Tags Portal


Mar 23, 2021
When I write a new story I must first go to 'New Story' to begin. Then there is a place where I must decide under which category the story will go. I usually write stories about Female Domination but under 'Categories' there is no option like that, but yet if I go to Tags Portal I can click on Female Domination and other options. As I read a story listed under Female Domination I wonder how does a story become under that heading when there is no option like that under Categories? Thanks.
Categories were determined the site twenty years ago. Tags are determined by authors, so will tend to keep more current. The site then displays the most used tags within any given category.
There's a difference between Categories (sections of the site where stories live) and Tags (labels you can put on stories).

The Tags input is above the Category chooser.

You browse Categories from the main Stories page. You browse Tags from one of several different Tags views. You can also filter a Tags view by Category.
Thank you for that information but I'm still a bit confused. I realize there's a difference between the two but how does a story get into the Tags section? When I write a Femdom story I put it into Non-consent in the Category section. So how does it get into Tags under Female Domination?
When you publish a story, there's a section of the story data form (it's right above where you select the Category) where you enter tags for your story. You can add up to ten tags.