Sometimes I think we could create a separate forum


Good to the last drop
Jun 25, 2000
Where the discussion would be only about the forum itself. Anything not about the forum, or the personas within would be considered off topic.
That sounds like a plan!

All the psychologists and journalists could go there as well, to study the workings of on line communities.


Hi WD!
Great Idea WD

You have more poise and dignity than a bus load of nuns.

Probably smell better too.:cool:

I know of some sex newsgroups who did this years ago. It works particularly well for the contentious groups. They have two versions: one, such as for the regular subject matter of the newsgroup, the other, such as to chat abuot "what's going on," the politics of the newsgroup, the posters, critiques, anything non-sexy or non-bondage and they are heavily moderated so the right posts go to the right places. This is because some people prefer the meta-dialog and others perfer the normal chat about the subject. With two groups you can do both, if you are so inclined. Lots of people would hang out in one group for awhile then go back to the other group.
WriterDom said:
Where the discussion would be only about the forum itself. Anything not about the forum, or the personas within would be considered off topic.

This raises an interesting that's been discussed here before in "This Is Not A Chat Room" as you might recall.

This place was formed with a fairly strict vision in terms of staying "on topic" and engaging in "serious IRL" discussions.

Remembering that the Mega Thread was originally on the GB, it was ported over here by Cym et al (I gather ) to get away from the chat, politics, banter and off topic stream of conscience yapping that passes for "debate".

I suggest that it is nigh on impossible to conduct a one-topic-serious-posts-only discussion on most any BB.

I also suggest that the moment one poster tells another what or how to post, a match has most likely been struck regardless of whether further flames erupt.

Therefore, I believe that a "BDSM Forum Discussion" thread or forum would stay on track for an hour or two, tops.

And people would still be here talking about other things.

Human nature on an anon BB guarantees it.


Seems the majority of people would be in both, at least lurking, and that there would be some carry over from one to another, as the same people would be reading/using it.
Re: Re: Sometimes I think we could create a separate forum

Lancecastor said:
Remembering that the Mega Thread was originally on the GB, it was ported over here by Cym et al (I gather ) to get away from the chat, politics, banter and off topic stream of conscience yapping that passes for "debate".

I suggest that it is nigh on impossible to conduct a one-topic-serious-posts-only discussion on most any BB.

I also suggest that the moment one poster tells another what or how to post, a match has most likely been struck regardless of whether further flames erupt.

Therefore, I believe that a "BDSM Forum Discussion" thread or forum would stay on track for an hour or two, tops.

No, the GB didn't cotton to our ideas very well. The Mega thread was born on the "how to" forum. I don't expect a one-topic-serious-posts-only discussion. Just a balance. But like in all things, this will change.
WriterDom said:
Where the discussion would be only about the forum itself. Anything not about the forum, or the personas within would be considered off topic.
Amen, man.

Lit could use that in general, not just here.

It's so ridiculous, how much time we spend in self-contemplation. Don't you think? ;)
