Series Bug: unable to add a new chapter "Not found"


Aug 19, 2022
I have a chapter ( which I want to add to an existing series ( If I try, I get a "Not found" error right after pressing the "+" icon in "Add Works", and nothing is added.

- The series is in manual mode, and "completed" is not activated.
- The chapter is not part of any other series.
- The chapter is working fine, I can do anything with it I like (read it, edit it), but I cannot add it to my series.

Any ideas?

Thnx, Sunny
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I'm having a similar issue.

I had a series where the individual chapters also appeared as stand along stories in my list of works. After waiting months to see if the problem corrected itself, I finally decided to try to correct it myself. I deleted the series (Sean McGhee Mysteries) and recreated it again with a slightly different name (The Sean McGhee Mysteries).

Like Sunny above, I can't add any of the chapters to the new series. In addition, each chapter still thinks its linked to the old series, so if anyone clicks on the series link (to go to the series page for the series description, cover, etc.) the site returns a 404 error.

Is there some way the site admins can clean this up so that I (And Sunny of course) can have our series properly displayed?
Moreover, I have tried to attract an admin who would manually straighten things out. I filed an edit to the affected chapter asking the admin for help in the comments.

Nothing happened. The edit is lingering in my works, and nobody seems to care.

I believe the problem is on the story/chapter and not the series itself. Like Sunny above, my chapters seem fine, but I can't add them to the series. I can, however, add another, non-series affiliated title to the series.

As an experiment, I've submitted two chapters that are giving me problems as edits. One I attached to the series when creating the edited story (which appears to have worked), and the second I didn't, to see if I can add it to the series later. I'm hoping that by having the site refresh the stories with an edit, it will clear up the problem using one method or the other.... or maybe both.

I will report back my results after my edits are processed.
@rocco: many thanks for your contribution to this thread. You are perfectly right: the problem is indeed fixed. I tried to add the chapter once more, and now it works like a charm.

Thumbs up from Austria!

I have the same bug. I have a story saved in draft and when i click the "add to series" button it cant find a series to add the story to. I dont know what to do.
There's a link up above to submit a bug report. Eventually, the staff (apparently just Manu) will have time to fix your problem.

It's not the same bug IMHO, the one which hunted me is fixed, I tried it approx. 4 weeks ago, and it worked. Unless the bug came back somehow, what you experience seems to be a similar yet different problem.

Just a guess: I doubt that you can add a story to a series while it is still in draft.

I neuer added any story from draft. I always released, and added afterwards. Maybe try this?
I can try it. ^^ do i add a story to a series after it is published?

...i dont know how it did that but it is now part of the series after being published. :D
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