Soros-aligned district attorney To Face Trial For Removal From Office


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Judge orders Soros-aligned district attorney to jury trial for removal from office​

A Texas district attorney will face a jury to determine whether or not he should be relieved of his duties after a complaint alleges he rarely showed up for work, used his government office for personal gains, dismisses far more cases than he prosecutes, and after his failure to enforce the law reportedly led to multiple murders.


Nice to see one of these subversive sons of bitches finally facing his just reward.
So how does he align with Soros, specifically?
Would you like a list of the Soros appointed D. A.'s in the U. S.? They are all pro anarchy and criminals (ones who abet a crime). Be glad to help and put a short list on here for you to check out.
Would you like a list of the Soros appointed D. A.'s in the U. S.? They are all pro anarchy and criminals (ones who abet a crime). Be glad to help and put a short list on here for you to check out.
Please do. While George Soros often donates to liberal candidates, I was not aware he had appointed anyone to office.
Note: BrightShinyGirl requested this information. I tried to cut down the number of names and other info, but there was so much on how Soros has control that even with this "Readers Digest" version, it is a lot. So if you want to complain about the length, please forward your complaints to our fine Ms BrighhShinyGirl and not your truly. Thank you for your cooperation.

Soros is one of the United States’ top political and advocacy donors, spending billions on campaigns, think tanks, start-ups, and nonprofits that promote his agenda. His principal philanthropic network centers on the Open Society Foundations (OSF) and Foundation to Promote Open Society (FPOS), two multi-billion-dollar left-of-center advocacy grantmaking foundations. Through OSF and FPOS Soros has funded the vast majority of the most prominent left-progressive advocacy groups in the United States. He also created the Institute for New Economic Thinking to promote his unorthodox left-progressive economic policy viewpoints.

You said George Soros doesn’t back corrupt D. A.’s. Here is a New York Post August 1, 2022 story using Mr. Soros own words about his backing communist backed criminals for D. A.’s.

“Left-wing billionaire George Soros insisted Monday that soft-on-crime district attorneys he’s backed to the tune of millions of dollars are making the criminal justice system “more effective and just” — and warned that “I have no intention of stopping” his support for them.

The Hungary-born Soros, 91, argued in a Wall Street Journal op-ed published Sunday that the agenda pushed by top prosecutors like Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg was both “popular” and “effective.”

Soros published the op-ed amid a backlash against lax district attorneys that led San Francisco voters to recall DA Chesa Boudin over spikes in shoplifting, open-air drug dealing and broad-daylight assaults, often against Asian Americans. Down the coast in Los Angeles, another recall effort is targeting DA George Gascon — who got nearly $3 million in campaign funds from Soros.

Closer to home, Bragg — whose campaign received $1 million from Soros via the Color of Change political action committee — has come under fire for allowing habitual criminals out of jail, while prosecuting ordinary New Yorkers for defending themselves.

The Capital Research Center reported in January of this year that Soros has given more than $29 million to left-wing district attorney candidates through a network of political action committees. Other incumbents who have benefited from the largesse include Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, Kim Foxx in Cook County, Ill., Kim Gardner in St. Louis, and Kim Ogg in Harris County, Texas.”

You can look up the full story and others like it on the net. There are still items that have not been censored by the Red Chinese.

Here is an April 7, 2023 list of D. A.’s backed by communist’s financial bag man George Soros, who has recently handed over his control of U. S. politicians to his eldest son.

Pamela Price—Alameda County, California

Diana Becton—Contra Costa County, California​

George Gascón—Los Angeles County, California​

Monique Worrell—Ninth Judicial Circuit (Orange and Osceola Counties), Florida.​

Shalena Cook Jones—Chatham County, Georgia​

Darius Pattillo—Henry County, Georgia​

Kim Foxx—Cook County (Chicago), Illinois​

Kimberley Graham—Polk County, Iowa​

James Stewart—Caddo Parish, Louisiana​

Jason Williams—Orleans Parish, Louisiana​

Jackie Sartoris—Cumberland County, Maine​

Scott Colom—Circuit Court District Sixteen, Mississippi​

Jody Owens—Hinds County, Mississippi​

Kim Gardner—St. Louis, Missouri​

Raul Torrez—Attorney General, New Mexico​

Alvin Bragg—Manhattan, New York​

David Clegg—Ulster County, New York​

Larry Krasner—Philadelphia, Pennsylvania​

Jack Stollsteimer—Delaware County, Pennsylvania​

Joe Gonzalez—Bexar County (San Antonio), Texas​

John Creuzot—Dallas County, Texas​

Brian Middleton—Fort Bend County, Texas​

Kim Ogg—Harris County (Houston), Texas​

José Garza—Travis County (Austin), Texas​

Parisa Dehghani-Tafti—Arlington County and City of Falls Church, Virginia​

Steve Descano—Fairfax County, Virginia​

Buta Biberaj—Loudoun County, Virginia​

Ramin Fatehi—Norfolk County, Virginia​

Stephanie Morales—Portsmouth County, Virginia​

John Chisholm—Milwaukee County, Wisconsin​

Here is just a small example of how George Soros is running the country (not Joe Biden)​

New York Post June 22, 2023

“To see just how much law and order has eroded under George Soros-backed “progressive prosecutors,” consider Loudoun County, Virginia.

The top prosecutor there, Commonwealth Attorney Buta Biberaj, announced last week that her office wouldn’t be directly involved in the prosecution of misdemeanor charges — including hit-and-run, eluding police, reckless driving, trespassing, public drunkenness and failure to appear, among others.

Soros dumped $659,000 into the Loudoun County commonwealth attorney race backing Biberaj for the position, which she won by a slim 49.5% to 47.5% margin despite the massive cash advantage. She was sworn into the position in January 2020.

As always, the rhetoric betrays the facts on the ground. The exact types of crimes that Biberaj claims she wants to focus on are the ones she’s been neglecting most.

The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors decided to give Biberaj’s office a smaller budget increase than requested in 2021 due to high turnover and her handling of domestic violence cases: Of 735 cases brought to her office, she dismissed 491, bringing only 8% to trial.

Biberaj is just one of 75 prosecutors nationwide who were backed by Soros for their pro-criminal bents, as a recent Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund report noted. After investing more than $40 million into this project, Soros-backed DAs (and their ideological allies) now represent at least one-fifth of Americans.

So egregious are the actions of the Soros-backed progressives that for the first time in history, these prosecutors have become household names — whether it be St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, who made headlines for persecuting the McCloskeys for defending their home against rioters, Chicago’s Kim Foxx, known for her role in attempting a cover-up after actor Jussie Smollett’s hate crime against Jussie Smollett, and the now-recalled Chesa Boudin of San Francisco, the son of 1960s radicals who was raised by terrorist Bill Ayers and effectively legalized shoplifting in the city.”

(Note: The Governor of California, former mayor of San Francisco, is one of the most corrupt in the U. S. and he and his wife are infamous for their child molestation movies that they force children in the states schools, from grade school on up, to watch. His wife gets paid millions for being a child pornography film maker.)

Chicago has become a death camp for Afro Americans thanks to the DNC and Soros backed mayors and D.A.’s. The so called “good blacks” of the Biden slave party ensure that African Americans are being returned to the slave days of old. And Biden, Soros and company continue their war on women and children of all colors.

Through public records requests, CBS Chicago obtained police data that contains the victim profiles for every reported incidents in the city over the last two decades, accounting for more than 8 million victimizations, and one group consistently held the burden of crime: Black women.

In 2022, there were more than 26,000 violent crimes and more than 212,000 non-violent crimes in Chicago ranging from shootings and robberies to retail and motor vehicle theft, affecting roughly 260,000 victims.

So this is the life that Soros, the true leader of the leftist Washington, wants for us.
He paid to get them in office. They work for him. You have to be blind to not see the facts. But then if you are a Soros gangster or slave I suppose you are forced to bury your head in the muck.
Note: BrightShinyGirl requested this information. I tried to cut down the number of names and other info, but there was so much on how Soros has control that even with this "Readers Digest" version, it is a lot. So if you want to complain about the length, please forward your complaints to our fine Ms BrighhShinyGirl and not your truly. Thank you for your cooperation.

Soros is one of the United States’ top political and advocacy donors, spending billions on campaigns, think tanks, start-ups, and nonprofits that promote his agenda. His principal philanthropic network centers on the Open Society Foundations (OSF) and Foundation to Promote Open Society (FPOS), two multi-billion-dollar left-of-center advocacy grantmaking foundations. Through OSF and FPOS Soros has funded the vast majority of the most prominent left-progressive advocacy groups in the United States. He also created the Institute for New Economic Thinking to promote his unorthodox left-progressive economic policy viewpoints.

You said George Soros doesn’t back corrupt D. A.’s. Here is a New York Post August 1, 2022 story using Mr. Soros own words about his backing communist backed criminals for D. A.’s.

“Left-wing billionaire George Soros insisted Monday that soft-on-crime district attorneys he’s backed to the tune of millions of dollars are making the criminal justice system “more effective and just” — and warned that “I have no intention of stopping” his support for them.

The Hungary-born Soros, 91, argued in a Wall Street Journal op-ed published Sunday that the agenda pushed by top prosecutors like Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg was both “popular” and “effective.”

Soros published the op-ed amid a backlash against lax district attorneys that led San Francisco voters to recall DA Chesa Boudin over spikes in shoplifting, open-air drug dealing and broad-daylight assaults, often against Asian Americans. Down the coast in Los Angeles, another recall effort is targeting DA George Gascon — who got nearly $3 million in campaign funds from Soros.

Closer to home, Bragg — whose campaign received $1 million from Soros via the Color of Change political action committee — has come under fire for allowing habitual criminals out of jail, while prosecuting ordinary New Yorkers for defending themselves.

The Capital Research Center reported in January of this year that Soros has given more than $29 million to left-wing district attorney candidates through a network of political action committees. Other incumbents who have benefited from the largesse include Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, Kim Foxx in Cook County, Ill., Kim Gardner in St. Louis, and Kim Ogg in Harris County, Texas.”

You can look up the full story and others like it on the net. There are still items that have not been censored by the Red Chinese.

Here is an April 7, 2023 list of D. A.’s backed by communist’s financial bag man George Soros, who has recently handed over his control of U. S. politicians to his eldest son.

Pamela Price—Alameda County, California

Diana Becton—Contra Costa County, California​

George Gascón—Los Angeles County, California​

Monique Worrell—Ninth Judicial Circuit (Orange and Osceola Counties), Florida.​

Shalena Cook Jones—Chatham County, Georgia​

Darius Pattillo—Henry County, Georgia​

Kim Foxx—Cook County (Chicago), Illinois​

Kimberley Graham—Polk County, Iowa​

James Stewart—Caddo Parish, Louisiana​

Jason Williams—Orleans Parish, Louisiana​

Jackie Sartoris—Cumberland County, Maine​

Scott Colom—Circuit Court District Sixteen, Mississippi​

Jody Owens—Hinds County, Mississippi​

Kim Gardner—St. Louis, Missouri​

Raul Torrez—Attorney General, New Mexico​

Alvin Bragg—Manhattan, New York​

David Clegg—Ulster County, New York​

Larry Krasner—Philadelphia, Pennsylvania​

Jack Stollsteimer—Delaware County, Pennsylvania​

Joe Gonzalez—Bexar County (San Antonio), Texas​

John Creuzot—Dallas County, Texas​

Brian Middleton—Fort Bend County, Texas​

Kim Ogg—Harris County (Houston), Texas​

José Garza—Travis County (Austin), Texas​

Parisa Dehghani-Tafti—Arlington County and City of Falls Church, Virginia​

Steve Descano—Fairfax County, Virginia​

Buta Biberaj—Loudoun County, Virginia​

Ramin Fatehi—Norfolk County, Virginia​

Stephanie Morales—Portsmouth County, Virginia​

John Chisholm—Milwaukee County, Wisconsin​

Here is just a small example of how George Soros is running the country (not Joe Biden)​

New York Post June 22, 2023

“To see just how much law and order has eroded under George Soros-backed “progressive prosecutors,” consider Loudoun County, Virginia.

The top prosecutor there, Commonwealth Attorney Buta Biberaj, announced last week that her office wouldn’t be directly involved in the prosecution of misdemeanor charges — including hit-and-run, eluding police, reckless driving, trespassing, public drunkenness and failure to appear, among others.

Soros dumped $659,000 into the Loudoun County commonwealth attorney race backing Biberaj for the position, which she won by a slim 49.5% to 47.5% margin despite the massive cash advantage. She was sworn into the position in January 2020.

As always, the rhetoric betrays the facts on the ground. The exact types of crimes that Biberaj claims she wants to focus on are the ones she’s been neglecting most.

The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors decided to give Biberaj’s office a smaller budget increase than requested in 2021 due to high turnover and her handling of domestic violence cases: Of 735 cases brought to her office, she dismissed 491, bringing only 8% to trial.

Biberaj is just one of 75 prosecutors nationwide who were backed by Soros for their pro-criminal bents, as a recent Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund report noted. After investing more than $40 million into this project, Soros-backed DAs (and their ideological allies) now represent at least one-fifth of Americans.

So egregious are the actions of the Soros-backed progressives that for the first time in history, these prosecutors have become household names — whether it be St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, who made headlines for persecuting the McCloskeys for defending their home against rioters, Chicago’s Kim Foxx, known for her role in attempting a cover-up after actor Jussie Smollett’s hate crime against Jussie Smollett, and the now-recalled Chesa Boudin of San Francisco, the son of 1960s radicals who was raised by terrorist Bill Ayers and effectively legalized shoplifting in the city.”

(Note: The Governor of California, former mayor of San Francisco, is one of the most corrupt in the U. S. and he and his wife are infamous for their child molestation movies that they force children in the states schools, from grade school on up, to watch. His wife gets paid millions for being a child pornography film maker.)

Chicago has become a death camp for Afro Americans thanks to the DNC and Soros backed mayors and D.A.’s. The so called “good blacks” of the Biden slave party ensure that African Americans are being returned to the slave days of old. And Biden, Soros and company continue their war on women and children of all colors.

Through public records requests, CBS Chicago obtained police data that contains the victim profiles for every reported incidents in the city over the last two decades, accounting for more than 8 million victimizations, and one group consistently held the burden of crime: Black women.

In 2022, there were more than 26,000 violent crimes and more than 212,000 non-violent crimes in Chicago ranging from shootings and robberies to retail and motor vehicle theft, affecting roughly 260,000 victims.

So this is the life that Soros, the true leader of the leftist Washington, wants for us.
Why is Soros funding candidates he supports more sinister than conservative billionaires doing exactly the same thing?
And yes it is right. He admits he backs them, paid for them, and they obey him. Delux you can't be that stupid.
Shiny girl if you don't know the difference I can't help you. But I know you do know the difference and that you know the kind of trash he puts in office with his backing which includes not only the D. A.'s. You aren't that stupid. And if you know other candidates as corrupt and criminal as Soros then you would want them, as well as his, to be put behind bars for abetting and even taking part in the crimes of the people they protect and let go. Two wrongs don't make a right. So if you are against one criminal unit you are against all. But if you are part of the problem, then of course you will protect and aide and abet the corrupt dirty cops and D. A.'s and that makes you one of Soros slaves. Saying "well this one kills so it is all right if all kill" doesn't make you look any better then they are.
He paid to get them in office. They work for him. You have to be blind to not see the facts. But then if you are a Soros gangster or slave I suppose you are forced to bury your head in the muck.
I agree. Definitions of basic English words are very confusing to you.
And what is legal and not legal is very difficult for you. But you are right our language can be confusing so don't think it is just those of you from out side the U. S. But you are trying so hard to defend a dirt bag like Soros and the corrupt D. A.'s his money has put in power. You know he and his son have spent a lot of time in the White House under Biden, Clinton and Obama as well. Just saying. Soros owns the D. A.'s and members of Congress and even the White House and Xi owns him. It's called chain of command. Now at least try and say something nice about the D.A.'s. You know of course, in many cities and states, the people, are trying to get rid of these rats.
If anyone still believes that Soros isn't running these D.A.s and hasn't used his money (and China's) to put them in office either fair or in fixed elections, please again read the nice article that Shiny Girl had me put up for her.
Look you bots have made your point. You agree with Soros and his corrupt dirty cops and D. A.'s and the criminals he is protecting or you wouldn't be defending him. But that doesn't change the facts or the anger people (citizens and victims of the D.A.'s corruption) have on these uneducated crooks. Tell me that you would feel safe walking the streets of Chicago, L.A., S.F. Washington D. C. or any other city that they have control. And do it. Not even the gov. of CA or the former Speaker of the House will walk the streets of San Francisco day or night without their paid armed guards. So knock off with the fake excuses and lies. And that goes for putting blame on others saying then its okay for Soros gangsters because other criminals do it. B.S. If you believe it is all right to rob and kill you because other criminals rob and kill so you will allow it to happen to you? What kind of insane excuse is that?
Delux old buddy, I don't have a crayon or I would draw you an arrow and point up to where I answered shinygirls request. But you Soros people were never very bright and all you know how to do is lie and cuss. Lucky you people don't have mothers or they would wash your mouth out with soap. LOL. It takes up too much space to rewrite what I already put up and wouldn't be fair to the site or others on here so please just grow up and if you don't want to believe me, you don't have to, just be a grown up and do your own research instead of having Soros brain wash your little old marble. If you're a good boy and do your home work I'll give you a cookie.
Delux old buddy, I don't have a crayon or I would draw you an arrow and point up to where I answered shinygirls request. But you Soros people were never very bright and all you know how to do is lie and cuss. Lucky you people don't have mothers or they would wash your mouth out with soap. LOL. It takes up too much space to rewrite what I already put up and wouldn't be fair to the site or others on here so please just grow up and if you don't want to believe me, you don't have to, just be a grown up and do your own research instead of having Soros brain wash your little old marble. If you're a good boy and do your home work I'll give you a cookie.
That's a lot of words just to say that you admit that you are lying about me defending Soros.
Delux. I'll use fewer words. You are lying about Soros. Like bijedi said rich fat cats think they can buy governments. Soros works for Xi as does Gates and a lot of these people. They know if they deal with the dictator, they will be allowed to use slave labor, keep some of their loot while they sell out their country. Money. Money.

Delux small short words. You likey Soros, you lie for him, you fool.
Delux. I'll use fewer words. You are lying about Soros. Like bijedi said rich fat cats think they can buy governments. Soros works for Xi as does Gates and a lot of these people. They know if they deal with the dictator, they will be allowed to use slave labor, keep some of their loot while they sell out their country. Money. Money.

Delux small short words. You likey Soros, you lie for him, you fool.
Are you worried about all the Republicans who take money from Charles Koch?