Suggestions of upgrades etc.


Literotica Guru
Sep 29, 2021
I didn't find such topic, but maybe it would be nice to have a place when Lit users could write their own suggestion for the upgrades, new functionalities and such. I understand that not all suggestions will be made realisty, but still.

Some suggestions from me:

1. Broader rating systems. I have nothing against 5-stars design, but there is an issue when it comes to HOT rating. When HOT >= 4.5, I cannot rate the story as hot unless I rate it as perfect (5/5), because when I'll rate it 4/5 it will lower a chance of such achievement.

2. Possibility to answer comments so the original commenter would get notification.

3. Possibility to assign multiple categories to one work. As I write fanfics, I find submitting them all to Celebrities & Fan Fiction not enough. I mean, some of them are Erotic Couplings, some of them are Lesbian, etc. I understand a need of keeping them in one place (trademarks and such), but it limits possibilities to reach audience for fanfickers.
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One bit of good news for you. Threaded comments have already been mentioned as a feature in the works. No mention of notification, but the ability to reply directly is planned.
I didn't find such topic, but maybe it would be nice to have a place when Lit users could write their own suggestion for the upgrades, new functionalities and such. I understand that not all suggestions will be made realisty, but still.

Some suggestions from me:

1. Broader rating systems. I have nothing against 5-stars design, but there is an issue when it comes to HOT rating. When HOT >= 4.5, I cannot rate the story as hot unless I rate it as perfect (5/5), because when I'll rate it 4/5 it will lower a change of such achievement.

2. Possibility to answer comments so the original commenter would get notification.

3. Possibility to assign multiple categories to one work. As I write fanfics, I find submitting them all to Celebrities & Fan Fiction not enough. I mean, some of them are Erotic Couplings, some of them are Lesbian, etc. I understand a need of keeping them in one place (trademarks and such), but it limits possibilities to reach audience for fanfickers.
I often come across these kinds of suggestions here.
As a UX designer myself, I'm aware that the option to receive notifications can significantly boost site traffic (ads viewed more times!). It not only increases page views but also benefits site owners financially. So, it's a bit puzzling to me why this user-friendly feature hasn't been implemented yet.

I understand that implementing notifications might strain servers. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram bombard us with notification emails, but they have robust servers to handle the load. It's uncertain whether this platform has similar server capabilities. However, more ads could help cover the costs, and ads would be more profitable with increased page clicks.

Regarding the wider rating system, I believe it also should show who voted and how. Goodreads, for instance, has an open voting policy where you can see who gave a book a particular rating. If your friends are giving you 1* :)

Having multiple categories per story or additional subcategories would be a fantastic option!
I find it strange why there can't be a romance between mature people - under ROMANCE & MATURE categories simultaneously.
I often come across these kinds of suggestions here.
As a UX designer myself, I'm aware that the option to receive notifications can significantly boost site traffic (ads viewed more times!). It not only increases page views but also benefits site owners financially. So, it's a bit puzzling to me why this user-friendly feature hasn't been implemented yet.

I understand that implementing notifications might strain servers. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram bombard us with notification emails, but they have robust servers to handle the load. It's uncertain whether this platform has similar server capabilities. However, more ads could help cover the costs, and ads would be more profitable with increased page clicks.
I don't mean e-mail or push notificationa. I'd be perfectly happy for them to appear in control panel only.
I don't mean e-mail or push notificationa. I'd be perfectly happy for them to appear in control panel only.
I only mentioned this because email notifications have the potential to generate more traffic. For those authors who posted their stories a while ago, the allure of seeing messages like:
- "xXXXX replied to your comment"
- "YYYYY commented on your story"
could entice them to click and return to Lit.
This may attract more people back to the platform, even inactive authors. (these.... unfinished chapters! :D)

Sorry, my habit, working as UX for 10 years - my goal was always the same: generate MORE clicks, views, revenue, traffic and so on :D

Of course, I agree that even panel notifications alone would make a world of difference for more active authors and readers, absolutely!
Regarding the wider rating system, I believe it also should show who voted and how. Goodreads, for instance, has an open voting policy where you can see who gave a book a particular rating. If your friends are giving you 1* :)
Watched this done on another erotica site. It was a nightmare, and quickly removed not long after implementation. Bitterness that permeated every facet of the site. Revenge voting. Voting/commenting decline across the board. It was a downward spiral that took hold almost immediately.

Put me down as a hell fucking no.
Watched this done on another erotica site. It was a nightmare, and quickly removed not long after implementation. Bitterness that permeated every facet of the site. Revenge voting. Voting/commenting decline across the board. It was a downward spiral that took hold almost immediately.

Put me down as a hell fucking no.
Oh, I'm curious where did it happen?

Because people are obligated to be logged in to vote on the world's biggest platform for free writers: Wattpad.

It also works on Inkitt - even more detailed voting and from logged users:
Separate voting on: Overall, Plot, Writing style, Grammar&Punctuation.

And it also works on Goodreads (although one would argue that authors there may have a diff. approach, more businesslike, since they are not that anonymous, and this is their public reputation.)

Personally, I believe, there can be... anonymity issue, if a situation like that happens.

On Wattpad, Fancfiction.Net, Inkitt, LibraryThing, etc... and Goodreads you have to be logged in (always) to vote.

I think this can work only if they are accustomed to taking responsibility for their vote from the beginning, publicly. Anonymity probably triggers a different dynamic of behavior, and some are strongly accustomed to it(hence may not react well to change).
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Oh, I'm curious where did it happen?

Because people are obligated to be logged in to vote on the world's biggest platform for free writers: Wattpad.

It also works on Inkitt - even more detailed voting and from logged users:
Separate voting on: Overall, Plot, Writing style, Grammar&Punctuation.

And it also works on Goodreads (although one would argue that authors there may have a diff. approach, more businesslike, since they are not that anonymous, and this is their public reputation.)

Personally, I believe, there can be... anonymity issue, if a situation like that happens.

On Wattpad, Fancfiction.Net, Inkitt, LibraryThing, etc... and Goodreads you have to be logged in (always) to vote.

I think this can work only if they are accustomed to taking responsibility for their vote from the beginning, publicly. Anonymity probably triggers a different dynamic of behavior, and some are strongly accustomed to it(hence may not react well to change).
Not erotica/Adult content.

The moment you require an account of the average visitor for anything, it plummets. It also tilts heavily toward your peers, who have to be signed up to present their content. The moment someone gets offended because you broke their perfect five with a 4 vote, the downward spiral begins.
3. Possibility to assign multiple categories to one work. As I write fanfics, I find submitting them all to Celebrities & Fan Fiction not enough. I mean, some of them are Erotic Couplings, some of them are Lesbian, etc. I understand a need of keeping them in one place (trademarks and such), but it limits possibilities to reach audience for fanfickers.
This is what tags are for. Ideally, categories should go away and be replaced with story tags and authors would be thorough and accurate when adding their tags. Too many stories in the Loving Wives and Fetish categories are wrong or misleading.