
Good morning Sir! *perks up a bit at seeing her Boss*

If you're serving, I'd love some of your cream for my coffee 💋

Morning all!! Since it's quiet at the moment, do you think we should have a weekly team building event?

Well you know me... training, team building, I'm all for it, anything that brings us all together!!




Well I best get the creamers warmed up.. that newer one is a bit temperamental, it needs to be primed juuuuust right...

Good morning Sir! *perks up a bit at seeing her Boss*

If you're serving, I'd love some of your cream for my coffee 💋


Good morning Sleepy Head ;)

Sit that sexy and cute little bum of yours down and I'll get you your coffee...


oh! ...mustn't forget the cream ;)

What have you done with your partner in kinky crime Anja? Is she joining us? :devil:
One thing I enjoy about Saturdays though.. it's "Quality Control day!"

*pulls white lab coat on, and tries to do it up over my boobs, then after the third attempt realizes this just isn't going to happen... then makes mental note to ask Boss who keeps buying these lab coats too tight*


Good morning Sleepy Head ;)

Sit that sexy and cute little bum of yours down and I'll get you your coffee...


oh! ...mustn't forget the cream ;)

What have you done with your partner in kinky crime Anja? Is she joining us? :devil:

Mmmm delicious Boss! You know, I think you have possibly the best "stir stick" in the place 🥰💞😈
Anja my sweet, I think I might need your learned opinion on some of these samples...


Good morning Sleepy Head ;)

What have you done with your partner in kinky crime Anja? Is she joining us? :devil:

Last I saw Sir, she was restocking the restrooms 💞

I let my husband know I was going to be late tonight...
I told him my Boss was really riding me today...

morning lover :kiss: i can help with that one although i might be the reason he's a bit less productive and not as forthcumming as before :eek::D let me show you the trick

first like this:

and then like this:

and then he'll produce cream like a fountain:

Umm, could you show this again? I have a bit of a buildup here:

Good morning 'Kitty' ;)

Lovely to see you back here so soon! (evident by the bulge in my pants!)
(...picturing in my minds eye you're naked body tied and bent over the padded bench in my 'special room' - and wondering if those red stripes across your bum have healed yet! :devil:)

There's no staff here yet! ...well Anja's upstairs ...or is it wolfie? ...or is it both? ...can't remember, it was still dark when I extracted myself from a tangle of limbs! ...but my cock twitches again! :rolleyes:

*Brings over the coffee 'n' cream!*

Well the coffee here just tastes sooooooo good I couldnt resist it Mr. X

yeah thought so but I'm in now hurry to leave so I thought I would make my self comfy and wait on the girls or Magic to get in....


Mmm.. well thank you very mich for the coffee and yummy cream...ill have to order that more often...:cattail::devil:

*playful smirk looking you up and down licking my lips remembering all the naughty things*
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Well the coffee here just tastes sooooooo good I couldnt resist it Mr. X

yeah thought so but I'm in now hurry to leave so I thought I would make my self comfy and wait on the girls or Magic to get in....


Mmm.. well thank you very mich for the coffee and yummy cream...ill have to order that more often...:cattail::devil:

*playful smirk looking you up and down licking my lips remembering all the naughty things*

There's never any shortage of coffee or cream here whenever you get those pangs or withdrawal symptoms - you know where to find us! ;)

...any any of the staff would be more than happy to look after your needs Kitty! :devil:

*smirks right back attchoo ...and adjust myself discretely!*
There's never any shortage of coffee or cream here whenever you get those pangs or withdrawal symptoms - you know where to find us! ;)

...any any of the staff would be more than happy to look after your needs Kitty! :devil:

*smirks right back attchoo ...and adjust myself discretely!*

*smirks* Well i am very happy to hear that and i Definitley will do that i am starting to REALLY like it here always nice things to look at and watch... both female and Male *looks you up and down and smirks again taking another sip of coffee*

Morning all, it's bright and fresh (read: freezing :eek:), and I'm all ready for the first coffee of the day :). Assuming I don't fall asleep, that is..... :eek:
Morning all, it's bright and fresh (read: freezing :eek:), and I'm all ready for the first coffee of the day :). Assuming I don't fall asleep, that is..... :eek:

Doubt there's any chance of falling asleep at STARFUCKS
!!! :eek:

Hopefully someone's brought you something hot 'n' steamy! :D
*smirks* Well i am very happy to hear that and i Definitley will do that i am starting to REALLY like it here always nice things to look at and watch... both female and Male *looks you up and down and smirks again taking another sip of coffee*


Exactly the way I feel, and ready for my first cup.
I’ve got a girl in the back getting drinks ready

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