The AH Coffee Shop and Reading Room 03: Come On In

What's for breakfast: Yesterday's coffee in sufficient quantity. And the same as dinner a previous night: rhubarb-strawberry pie topped with fresh strawberries and copious whipped cream. Could be worse. Now if only the coffee takes hold and propels me...
I didn't know one could mix Strawberry & Rhubarb.
It sounds good.

Meanwhile its time for my last brew of tea.
I didn't know one could mix Strawberry & Rhubarb.
It sounds good.

It's excellent, actually. The flavours are complete complements. I just (by pure coincidence) took one from the oven for soon-to-arrive company.

First real rhubarb dish from our garden this year!
It's excellent, actually. The flavours are complete complements. I just (by pure coincidence) took one from the oven for soon-to-arrive company.

First real rhubarb dish of the year!

My mother always made strawberry/rhubarb pie too.
I was on the riding mower, which runs a whole lot faster than I do. I did get one sting in the middle of my back where I can't reach. My old shoulders ain't what the used to be.

I haven't run afoul of one since I was a 22 year-old doing field work alone. I dropped my backpack on the nest and didn't notice them until they swarmed the bag and started after me.

I ran. I had them in my long hair and down my shirt. After I pulled the shirt off and got them out of my hair I still had to go back and retrieve the backpack. That involved a couple more runs, but those were shorter.
My mother always made strawberry/rhubarb pie too.
My Michigan Methodist maternal grandmother, transplanted to an airport flight path outside Los Angeles, picked strawberries from her front-yard patch and rhubarb from the clump growing outside her kitchen door, a few steps from the avocado tree. Sugar was involved. Appetites were sated.
My mother always made strawberry/rhubarb pie too.

I've always made unadultered rhubarb pie, my favorite. Now I do rhubarb cobbler, based on the Smitten Kitchen blog recipe. It's the best of the ones I've tried.

House full of family for the weekend. Hoping to retain my sanity. Pray for me.
My Michigan Methodist maternal grandmother, transplanted to an airport flight path outside Los Angeles, picked strawberries from her front-yard patch and rhubarb from the clump growing outside her kitchen door, a few steps from the avocado tree. Sugar was involved. Appetites were sated.


(I didn't like it then and still don't now.)
I've always made unadultered rhubarb pie, my favorite. Now I do rhubarb cobbler, based on the Smitten Kitchen blog recipe. It's the best of the ones I've tried.

House full of family for the weekend. Hoping to retain my sanity. Pray for me.

Fingers crossed, Mags. :rose:
The coffee is ready for those who partied too much last night and the rest of you slackers also. ;)

It is supposed to rain tonight and for the next few days. I figure hit and miss showers but what do i know. Sounds like a good time to work in the yard some.
It is supposed to rain tonight and for the next few days. I figure hit and miss showers but what do i know. Sounds like a good time to work in the yard some.

We're supposed to get soaking rains today. It's been raining lightly now for almost an hour and radar shows slightly heavier rain on its way. This could make the desert go green for a few minutes.

It also means I don't have to water the lawn today. I won't be sitting here all morning with an alarm ticking on my phone. Maybe I can write.
We're supposed to get soaking rains today. It's been raining lightly now for almost an hour and radar shows slightly heavier rain on its way. This could make the desert go green for a few minutes.

It also means I don't have to water the lawn today. I won't be sitting here all morning with an alarm ticking on my phone. Maybe I can write.

How bad was the fire damage? (I presume it's all out now.)
How bad was the fire damage? (I presume it's all out now.)

It's still burning, but mostly contained. It seemed to slow down a lot after it reached 30,000 acres and now it's under 37,000 acres with most of that on the Philmont Ranch.

I checked the wildfire reports after you asked. There were four more fires reported yesterday. One is in the preserve just north of here. One is just north of the fire on Philmont. They're really hoping the rain will slow the fires down.
The heat flash is over (100f yesterday) and the cold flash is coming (high 66f tomorrow) but no rain. We won't play in the sprinkler this weekend even though the contractors aren't here. Wouldn't be prudent; might draw bears. And hypothermia.

Did someone say coffee?

I missed three cyclists and two squirrels on the drive home yesterday and passed the ZZ Topp sedan rolling down Kit Carson Pass highway from Reno or Tahoe. CalFire canceled all burn permits in the area so air is breathable if dry. The in-laws two miles away have more surveillance vids of a bear on their porch. No bears around the nearby pizza drive-thru, though. Where is the justice?

Coffee. Please. Coffee. Soon. Argh.
It is now past 2PM and the sun is shining brightly. It has been. I put in about 2 1/2 hours on the flowerbed in front of the porch. By the time I had all the brush and briars cleared i had a wheelbarrow load about four feet high. I found two nice sized cedar trees that I will move to the far side of the yard after it rains. If it does.

I still have a lot of work out there but I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe I'll do a little more tomorrow if the rain holds off.

Fresh coffee for the afternooner crowd. I think I see a nap in my near future.
" I found two nice sized cedar trees that I will move . . ."

Do please tell me; how big and how will you move them (a BIG hole ?)

Meanwhile, some coffee will be welcome.
I wrote a couple thousand words today and I'm getting down to the end of Love is Enough -- down to the point where I'm foreshadowing the end. I knew as soon as I imagined how it would end that it would be hard to write. The closer I get the more challenging it is.

Just the same, I have a bizarre hope that I'll be at the end by next weekend.
Too late for coffee, too early for morphine. I'll get by on Dago red and hummus dip. Roasted Pine Nut, sez the label. Like y'all care. I'm just up from an afternoon nap. I force-dreamed some story outlines I'm slowly cooking. Tales of hikers and bikers might emerge some day.

Lucid dreaming always goes awry. I lie abed visualizing people, places, things, acts, but next I know, I'm face-down on the pillow with soft memories of something drifting away. Very frustrating. I might be designing starships. They're lost now. Y'all are stuck on Earth forever, a living Hell. Not my fault.

Too late for coffee, too early for morphine. Guess I'll have to cook sometime soon. Shiitake mushrooms are calling me.
Round here it's 4am and dawn is trying to make an appearance.
Too early for coffee, too early for meds.
And the stories just will not work.

Oh go on then - Coffee !
Aaaahhhhhhh.... I can speak now! Caffeine has stimulated whatever it is that connects voice to brain. I'm not sure if I'm up early or going to sleep late. Night shifts and overtime....

It is 8AM. Do you know where your coffee is?

Okay, I'll make a fresh pot.

Nothing planned for the day but you never know what might pop up. :devil: