socialism is slavery


Literotica Guru
Feb 17, 2003
if you want for "the regime" to control your day to day, hour to hour functions then you need to move to a socailist country.

socialism = slavery

in a way, I should want socialism as then I could put most of you GB'ers in jail for reasons of stupidty! lets face it, SeanR, SeanH, Merc, RobdownSouth, BadBowWow, QueenoftheOreos.... are all to stupid to function on your own and need the government to pay your way.

remember, in socialism there is a ruling class and you fucktards would still be slaves to the system only now you would have to wait in line 6 hours for a loaf of bread and drive a Yugo

So, just say yes we can! say no to the obama socialist regime
Slavery is an American tradition, sanctified in the Bible, and codified in the Constitution. By your definition, America has always been socialist.
jen, I think you're absolutely nuts, ill-natured, and have the critical reasoning abilities of a Triscuit cracker, but I'm going to level with you: QueenoftheOreos is kinda funny.
Slavery is an American tradition, sanctified in the Bible, and codified in the Constitution. By your definition, America has always been socialist.

why do you enjoy being a slave?
are you able to think for yourself?