Testosterone test

Prince Romeo

Literotica Guru
Oct 3, 2002
You ain't got no testosterone in you if haven't done at least one of the following things and LIKED it:
Watched any of the follwoing movies:

Army of Darkness, Gladiator, The Matrix, Lord of the Rings
You drank all night, fell asleep god knows where and couldn't remember where you left your car.
You drank all night and almost got it on with your cousin! (You're probably all testosterone if you actually did)
Got fucked up the ass by a 900lb gorilla. (just threw that in to see if any ones reading this shit);)
I haven't done a cousin, although i've got a pretend older sista i'd like to nail.

What do I get? :D
Prince Romeo said:
Got fucked up the ass by a 900lb gorilla. (just threw that in to see if any ones reading this shit);)

hmm..............they have hormone replacement therapy for men now, right? Where do I sign up? :p
What's a pretend older sister? If she's real and a hot babe and you bang her, well then you're probably every guys hero, even though they won't admit it.
Your all testosterone if you've done all that in one night ..... not that i have any experience
Hmmm, well on the same occasion I forgot where my car was, I did almost get it on with my cousin, but this fucking angel on my shoulder screwed it all up. As far as the gorilla is concerned, I'm glad to say that didn't happen that night (as far as I can remember, hmmmm, come to think of it, my ass was sore for several days).;)
Uh oh, It's all coming back to me now. I was at the zoo at the time .... with my cousin.......we found this dark cave......next thing I know we're fucking our brains out.....we notice we aren't alone......this big fucking hairy dude starts doin her up the ass.....he's grunting and howling like an animal...so is she....so am I....me tarzan....she Jane.....him cheetah!
LukkyKnight said:
They don't make princes like they used to.

Well, there are lots of dogs named Prince, I used to have one. This ones obviously not neutered yet. Well, we can always hope.
That's not a woman that's a man baby!

In the immortal words of Ash, from "Army of Darkness"

"Sure I coulda stayed in the past,
might of even been King".
"But in my own way,
I am King".

"Hail to the King baby".
I shit you not.

Prince Romeo said:
You drank all night and almost got it on with your cousin! (You're probably all testosterone if you actually did)

My friend, who's female, did this when visiting her family in Tennessee. And I wouldn't doubt it if her testosterone levels were abnormally high, though you wouldn't know it when you first saw her.
Well thats one way to get the post count up.....divide your post into seperate lines :rolleyes:
Ahhh Bindii, you've discovered my dirty little secret!


that's what you do when you don't gey any response.
So I've done everything except the gorilla thing.

I think I just compromised the accuracy of your test.