Test Your Posting Here

BlueSugar said:
I'm ok now. how do i make shameless adds to my stories and i'm going to put together a page of AVs too. is there a way to make my font smaller then what it is for those quotes?


I just need to know how to get my quotes next to my pic, leaving jackie blue atop my pic
OK I'm getting frustraited... someone anyone... step in at any time and fix my mess.. All i want are the quotes fully next to the pictures. each not running into the next, just trying to save space and not have a huuuuge sig line. oi.
BlueSugar said:
I just need to know how to get my quotes next to my pic, leaving jackie blue atop my pic

The best thing for you to do is to read up up on HTML -- there are several sites for HTML begginners -- and use only HTML in your signature line.

I think you want to add "Align=Left" to the img src statement to move the text alongside the image, but I'm not up to experimenting to find the exact syntax to format your signature the way you want it.

A hint for working on Sig-line formatting -- you don't need a new post to check every change; hitting refresh will update your signature line to the latest change.

Open a new window with your control panel and edit your signature.

Refresh the old window with one of your posts in it and the changes will show up.
I know about refresh, i only post new when i had something to say, well, sort of. ugh, its going to stay, i'll endure the bitching till i have more patience, i ended up staying up all night again bc of this and stupid other little things that i couldn't stop an do tomorrow bc i haaaad to do it now. oi.
Yep, me to

BlueSugar said:
I know about refresh, i only post new when i had something to say, well, sort of. ugh, its going to stay, i'll endure the bitching till i have more patience, i ended up staying up all night again bc of this and stupid other little things that i couldn't stop an do tomorrow bc i haaaad to do it now. oi.

I have stayed up all night as well, trying to get things to work

It gets additive.

Good luck

Sorry I can't help more, but I must get to bed, got the flu
thankies much, flu all nighter? ouch, treat yourself to some nyquil and sleep all day.

I'm agitated, I'll eventually either sit here and do it, or find someone patient to help me. until then, oh well. I was going to type in/pm you about a dozen more time but i figured things out on my own, either by looking over the site, or commen sense and old html code lore in my head from way back when. I have to play with it, or figure out word wrap... i have to find a friend. I hate how the box is so small, it should be a little bigger ... I've been working in an email then c/p into the stupid little box. ::shrug:: sweet dreaming, feel better !!
BlueSugar said:
I'm agitated, I'll eventually either sit here and do it, or find someone patient to help me.

This is what View/Source shows as the text of your signature line"
<b> <font size="3"><font color="darkblue">Jackie Blue</font> </font></b><br />
<IMG SRC="https://forum.literotica.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=5633187"><font size="1"><font face="arial"> Talking is a very important part of a relationship...without talking, there would only be sex and chinese food."SeaLab 2021 <br />
"If you're a pervert... then I must be some kind of OCD Nympho"<br />
Me"<br />
I do not regret the things I've done, but those I did not do."<br />
Empire Records</font> </font></p ></font></p></p>
	<p align="right">

Does it match what you've entered in your sig line?

After 5633187"><p align="right"> After sea lab 2001<br>After nympho <br> me <br> After i did not do <br> After empire records <br> then</font></p></body></html> I think that might work= Try it let me know?:kiss:
testing smileys

<font sml="AgHSEMI=">:-*</font><font sml="AgHSD9U=">:-*</font><font sml="AgHSEtA=">:-*</font><font sml="AgHSHpI=">:-*</font><font sml="AgHSJmk=">:-*</font>

damn, it didn't work

hi name is kate, If you don't mind me saying so, You have a beautiful back side yoga lady. It pays off nicely. Pleased to meet you.
I'm confused

idoyoganaked said:
testing smileys

<font sml="AgHSEMI=">:-*</font><font sml="AgHSD9U=">:-*</font><font sml="AgHSEtA=">:-*</font><font sml="AgHSHpI=">:-*</font><font sml="AgHSJmk=">:-*</font>

damn, it didn't work

What were you trying to do?
testing smileys

Yeah I just wanted to use them individually in text, not make a gif of them and post the image
idoyoganaked said:
Yeah I just wanted to use them individually in text, not make a gif of them and post the image

Infortunately, that site provides HTML code to show only part of the GIF that dragonette linked. HTML code is disabled in the body of posts here at Lit, so you can't use those smilies here in the way you want to.

HTML code does work in signature lines, so you mighet be able to use them in your signature, but I don't see any way that those smilies can be used on your posts.