So this is what they want from men!


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010

Humans as a species are doomed.
Perhaps you should stay away from the teen angst websites.

You don't seem to be able to handle it.
Humans as a species are doomed.

Of course, your conclusion is completely logical because the girl who posted that speaks on behalf of every female human on this planet. There was this great and secret congregation of women where we elected Naomiiii our leader to speak on our behalf.

On a more serious note, I giggled at the idea of you visiting sites like the one you linked.
Of course, your conclusion is completely logical because the girl who posted that speaks on behalf of every female human on this planet. There was this great and secret congregation of women where we elected Naomiiii our leader to speak on our behalf.

On a more serious note, I giggled at the idea of you visiting sites like the one you linked.
Actually it was reblogged elsewhere. I just did some work to hunt down the source.

At this point I'm looking to the next Yellowstone eruption. We're out of solutions for what's wrong with this species.