own nor are there ANY guns in my possession. :D

And yep the Sheriff knows all about the felonious substances and he totally approves, even signed off on it. Not because I'm special, because it's state law and he works for me, not the feds. ;)

I hear Texas might even be giving the feds the same finger....what will you and the other freedom and capitalism hating statist do then?

DAAAwwwwwwwww SOMEBOY lost the war on sad for himz.
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A friend of mine used to hunt Sitka blacktail deer on Admiralty Island with a mini-14. My preference for that hunt is my .338 WM bolt gun. The locals are big, brown, and ugly, and occasionally, bitchy.

I'm a 12-gauge man, or sometimes a 30-30.
I've never shot an AR-15 but have the M-16. One brother-in-law gained new respect for me after seeing how deadly I was with the M-16, an SK-5, a Beretta 9mm and a 44 magnum.

You, sir, are quite the badass.
Were you Force Recon in the Marines like AJ, Vetteman and Miles were?
2000 rounds to sight in a rifle...mental case

Where did I say it was to "sight in a rifle"?

To create the muscle memory you need to use anything correctly, you need to do it repetitively. This goes for tools of any sort.

I'm sorry that you don't understand the concept of adequate training.

While it only takes one punch to the face of a submissive woman for dick to get off that way. No wonder the wannabe badass prefers punching to shooting.

Stick to stroking off your Louisville slugger that you keep in the corner, Eeyore.

At least you have a hobby.
Tell us what you did in the War, Jen.

p.s. "Rob is fat" is sooo 2011. Check your office.

I don't follow the party lines like you ignorant obama fools do. The fact is, obama is wrong 99% of the time and you buy into the bullshit 97.8% of the time.
Where did I say it was to "sight in a rifle"?

To create the muscle memory you need to use anything correctly, you need to do it repetitively. This goes for tools of any sort.

I'm sorry that you don't understand the concept of adequate training.

Da fuck are you training for...idiot

LOL, thinking..dick must be able to jerk off in about 2 strokes with the muscle memory he has developed
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Stick to stroking off your Louisville slugger that you keep in the corner, Eeyore.

At least you have a hobby.

Your big, wannabe badass face should come say Hi! to it. I can guarantee you at least a triple for your effort.