The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room

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I found the perfect fix for Monday mornings. Start the day at noon. :)

Cereal for lunch is interesting. Of course, a large mug of coffee is mandatory. Now sex is always a good idea but i do have to do something constructive this afternoon.

Maybe some writing.

That's pretty much my every Monday . . . and Tuesday . . . and . . .
When do you get to hear if some other blighter thinks you're worth a Doctorate ?
Good Luck with it, anyway; what was the subject, may I enquire?

Somewhere in the social sciences. :)

What to make coffee with? A ten dollar drip coffee maker works for me.

But I excel at making simple tasks more complicated than they need to be. With my coffee maker dead I have a new frontier to obsess over! :D

Thankfully for my sanity I found an old French press in the basement and have been happily sipping away this morning.

As for prosecco, I support the entire sparkling wine collection. Champagne, prosecco, whatever the heck US producers are calling their stuff now, or my recent personal fave: vinho verde (the "cheap and cheerful" wine).

(Also I'm so jealous of the noon start. Damn kids.)
But I excel at making simple tasks more complicated than they need to be. With my coffee maker dead I have a new frontier to obsess over! :D

Thankfully for my sanity I found an old French press in the basement and have been happily sipping away this morning.

(Also I'm so jealous of the noon start. Damn kids.)

Simplifying makes more time that can be used constructively. Like writing.

(Kids come and kids go. Sooner or later.)
While waiting for my third Valentine's Day entry to be approved I finished writing the sequel to my 2004 story Rapunzel. It has been part-written for 12 years. I submitted it a couple of hours ago.

On to finish some other stories, I hope.
While waiting for my third Valentine's Day entry to be approved I finished writing the sequel to my 2004 story Rapunzel. It has been part-written for 12 years. I submitted it a couple of hours ago.

On to finish some other stories, I hope.

Congrats Ogg. May the old become new.

I posted a sequel 8 years after the first part. A bunch of people wanted to know if it would be that long before part three was out. At first i never intended for there to be more than one part but the characters and readers kept calling to me.
Congrats Ogg. May the old become new.

I posted a sequel 8 years after the first part. A bunch of people wanted to know if it would be that long before part three was out. At first i never intended for there to be more than one part but the characters and readers kept calling to me.

I wish I had the ability. . . . .
And now, a before-retiring cup of tea. I think.
Quite the range of drinks. I just finished a Hot chocolate. :)

One of my picture stories has been bugging me. I've been thinking about chopping a big section off and restarting the direction the story is going butt... After rereading what i have, I'll keep what I have and change the direction of the dialog.

Always something. :rolleyes:
Quite the range of drinks. I just finished a Hot chocolate. :)

One of my picture stories has been bugging me. I've been thinking about chopping a big section off and restarting the direction the story is going butt... After rereading what i have, I'll keep what I have and change the direction of the dialog.

Always something. :rolleyes:

I'm hoping for a snow day tomorrow so I can keep working on the story I picked back up this weekend. I convinced my mind to keep it in my subconcious and it has been working some plot points out. I don't have it all figured out but I'm further than I was.
I'm hoping for a snow day tomorrow so I can keep working on the story I picked back up this weekend. I convinced my mind to keep it in my subconcious and it has been working some plot points out. I don't have it all figured out but I'm further than I was.

It only got up to 68f today. It's supposed to be 50 tonight and 77f tomorrow. No snow, believe me. Weird ass weather to say the least.

The story I mentioned above is now another 1500 words longer and headed in a better direction. I think. My intention is to keep it about the same length as the first two chapters but... as usual it keeps trying to get away from me.

I was hoping to end it in one more chapter but its looking like two will be needed to get the HEA ending I'm looking for.
It only got up to 68f today. It's supposed to be 50 tonight and 77f tomorrow. No snow, believe me. Weird ass weather to say the least.

The story I mentioned above is now another 1500 words longer and headed in a better direction. I think. My intention is to keep it about the same length as the first two chapters but... as usual it keeps trying to get away from me.

I was hoping to end it in one more chapter but its looking like two will be needed to get the HEA ending I'm looking for.

Yeah, this one is trying to turn into another novel, but I refuse.
Control? What's control? I start the story and it keeps on going until it finishes itself. Control belongs to the story,
Control? What's control? I start the story and it keeps on going until it finishes itself. Control belongs to the story,

Herding characters is like herding cats. Next to impossible. :cool:

Sometimes you can outsmart them but be aware that they can also outsmart you.
Herding characters is like herding cats. Next to impossible. :cool:

Sometimes you can outsmart them but be aware that they can also outsmart you.

Good Morning all.
My characters (well, the current problem, anyway), are still 'in chains'; but the countryside and castle round them is managing nicely.
Coffee, I think.
We currently have bright light, sunshine, even.
And rather to my surprise, a new bit of growth is emerging from my rose plant.
In January ????
I got so enthusiastic I took a photo of it!

Munchkin got a snow day but I'm expected into work later. Considering whether to call off. I should go in but I'd rather stay home, of course. :rolleyes:
Morning all.

I was up early and took care of some things. Laid back down. Oh yes, very nice way to start the day. I'm getting lazier and lazier. Of course, i was up until 3AM writing.

Fresh coffee is made and the kettle is on.

I think more writing is in order.
Morning all.

I was up early and took care of some things. Laid back down. Oh yes, very nice way to start the day. I'm getting lazier and lazier. Of course, i was up until 3AM writing.

Fresh coffee is made and the kettle is on.

I think more writing is in order.

Did you say - coffee ?
Oh yes please.

Thank you!
Woke up to snow, then the sun came out, then the clouds came back, now it is snowing again. Poor sky can't make up its mind what it wants to do. I think hot chocolate sounds good to me. :)
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