story so far


Really Really Experienced
Oct 24, 2002
facts so far:

Tan/Karla isn't dead

Rambrat was fucked over

and Ishmael too

Intrigued has lost her bestest bestest friend but good news no she hasn't her bestest bestest friend is still alive apparently!

everyone who mourned can stop now and get on with their lives (if they have one)

and for all those out there that are thinking of having an online relationship take note


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And you're a fucknut cuntwaffle.

I think that covers it.
Dixon Carter Lee and RawHumor

I know you don't want to hear this but it's for your own good

don't get into online relationships try the human approach

switch off your computer, leave the house, go out

meet people

i know it is difficult what with you two looking like you do but try
WHO IS IN CHARGE OF KEEPING ME POSTED ON ALL THE RULES???!!!??? Don't per dogs you don't know. GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!I've been doing this all my ife, only to now find out it is against the rules. SOMEBODY"S GONNA GET IN MAJOR TROUBLE FOR NOT LETTING ME KNOW!!!
You said you loved it when I hung you from the ceiling and applied the spiked club to your ... "Parts".
No, THEN I said I loved you, but it was mostly out of fear.

Besides, I had to go because my wife was going to be getting home soon...

Shit, I said to much and the edit's not working.
Angel said:
It's okay. She's the one who supplied the club. :devil:

At least she didn't give you the strap-on yet. I've had nightmares about you two double-teaming me.
RawHumor said:
At least she didn't give you the strap-on yet. I've had nightmares about you two double-teaming me.

I guess I'll just delete the PM I just sent you then..

Angel said:
That and $75.

That's what this world needs. More true romance like this.

And, for only $4.99 a minute, Angel here will give it to you. (in every sense of the word) :)
SimplySouthern said:
That's what this world needs. More true romance like this.

And, for only $4.99 a minute, Angel here will give it to you. (in every sense of the word) :)

Can I have a raise?