

Dream Maker
Apr 29, 2002
When one gives the gift of submission, he/she does not enter the world of slavery neglect and abuse but the realm of dignity caring and the luxury of
giving up the responsibility of life's decisions. The width and the depth of the submission to be determined by each half of the whole.
Would anyone be interested in a discussion about what your personal feelings about submission are?
justgem said:
:) i just shared many of my views regarding submission last week Shadowsdream. if You r interested here is the link...

views of submission

i cant think of anything to add right now but if what ive posted brings a question to mind im happy to answer it.

i'll look again at this thread later.



Thank you...I have just read the post again..and it is still as beautiful as the first time I read it. I must be over tired to have started a new thread on the same subject!
I submit completely in the sexual realm of my life. I have recently found a Man who never asked but knew it was offered. The submission I experience with him is like no other feeling I have had. Total trust in another person..... Complete relinquishing of my control to Him and for Him to inturn please me. This Man was the first to make me gush and for that alone, I thank him. ~smile~

Our encounters have been wonderful but not so intense that we don't giggle and laugh. I do nothing except that which he wants and tells me to do. Knowing that He is being pleasured by the experience of controlling and pleasuring me is better than anything I have ever felt.
A Desert Rose said:
I submit completely in the sexual realm of my life. I have recently found a Man who never asked but knew it was offered. The submission I experience with him is like no other feeling I have had. Total trust in another person..... Complete relinquishing of my control to Him and for Him to inturn please me. This Man was the first to make me gush and for that alone, I thank him. ~smile~

Our encounters have been wonderful but not so intense that we don't giggle and laugh. I do nothing except that which he wants and tells me to do. Knowing that He is being pleasured by the experience of controlling and pleasuring me is better than anything I have ever felt.

How beautifully you have shown this reality that works for you.
I can almost taste your joy and freedom in this shared form of sexuallity. I feel the passion, safety and awe.
The wonder in the laughter and giggles of compatability.
Thank you subbie girl for this peek into your world today.
submission is the absolute freedom. i feel so peaceful knowing that my Sir will be there to guide me in my life, always being a voice of reason for me, and telling me what needs to be done. in the bedroom, surrendering my body to Him, trusting Him completly and knowing that He would never do anything that i wouldn't want is a bond that i draw strength from. He's still learning my limits, and while He hasn't actually reached any of them yet, He gets more and more aggressive each time we're together. He always makes sure that i'm ok, and that He hasn't pushed me to far. this is His fun responsibility to me, and i am overawed that He's being so careful with me, and so very tender and loving. instead of foolishly jumping right in with what He knows from past experiences, He's taking the time to get to know me, inside and out. it's really comforting and lots of fun working on a bdsm relationship with Him that's more than just sex, but also friendship and companionship.

*edited for spelling

Submission is NOT synonymous with degradation
Submissive is NOT synonymous with slut or whore

Within the guidelines Master and I have adopted, I submit to his will and direction completely. In AND out of the bedroom. I am the richer for it.

On another thread, gem asked for instances of obeying a non-sexual command by one's Dom/me. I have agreed to keep myself healthy for my Master. This means that I eat a healthy diet, I now exercise 5-6 times a week and I even floss twice a day <I loathe flossing>.

I am His to command. His pleasure is mine.


that's why i go for that Dom-inant music,
any ol' way you choose it
it's gotta back Beat
you can't lose it
any ol' time you use it
it's gotta be Dom-inant music
if you wanna rock with me
if you wanna rock with me
(Chuck Berry rules)
(but Moyd Master's my heart)
Shadowsdream said:
When one gives the gift of submission, he/she does not enter the world of slavery neglect and abuse but the realm of dignity caring and the luxury of
giving up the responsibility of life's decisions...

I don't see my submission as being the giving up of responsibilities, but rather a greater responsibility to take care of myself and my life because it no longer belongs to me. Sir has repeatedly said (I'm a little slow sometimes) that He only exerts His control in areas where He sees I'm not making the best decisions for myself. Not that I don't come to Him for advice or help, but the more I take care of my own responsibilities, the less work He has to do and the more time He has for other things.
I have just recently found the joy and completeness of being owned when i found my Hinansho San(the name i use for my Dom). In belonging to him i feel whole and complete. Before this i always felt some void that i never could identify. Just the smell of him fills me with contentment. Because my body belongs to him i, like moyds_jewel, take better care of myself. I have no right to damage his property and have no intention to. I used to cut my arm when i was upset...but when i told him, he said i was not to do it again, because my body belongs to him. Since giving myself to him, while i've had the urge to go back and reach for something to scratch the surface of my skin, i don't. I don't because i love him, and i am his...and i wont injure what is his property. My submission to him provides me with the greatest joy i have ever felt...and i hope to keep it forever.
bunny bondage said:
submission is the absolute freedom. i feel so peaceful knowing that my Sir will be there to guide me in my life, always being a voice of reason for me, and telling me what needs to be done. in the bedroom, surrendering my body to Him, trusting Him completly and knowing that He would never do anything that i wouldn't want is a bond that i draw strength from. He's still learning my limits, and while He hasn't actually reached any of them yet, He gets more and more aggressive each time we're together. He always makes sure that i'm ok, and that He hasn't pushed me to far. this is His fun responsibility to me, and i am overawed that He's being so careful with me, and so very tender and loving. instead of foolishly jumping right in with what He knows from past experiences, He's taking the time to get to know me, inside and out. it's really comforting and lots of fun working on a bdsm relationship with Him that's more than just sex, but also friendship and companionship.

*edited for spelling

It is very nice to share this conversation with you.
A very mature observation that mixes reality with the fantasies that drive BDSM.
I see from your post that there is mutual respect and affection which opens the door to opportunities of amazing growth both inside and outside of a closed bedroom door.
I look forward to watching your journey unfold.
Thank you for sharing your voice with U/us for only through many voices can new lessons be learned.
Re: submission

Moyds_jewel said:
Submission is NOT synonymous with degradation
Submissive is NOT synonymous with slut or whore

Within the guidelines Master and I have adopted, I submit to his will and direction completely. In AND out of the bedroom. I am the richer for it.

On another thread, gem asked for instances of obeying a non-sexual command by one's Dom/me. I have agreed to keep myself healthy for my Master. This means that I eat a healthy diet, I now exercise 5-6 times a week and I even floss twice a day <I loathe flossing>.

I am His to command. His pleasure is mine.


that's why i go for that Dom-inant music,
any ol' way you choose it
it's gotta back Beat
you can't lose it
any ol' time you use it
it's gotta be Dom-inant music
if you wanna rock with me
if you wanna rock with me
(Chuck Berry rules)
(but Moyd Master's my heart)

It is wonderful to have you show what is NOT synonomous with BDSM with the passion of your beliefs.
A twist I wasn't expecting but am ~~smilingly~~~pleased to see included.
Thank you for bringing your strong voice of submission to this conversation.
Re: Re: submissives

Red Menace said:
I don't see my submission as being the giving up of responsibilities, but rather a greater responsibility to take care of myself and my life because it no longer belongs to me. Sir has repeatedly said (I'm a little slow sometimes) that He only exerts His control in areas where He sees I'm not making the best decisions for myself. Not that I don't come to Him for advice or help, but the more I take care of my own responsibilities, the less work He has to do and the more time He has for other things.

your Master is a very insightful Man of integrity. Lending a hand to the creation of His jewel for the betterment of both of you.
It sounds as though He has a way of getting His message across to you.
He must be very proud of your progress through His control and care.

It is very nice to see you here in My conversation.
hey. HEY. "bondagebunni". ya think you're clever? perhaps you could at least TRY to come up with your own name! ^_^
Re: submission

Moyds_jewel said:
Submission is NOT synonymous with degradation
Submissive is NOT synonymous with slut or whore

You have not met one of my boys...slut is his first name.

lol, Eb
Re: Re: submission

Ebonyfire said:
You have not met one of my boys...slut is his first name.

lol....but Eb, I merely said they were not synonymous, NOT that the behaviors were mutually exclusive.