So Can We Call Greg Abbott A Nazi Now???

You or any of the pro illegal alien people have expressed any concern on what effect millions of illegal aliens have/had on me and the other legal residents of the US and where I live. I would go into what has changed here since illegals have come to stay in my part of the country but I will not waste my time. Things here would be Way better off without them. That being said I really don't care anymore because it's too late to change what has been done. I just roll another doobie and cruise on.

Pro illegal alien? That's an interesting way to describe my stance. Perhaps you can find a post where I have given my opinion on the situation. I think you'd find, if you had bothered to ask, that my - and for that matter, many others you have assigned that position to - thoughts are far more nuanced. However it just seems easier for you to assume.

In the meantime, regardless of my actual opinion on illegal immigration, I can and will continue to see these folks as human beings and can have compassion for them based on their dire straits. Just as I can for you for having to deal with the effects and the frustration.

In any event, enjoy your doobie. Maybe it will help with the chip.

TrailerTrash and White Flight 2.0: Racist white people leaving states instead of cities.


“White flight has a significant effect on suburban and city environments. As the white population moves to the suburbs, they tend to bring with them wealth and funding. This, however, leaves cities with vacant funding which tends to lead to an increase of poverty and crime.”

That ^ is NOT ideal, but definitely IS racist.


Of course there is also the reality that SOME older, retiring racist white Americans simply can’t afford to live in states with better public services, so they have little choice but to move to less expensive states with fewer public services. - And eventually, their mass migration will make those places unaffordable as well, which will ultimately lead to further relocation until they finally relocate to a cemetery.


More idiotic blather. What in my comment about the behavior of others makes it necessary to call me a racist? Other than your own blind hatred?

By the way Tennessee has one of the greatest economies in the country, ranked 11th. As well as being named one of the states with the fastest population growth. Business is booming here and so is new home construction. Sadly your inability to understand that not everyone wants to live in some large cesspool urban area leads you to be incapable of understanding the rural migration. I'll tell my Black, Hispanic, and Asian neighbors that you said they are racist for moving to the rural area. Man you are a fucking dumb ass.
Nice to have Godwin's Law invoked in the title, so we all know to wear our waders.

Nazis are at least honest about their hate. Dems hating while pretending they don't hate dump extra work on themselves.

An individual deflecting / defaulting to the “Godwin’s Law” cop-out, instead of seriously considering whether or not those orders and actions reported by the whistleblower qualify as being equally heinous and inhumane as what the Nazis did, tells one all they need to know about that individual:


Pro illegal alien? That's an interesting way to describe my stance. Perhaps you can find a post where I have given my opinion on the situation. I think you'd find, if you had bothered to ask, that my - and for that matter, many others you have assigned that position to - thoughts are far more nuanced. However it just seems easier for you to assume.

In the meantime, regardless of my actual opinion on illegal immigration, I can and will continue to see these folks as human beings and can have compassion for them based on their dire straits. Just as I can for you for having to deal with the effects and the frustration.

In any event, enjoy your doobie. Maybe it will help with the chip.

Perfectly stated ^.

Having an open mind and an open heart doesn’t equate to advocating for open borders.


And I’m guessing by “chip”, you were referring to the Dorito that obviously missed LL’s mouth and landed on their shoulder.



Nice to have Godwin's Law invoked in the title, so we all know to wear our waders.

Nazis are at least honest about their hate. Dems hating while pretending they don't hate dump extra work on themselves.
There is no pretending.
None of those illegals are thinking about me. They want what I have and are willing to work cheaper to undercut me.

I'm sorry that the migrants took your once-lucrative field jobs picking strawberries and raking blueberries in the hot sun. Honest work such as day laboring feeds the soul and gives you pride while straining the spine and knees.

Your problem is actually corporate capitalism. See, companies are capitalist and largely amoral and will logically seek cheaper labor to exploit so that their profits feed the top bigwigs better. They will no longer pay (white) Americans $50 per hour to harvest their fruits and vegetables.

You'll have to diversify your skill sets in order to offset being undercut by the migrant competition, I reckon. I hear the industry is taking off these days, might wanna look into that.
You don't seem to be understanding that I Don't Care. I don't need to own shit. It's too late anyway. The US will be predominately Hispanic by 2050. They won.
would that be compared to all the Brits, Germans, Italians, Irish, Cubans, Chinese, Sudanese, Portuguese, Venezuelans, Spanish etc...?

all immigrants at one time or another in American history
would that be compared to all the Brits, Germans, Italians, Irish, Cubans, Chinese, Sudanese, Portuguese, Venezuelans, Spanish etc...?

all immigrants at one time or another in American history
And there have always been groups that were hated by the mainstream “Americans”. But now, as we become a more of a minority majority nation- the small brained nationalists (look I didn’t call them racists) think let’s get all excited about the southern border and keep out the brown people.
The country will never be primarily Hispanic unless you use the loosest possible definition. The term just means that someone in you heritage comes from a nation that speaks Spanish. If you told me that my Great x10 grandfather was from Spain I wouldn't bother looking it up.
would that be compared to all the Brits, Germans, Italians, Irish, Cubans, Chinese, Sudanese, Portuguese, Venezuelans, Spanish etc...?

all immigrants at one time or another in American history

You should check that out. What I do know is that if white women don't start getting pregnant and staying pregnant my white ass will one day be eligible for a free phone, reparations and National White History month.