The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room

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HA HA!! I am off for the next two days, and that means fuck sleep.

Give me two, no THREE, coffees with cream and sugar, please. This gal's getting some writing done!
HA HA!! I am off for the next two days, and that means fuck sleep.

Give me two, no THREE, coffees with cream and sugar, please. This gal's getting some writing done!

Three coffees with cow and cane coming up.

Happy writing. :)
Thank you!! :D

If you find me climbing the walls in an hour or so, just prod me with a broom or something. :)

Poking people with sticks is frowned on in this thread. ;)

Butt i do have several ropes to, uh, keep you in your chair. :catgrin:
I think I'll take a cup of raspberry tea tonight. *spirits through to grab tea and hide in the corner*
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So does this coffee shop turn into a bar at night, or are we all teetotalers?


As long as we aren't teetotalers than I'm throwing back a well-deserved old fashioned.
And planning another after this one.
And fine, maybe a third.

Please, someone make sure there is coffee for me first thing in the morning.
I assumed bar . . . at night. I have a glass (a big glass) of Yellowtail Shiraz, not a cup of coffee, here at the moment.
Oh, to have the tolerance of my twenties back. Someone feel free to snag the old fashioned from the top of my head.

I assumed bar . . . at night. I have a glass (a big glass) of Yellowtail Shiraz, not a cup of coffee, here at the moment.

Then cheers, pilot. Hope that shiraz treated you well.
And as I said to my wonderful Significant Other when he woke me up after I missed my alarm and brought me my first cup of coffee while I was still all blurry eyed ......

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I ran out of beans. Nooooooo. Quick Tx, crank up the teleport machine again.

And as I said to my wonderful Significant Other when he woke me up after I missed my alarm and brought me my first cup of coffee while I was still all blurry eyed ......

I married a dude who hates coffee. It ranks as one of his biggest character flaws. Cheers for not linking yourself to someone with a similar flaw.
I ran out of beans. Nooooooo. Quick Tx, crank up the teleport machine again.

I married a dude who hates coffee. It ranks as one of his biggest character flaws. Cheers for not linking yourself to someone with a similar flaw.

The teleport machine has just been serviced; what coffee would you like, ?
As to your Dude, one presumes that this flaw was made up in -erm- other ways.

Morning all.

I got woke up three times last night from the sound of rain on the tin roof. They are saying one to three inches an hour at times. Major flooding in Houston as usual.

Sorry guys but the lick her, uh, liquor licensees hasn't been approved yet. Butt there is a bit of the hair of the dog stashed under the counter on the far end. Help yourself. All donations are appreciated.

Coffee is good, coffee is great.... Thank's for the medical facts there HP.

The coffee is fresh and so is the help. The kettle is also hot for you flawed people. ;) :D
The teleport machine has just been serviced; what coffee would you like, ?
As to your Dude, one presumes that this flaw was made up in -erm- other ways.

Medium roast with milk, please. Thanks HP.
My biggest complaint is his dislike of coffee, so I suppose he's a keeper.

I got woke up three times last night from the sound of rain on the tin roof. They are saying one to three inches an hour at times. Major flooding in Houston as usual.

Sorry guys but the lick her, uh, liquor licensees hasn't been approved yet. Butt there is a bit of the hair of the dog stashed under the counter on the far end. Help yourself. All donations are appreciated.

Hmph. I come from bootlegging stock on both sides, so I think I'll continue to drink in the evenings, license be damned.

And I don't miss much about North Carolina, but I do miss rain on the tin roof.
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