Suggestions for the Democrats in the House sitting for the 116th Congress


I hate liars
Apr 19, 2010
Suggestions for the Democrats in the House sitting for the 116th Congress

* The first bill to get to the floor should be the "Middle Class Tax Relief" bill that makes permanent the individual and small-business tax cuts, goes further to lower the tax rates on income earners under $300K a year, restores the interest deduction on homes and increases the limits for state income tax deductions. These should be balanced out by the carried interest benefit getting eliminated, taxes on the 0.1% get increased, eliminate equity swaps and eliminate shell trust funds.

* The second bill to come to the floor should be the "Transparency in National Electoral Politics Act" which requires a complete disclosure of 5 years of Tax Returns to appear on a ballot for Federal Office.

* Have the discipline to not investigate every stupid fucking thing Tiny and his minions do. Stay focused on financial improprieties, Russian influence on the elections and the vast abuses of power by the Cabinet.

* Get back to Regular Order and follow the Appropriations Process and produce a budget.
I would like to see the first point happen. It won't though.

The second one is flatly unconstitutional.

The third is unlikely to happen given the rancor that's running through the D party right now.

The fourth is a pipe dream.
the next bill should bring back use of guillotines and allow me to be the one shouting, "off with their heads!"
Pro-tip For Timmeh: Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's "unconstitutional".
> Enact legislation prohibiting display of any wording related to Prop 65 and CARB on any website or advertisement visible outside California.
> Enact legislation prohibiting display of any wording related to Prop 65 and CARB on any website or advertisement visible outside California.

It's annoying and makes me hate CA more than I already do.
Suggestions for the Democrats in the House sitting for the 116th Congress

* The first bill to get to the floor should be the "Middle Class Tax Relief" bill that makes permanent the individual and small-business tax cuts, goes further to lower the tax rates on income earners under $300K a year, restores the interest deduction on homes and increases the limits for state income tax deductions. These should be balanced out by the carried interest benefit getting eliminated, taxes on the 0.1% get increased, eliminate equity swaps and eliminate shell trust funds.

* The second bill to come to the floor should be the "Transparency in National Electoral Politics Act" which requires a complete disclosure of 5 years of Tax Returns to appear on a ballot for Federal Office.

* Have the discipline to not investigate every stupid fucking thing Tiny and his minions do. Stay focused on financial improprieties, Russian influence on the elections and the vast abuses of power by the Cabinet.

* Get back to Regular Order and follow the Appropriations Process and produce a budget.
Wish in one hand, shit in another.
Pro-tip For Timmeh: Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it's "unconstitutional".

You should learn things before you shoot off your mouth. Compelled speech is unconstitutional.

This Court has never held, however, that the privilege is unavailable to those who claim innocence. To the contrary, the Court has emphasized that one of the Fifth Amendment's basic functions is to protect innocent persons who might otherwise be ensnared by ambiguous circumstances. [See:] Grunewald v. United States, 353 U. S. 391, 421

Ohio v. Reiner, 532 U.S. 17 (2001)
Rob should have availed himself of his Fifth Amendment rights and kept silent. Instead he willfully gave testimony against himself by exposing his ignorance.:D

He's an idiot. One among many.
Come on, we're not talking about "compelled speech," we're talking about materials submitted in support of a job application. It's constitutional. Not too long ago Pubs were demanding birth certificates as a condition for candidacy.

It's not a "job application". It's an election for public office.

To "require" someone to speak in a certain way or not be eligible, is compelled speech. The purpose of the compelled speech is also not relevant to any duty of the office.

Your birth certificate analogy is specious. The Constitution requires that the President be born a US citizen. There is no equivalent for tax returns.
It's not a "job application". It's an election for public office.

That's a job application.

To "require" someone to speak in a certain way or not be eligible, is compelled speech. The purpose of the compelled speech is also not relevant to any duty of the office.

The tax returns are relevant to the information available to the voters when they make their selection -- i.e., to the candidate's fitness for office.

I very much doubt any judge would see this your way.
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That's a job application.

The tax returns are relevant to the information available to the voters when they make their selection.

I very much doubt any judge would see this your way.

It's an election. That you choose to call it something else is irrelevant to the truth.

Apparently you missed my prior post where the Supreme Court said exactly that.

*and now, Godfuckingdammit, I'm late for work.*
It's an election. That you choose to call it something else is irrelevant to the truth.

An election is a job application; that is the truth.

Apparently you missed my prior post where the Supreme Court said exactly that.

That case dealt with the privilege against self-incrimination, and not in connection with an election. It's not relevant.
An election is a job application; that is the truth.

That case dealt with the privilege against self-incrimination, and not in connection with an election. It's not relevant.

It is in their minds because Rush says so
It would be part of the filing papers to run. You can choose not to file. No speech is compelled.
It's not a "job application". It's an election for public office.

To "require" someone to speak in a certain way or not be eligible, is compelled speech. The purpose of the compelled speech is also not relevant to any duty of the office.

Your birth certificate analogy is specious. The Constitution requires that the President be born a US citizen. There is no equivalent for tax returns.

Financial disclosure is routine to get on a ballot. At least where I live.