are not bi!

Perhaps I can offer a little bit of a different perspective on this thread.

I, for years have identified myself as a lesbian, up until I started my transition to being male. I no longer consider myself to be fully female, at the moment I'm more like a hermaphrodite than anything because with the hormones I'm on I have a bit of male anatomy (kinda) I'm considered intersexed.

But... Since I see myself as being male (a transgender male) it would make me straight.

Would I bend my knee for a male Dom? Hmmm... Good question I suppose. I'm not into males for the most part. There just isn't a sexual attraction there. However, I could be proved wrong at any point. There might be a male out there that can move mountains and make me Bi :eek: Who knows?

Would I kneel for a Dom? Perhaps if he was of the right personality and we got along well. I think he would have to have a certain amount of charisma or something to cause a spark there. Though I doubt I would be able to take it to a fully sexual level of BDSM. Again, something might happen someday to change that so don't hold me to this.
Very interesting thread, thank you MShadowsdream! Might I add my .02 worth, please?

I am very bi and have been Dom to women and sub to both men and women. I've never tried to top a man (who knows what the future holds).

I have found that I can go to an "ejaculatory orgasm so intense it brings tears to my eyes" with either sex. The thing that drives my submission is the love and caring respect I have for my Dom - and the ability to give that has nothing to do with gender.

Esclava :rose: