speaking of canes


Literotica Guru
May 17, 2002
i have just gotten 6 new rattan canes, they are raw pealed rattan - no handles no treatments just striped and the edges are rounded. i have 2 - 5/16 inch x 30 Inch, 2 - 3/8 Inch by 30 Inch, 1 - 1/2 Inch by 30 Inch, and 1 - 5/16 inch by 20 inch canes

what is the best way to care for these?
lilredwolph said:
i have just gotten 6 new rattan canes, they are raw pealed rattan - no handles no treatments just striped and the edges are rounded. i have 2 - 5/16 inch x 30 Inch, 2 - 3/8 Inch by 30 Inch, 1 - 1/2 Inch by 30 Inch, and 1 - 5/16 inch by 20 inch canes

what is the best way to care for these?


I was wondering. What are the differences in canes? What makes one cane hurt more than another? Are there differences in canes that make them easier to use?

How do you judge a cane? How can you tell it is a quality cane?

i went with rattan because of it's "give/whippiness", i don't like the rigidness of acrylic. the differant widths have differant flexablity and gave a differant sensation, 3/8 X 30 hurts, 5/16 X 30 stings and 1/2 X 30 is more thuddy. the 30 inch ones are good for using while standing and the 20 inch is good for OTK. i picked unhandled so that they can be treated without worrying about leather handles or glue coming unglued
lilredwolph said:
i went with rattan because of it's "give/whippiness", i don't like the rigidness of acrylic. the differant widths have differant flexablity and gave a differant sensation, 3/8 X 30 hurts, 5/16 X 30 stings and 1/2 X 30 is more thuddy. the 30 inch ones are good for using while standing and the 20 inch is good for OTK. i picked unhandled so that they can be treated without worrying about leather handles or glue coming unglued

Great information. Do most do work on their canes after they buy them (i.e., add handles, treat them, etc)?

Do they come in longer lengths than 30? Or shorter than 20? Or are those pretty standard?

What kind of cane would you recommend for a beginner? What would be the differences in the prices of rattan and acrylic?

Do you use a different technique when using a cane than compared to say a flogger?

i am not sure what most buy but i have seen many many handled, covered, handled and covered ect... online rarely will you find an unhandled cane.

i have seen canes up to 40 inches in length but never shorter then 20, but they maybe out there somewhere.

price differs on what you want and where you buy it, you have to figure out what you want and compare

other than that i can't answer because my butt is always on the ouchie end of the toys. i do know that canes can be very damaging if they are not used properly
lilredwolph said:
i am not sure what most buy but i have seen many many handled, covered, handled and covered ect... online rarely will you find an unhandled cane.

i have seen canes up to 40 inches in length but never shorter then 20, but they maybe out there somewhere.

price differs on what you want and where you buy it, you have to figure out what you want and compare

other than that i can't answer because my butt is always on the ouchie end of the toys. i do know that canes can be very damaging if they are not used properly

Cool. Thanks for the info. Sorry I thought you were on the using end of the cane. :) But it's good to get both viewpoints sometimes. I've heard that... about the damaging part.

it's ok PB many people think i am on the using end because i pick out and purchase (or make) all toys that are used on me after a disscussion with my Dom, if we agreed than there was a spending limit set and i was off on my mission

i have to know each and every item before it touches me. i hold touch swing and live with every toy i own before it is ever used on me, the length of time i "have" the toy depends on my fear level of it, somethings it is a couple hours and some stay with me for weeks or longer
lilredwolph said:
it's ok PB many people think i am on the using end because i pick out and purchase (or make) all toys that are used on me after a disscussion with my Dom, if we agreed than there was a spending limit set and i was off on my mission

i have to know each and every item before it touches me. i hold touch swing and live with every toy i own before it is ever used on me, the length of time i "have" the toy depends on my fear level of it, somethings it is a couple hours and some stay with me for weeks or longer

Wow. That's a very interesting way to do things. I like it. Does your Dom ever suggest an item to be picked out? Or do you pick out everything on your own? It sounds like since you said you discuss it with him, then you two must have a way to deciding what the next purchase will be. This sounds like a great way for you to connect with each and every piece you own.

I get the raw canes as well.

I sand them down to make sure that there are no rough edges and then I wrap the larger end for Himself to use as a handle. I use a sinew like material that I got at Tandy leathers because it is just a little sticky and it is easy to hold on to and not come undone.

I wish James was here. He would know a lot more than me.
yes he has always had plenty of say in what toys are gotten.
he just say something like "i was thinking about canes" and that starts a disscussion where i can tell him what i think and how i feel if it is something we decide to take further, i will do some research and let him know what i have learned and if he still feels it's ok then i proceed - all toys are a suprize to him - he may know i'm getting a leather flogger but he never knows color, length, handle type or # of falls

there are times when we have both gone on our own and made purchases as gifts/suprizes for the other, but this is rare.
Hanson Paddle is the most inexpensive place to buy raw rattan canes. They also carry wonderful paddles. Robin is a bit slow to ship at times but the wait is worth the price savings.

The first cane I bought (not from Hanson) I broke on his ass after one session but I think it was just too dry to begin with.

The canes I bought from Hanson I've had for almost three years and they get plenty of hard use and have only needed occasional sanding of the tips when they start to splinter.

A coating of Tool Dip (over a twisted thin rope) can be used to make a grip but I find it unnecessary.

A replacement shade rod is an alternative to expensive acrylic canes but they aren't nearly as pretty. They are however made of the same material.

Raw willow or birch branches are nice to use too. Especially if you make your sub cut it theirself. A bundle of willows has a great feel I've been told.

Bamboo is not reccommended as it breaks way too easily.

Enjoy, Cyn
hanson s where i got mine from and yes shipping time was LOOOOOONG

have you soaked your canes from them at any point ?
I just bought an english school type cane ONe that curves. I have not received it yet.

lilredwolph said:
i have just gotten 6 new rattan canes, they are raw pealed rattan - no handles no treatments just striped and the edges are rounded. i have 2 - 5/16 inch x 30 Inch, 2 - 3/8 Inch by 30 Inch, 1 - 1/2 Inch by 30 Inch, and 1 - 5/16 inch by 20 inch canes

what is the best way to care for these?

keep your canes in a dry place.
I keep mine hanging in a closet so they stay straight
also, at least once or twice a year I lay them in a tub of water so they keep their flexibility

this site may also help

Ebonyfire said:
I just bought an english school type cane ONe that curves. I have not received it yet.


well it's about damn time Eb :D

and thank you Soron
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I don't know about canes,but I know about Rattan.
As Soron said you can soak them in water,another way is to boil water and then hold the Rattan in the steam to let it soak up the steam,because if the rattan is to dry it'll splinter in the water,or if you're unlucky it'll be softer than it was before due to waterlogging.

Another way of caring for them is of course to lacquer them with oil appropriate for Rattan.
A friend made me a cane in the spring


What she did when she made it was this (it's early in the morning here, so the translation might not be very elegang, but I hope it's understandable):

To start with you sand the cane down until it’s as smooth as possible. You then “paint” the cane thoroughly with melted Vaseline. Repeat this until the cane seems saturated with it. You then coat the cane with a thick layer of Vaseline, roll it up in a newspaper, and place it warm for a couple of days.

After these days, you gently heat the cane over a gas or methylated spirits flame without burning it, so the Vaseline will penetrate the cane. An alternative is to bake the cane in an oven at 175 – 200 F for ½ an hour. Dry the access Vaseline of the cane, and then you polish it with steel wool until the surface is smooth as silk.

I've gotten to use it on a couple of occations, and it's a very good and flexible cane. She did tell me a couple of days ago that I should remember to give it some vaseline now and then to keep it flexible.

the most important thing is safety. Canes need to be practiced with a lot before you use it on someone. This is serious shit.
I use a cane for punishment only. And, belle knows I hope I never use it.
Make sure you sand the rattan or it will cut the skin. Bamboo is too easy to splinter.

Safety my friends.
Re: Safety

Soron said:
the most important thing is safety. Canes need to be practiced with a lot before you use it on someone. This is serious shit.
I use a cane for punishment only. And, belle knows I hope I never use it.
Make sure you sand the rattan or it will cut the skin. Bamboo is too easy to splinter.

Safety my friends.

Words to live by, Soron

MysCynthia said:
A replacement shade rod is an alternative to expensive acrylic canes but they aren't nearly as pretty. They are however made of the same material.

I have a clear one that I got from Walmart, for $3.00. It is clear and quite nice looking. It makes marks just like a cane, and bitchboy says it smarts just as well too!

It's his fault, I had to use it on him. He bought if for me.

Another alternative would be to purchase a piece of 3/8" or 1/2" diameter heavy wall rigid nylon tubing. It comes in six foot straight lengths and can be purchased at Lowes, Home Depot, etc. (plumbing department) The tubing is smooth, does not splinter, can be cut to the length desired, and is easily adaptable to a handle.

And it does sting.

navarre said:
Another alternative would be to purchase a piece of 3/8" or 1/2" diameter heavy wall rigid nylon tubing. It comes in six foot straight lengths and can be purchased at Lowes, Home Depot, etc. (plumbing department) The tubing is smooth, does not splinter, can be cut to the length desired, and is easily adaptable to a handle.

And it does sting.

Thanks! I like it!


I wonder...

would some of the really small diameter PVC piping not work pretty good too? I don't know if it would have the "whip" that a cane would. But I imagine it would give a pretty good sting.

P. B. Walker said:
I wonder...

would some of the really small diameter PVC piping not work pretty good too? I don't know if it would have the "whip" that a cane would. But I imagine it would give a pretty good sting.


You could use PVC or CPVC but they would not have the action of rattan or nylon. PVC is very rigid. A lot of damage could be done VERY quickly.
Take care.