Feature Request: "Add to series" button being available when first submitting a story.


Aug 20, 2024
As the title shows. The button to add a story to a series isn't there when first submitting a story. Said button is there when you are editing a story though.


vs the edit page


What I would like is to have that button be available from the start. It's possible to add a story to a series before it's published, however it's awkward to do so as the steps I take are

1. preview & publish the completed work (it goes into pending)
2. find in my works
3. edit the work
4. use the add to series button
5. preview & publish
6. submit button at the bottom (getting the error message that it can't be published, a minor heart attack each time.)
This results in the story being in the series.

A potential reason I don't see the button when submitting is that I don't have any 'published' series. Two of them have been sitting in limbo, but that's a separate issue.