The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 09

I don't care what the beans are, just pass the pot. I'll make a fresh pot for everyone else after I fill up this bucket.

Somehow got roped into watching a bunch of the Godzilla movies last night. I've been teasing my daughter about her habit of heckling the TV while watching movies (at 10, she's been working her way through the original Nightmare on Elm Street movies, she thinks they're funny).

I don't remember which movie we were on, because they all blurred together, but Hubby looks over at me and says "you realize that Daughter gets her heckling from you, right? You're as bad as the Muppet guys!"
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BTW, do we have any iPad gurus out there? For some reason, I find I cannot vote on Literotica stories.
Easy fix.
1. Set the screen brightness to 100%
2. Find a very, very long video on the web and play that. Set it up to loop if need be.
3. Once the battery is fully drained, plug it in to a new charger. If you don't have an Apple charger find one with the most amperage output.
4. While the iPad is charging, go out and buy a windows based laptop
5. Problem solved!
I don't care what the beans are, just pass the pot. I'll make a fresh pot for everyone else after I fill up this bucket.

Here 'ya go...... and now, back to my mug of Hazelnut Vanilla / Columbian...made my second pot for the day after I finished a few posts on MeWe. Facebook fired me and shut down my backup account, so now I will have to be sneakier. LOL. Next weekend, I have no time to be sneaky this weekend.

We have a weather advisory for witches headed this way (as in, watch for falling houses), so I'm switching from coffee to alcohol and finishing up my 500 word short shorts for Nude Day and Summer Loving. I haven't done a contest entry anywhere for anything in a decade, and I feel oddly giddy- similar to the sensation you get at the top of the first big hill on the rollercoaster.
Evening coffee and tea is on, but I'm enjoying an ice cold brewski right now. It's a holiday, all that beer isn't going to drink itself.

To my fellow weapons troops and to my friends that didn't come home... 🍻
Why can't the clouds get along without all the pushing and shoving and throwing thunderbolts?
hot an dry here; heat advisory in effect. Staying inside in the A/C until it cools down to the high 80s. Garden is struggling to stay alive.
Oh, joy. Tornado warning in the county west of us, with a squall line heading straight in our direction. Looks like 20-25 minutes away. C is glued to the TV and the weatherfolk's prattle about storm precautions. Just starting to hear thunder.
The worst has passed around us, as usual. Our town is in a basin with a large lake in the middle, and this seems to temper storm effects. Lights blinked a couple of times. 10-15 miles north, radar hinted at a large hail event, and a couple of small tornadoes.

Nonetheless we're okay, with a few small branches to pickup out of the yard tomorrow.
Well, we're finally having an autumn. Very cool mornings, going to a clear and sunny day.

Even the ocean outside of the harbour is flat, with only the wake from a fishing boat chasing tuna making waves.

I really want to just sit and stare, sipping my coffee and forget about all the shit roiling in the background.
We have a weather advisory for witches headed this way (as in, watch for falling houses), so I'm switching from coffee to alcohol and finishing up my 500 word short shorts for Nude Day and Summer Loving. I haven't done a contest entry anywhere for anything in a decade, and I feel oddly giddy- similar to the sensation you get at the top of the first big hill on the rollercoaster.
Just so you'll know, an entry in a fiction category here has to be at least 750 words. If you've turned out two solid stories of 500 words each, bravo--but they won't get accepted here at that length.
Just so you'll know, an entry in a fiction category here has to be at least 750 words. If you've turned out two solid stories of 500 words each, bravo--but they won't get accepted here at that length.
Oh, I'm very familiar. I only look sweet and innocent- I've been here before. These short shorts are the outline for my final submissions. 😈
The worst has passed around us, as usual. Our town is in a basin with a large lake in the middle, and this seems to temper storm effects. Lights blinked a couple of times. 10-15 miles north, radar hinted at a large hail event, and a couple of small tornadoes.

Nonetheless we're okay, with a few small branches to pickup out of the yard tomorrow.
I swear to all that's unholy, if you're my neighbor, we're having a dinner party. (Because you quite literally just described my town, not for any punch bowl related reasons.)

I have officially passed 1k words on at least one of my earlier plot bunnies, exceeded my allotment of alcoholic seltzers, had a long conversation with my ex (hubby was involved and an active participant) and switched back to coffee. Iced, with my homemade raspberry mocha creamer added.

Chickens, cats, and other livestock has been put away, and I'm watching the next line of storms roll in.
We've had some light (??) rain and some decent warmer, so it ain't too bad.

Chloe, why put a nut into your coffee ?
We've had some light (??) rain and some decent warmer, so it ain't too bad.

Chloe, why put a nut into your coffee ?
Hazelnut is a favorite flavor of coffee over here, especially among Facebook commandos. (I really want to see what put her in FB prison) Hazelnut is either part of the coffee or the creamer. I think it gives the coffee a chocolaty flavor. I prefer adding a drop or two of chocolate syrup and a little creamer instead.
I hate hazelnut ... and caramel.

I use a white chocolate macadamia creamer sometimes. Or french vanilla.
The teapot is on the back warmer if anyone wants some. I'm enjoying my Earl Grey as I watch the Downy Woodpecker sitting on the hummingbird feeder helping himself to the sugar water.
Tip of my teacup to all Litsters that were/are in the path of these storms. Be safe everyone!

A second tip of my teacup and deeply sincere respect and thanks to all who paid the ultimate sacrifice for defending/serving their countries. We remember.
I swear to all that's unholy, if you're my neighbor, we're having a dinner party. (Because you quite literally just described my town, not for any punch bowl related reasons.)
... I'm watching the next line of storms roll in.

That last line disqualifies us. ;) Here, we were done after that last cluster rolled through the area.

The weather that moved in last night will repeat every day through the weekend. We are bracing ourselves to endure highs in the upper 70s under clear and sunny skies. Chamber of Commerce weather.
Good morning! Everyone sleep well? The Broom Repair Shop is swamped this morning!

Coffee is on and there's hummingbirds in the snapdragon and geraniums out on the veranda- come enjoy them before the heat sets in!
Tip of my teacup to all Litsters that were/are in the path of these storms.
The storm front is along the east coast now from South Carolina up to Ontario and beyond. Lots of lightning in the Virginia Beach area. LOTS of weather in Canada, stretching from Montreal west to Sault Ste. Marie - that's half the width of the continent.
heat index here is predicted to be 114 deg F today

Be careful.

Speaking of heat index, out of idle curiosity I looked-up the weather in my home town last week; I grew-up in the California desert. Highs were in the balmy mid-90s as they usually are this time of year... with heat indexes in the mid-80s. That's right, the heat index was 10° lower than the ambient air temperature. Very low humidity - 12-15% - will do that.