socialism worked so well in USSR!


Literotica Guru
Jun 20, 2011
thank God, obama has brought the failed ideas to America. just look at what the turd aka obama has done! Soon, we all will be on welfare and the private sector will be over taken by the obama collective
I am opposed to socialism, but the USSR was not socialist. They were totalitarian communists. Sweden is socialist.
obama is not a socialist, he's a thug

His administration is responsible for the death of Agent Terry ad countless mexican nationals thanks to the fast nd furious debacle. I wont compair obama to hitler as tht wouldn't be just but he is a socialist who seems bent on taking our rights and that scares me.
Hitler WAS a Socialist, same as Trotsky, Lenin and Stalin. He advocated all the main tenents of Socialism- one party rule, central economic planning, centralised trade unions and participation of workers in the management of businesses. He even advocated paid holidays for workers (very progressive idea) and comprehensive, state financed health care What you should understand however is that there are many forms of "Socialism". Since Socialist ideology. All advocate a minority rule of "experts" (one man rule in extremes) who cares for and directs the population. In order to achieve this the general population has to surrender their rights and priviledges. Sometimes willingly (some emergency is claimed and bills passed in parliament- that is the way Hitler got his powers) or by force (Stalins method) The main difference between Stalin's socialism and Hitler's socialism was personalities and their choice of "enemy" and "favoured" groups. In the case of Stalin it was "defense of workers" against "evil property owners". In the case of Hitler it was "defense of true germans/aryans" against "evil jewish bankers and communists". The methods used-concentration camps, extermination of opponents, mock trials, sectret police and torture- were exactly the same in both cases Another difference was the level of economic control. Stalin wanted to control every individual, every moment of their lives. Hitler was happy with every individual working within the central economic plan- but left the management details to the individuals. Needless to say, hitlers method was more effective- even though it would have led to an economic collapse within a decade Summing up - Hitler was a perfectly mainstream Socialist. As to the economic shift, you can observe the transition of "communist" China from Mao's "Stalinist economy" to the current "Nazi economy" which has made China so prosperous today. But they were all socialists.
I am opposed to socialism, but the USSR was not socialist. They were totalitarian communists. Sweden is socialist.

How come you don't like socialism? You seem intelligent, I've always wanted somebody with some sense to explain their anti-socialism to me. Generally, only dumbasses are willing to do that, for some reason. But I think you actually have reasons.
thank God, obama has brought the failed ideas to America. just look at what the turd aka obama has done! Soon, we all will be on welfare and the private sector will be over taken by the obama collective

All we need to do is get rid of all of the niggers here in the USA. Then the economoy will get better. KFC for all!!!!!!!!!!!!

No niggers allowed. They stink like shit; and look like apes!!!!!!!!!!
Socialism works great in fact, we're the economic model the other G8 nations strive for
His administration is responsible for the death of Agent Terry ad countless mexican nationals thanks to the fast nd furious debacle. I wont compair obama to hitler as tht wouldn't be just but he is a socialist who seems bent on taking our rights and that scares me.

Because without F&F those wealthy Mexican drug cartels wouldn't have had access to guns and wouldn't have hurt anyone?
Socialism: Taking from those that produce to give to those that don't.

All for one, one for all.

Anymore cliches you need to hear?
Define 'Socialism'.

For some posters it is just a generic term of abuse, synonymous with communist or fascist. They do not understand the philosophy of socialism and probably haven't read any books advocating socialism.

Once you add adjectives to 'socialism' you get very different concepts that are mutually exclusive e.g. Democratic Socialism which can mean NOT Democratic and NOT Socialism.

If posters are using different definitions of 'socialism', there is never going to be any meaningful discussion.
Socialism: Taking from those that produce to give to those that don't.

All for one, one for all.

Anymore cliches you need to hear?

What if you're talking about people who can't produce? The elderly, disabled, mentally ill, children born into bad situations, etc. Still socialism?
What if you're talking about people who can't produce? The elderly, disabled, mentally ill, children born into bad situations, etc. Still socialism? know every time, every time, these situations are brought up to discredit conservatives view of the world, yet, in another post I made, it shows that conservatives contribute more to charitable organizations, so...those in need will be taken care of. You don't need socialism to take care of those who are unable to or too lazy to.
Because without F&F those wealthy Mexican drug cartels wouldn't have had access to guns and wouldn't have hurt anyone?
So by that logic we shouldn't be arrestig drug dealers because after all the addicts will still find a way to get their fix? Seriously you asked I answered Brian Terry is dead and his blood is not only on the hands of those who pulled the trigger but those who put the gun in their hands, and the president who covers up for his administrations involvement.
So by that logic we shouldn't be arrestig drug dealers because after all the addicts will still find a way to get their fix? Seriously you asked I answered Brian Terry is dead and his blood is not only on the hands of those who pulled the trigger but those who put the gun in their hands, and the president who covers up for his administrations involvement.

I, for one, don't understand why the drug trade is illegal in the States. That's capitalism in it's purest form. I've lived in the drug culture for years, and I seriously don't understand that. I understand child-care laws, and that if you're a bad parent, you shouldn't be allowed to keep your children in a bad situation, but that's not your dealer's fault. We don't arrest liquor store owners. Goddamn Wall-Mart sells alcohol.
How come you don't like socialism? You seem intelligent, I've always wanted somebody with some sense to explain their anti-socialism to me. Generally, only dumbasses are willing to do that, for some reason. But I think you actually have reasons.

Well, socialism is nearly the antithesis of all my political beliefs. I'm libertarian, so I don't want as little government involvement as is possible to maintain a safe country. The government can never know the needs of its citizens as well as the citizens themselves, and anything they endeavor to accomplish, no matter how well-intentioned, will invariably become mired in bureaucracy.