Small Towns vs. Big Towns


Spitting Game Theory
Mar 27, 2001
I was raised in a small town outside of Toronto. I was educated in a mid-sized(In Canadian terms) city and I live now in the largest city in the Country.

In terms of people I would have to say that the bigger the place I've lived in, for the most part, the better the folk. I look back fondly at my times in a small village but the truth of the matter is that most of the people were intolerant jackasses bitching about having nothing to do and then proving that statement.

Everyone I knew in that town wanted to get out. None of the people I know who did, want to go back.

So why do we have this bizarre belief in pop culture about small towns being comprised of more salt of the earth folk?

I don't know. I'm rambling, dreading having to go back home this weeked.
I am moving to a ver ysmall town...but the company I want is the trees, the mountains, the streams ect.... If I can find one or two friends and couple of martial students...i will be thrilled.. But I lived in the burbs for over 10 years and find them to be a wasteland of malls and lawns and nice but very boring mundane people. Lived in two cities, but I have to say in not so nice neighborhoods, and left thinking a people really just suck.. To each his own..
I've lived most my life in heavily populated suburban areas. It's my preference if I can't live inside a city.

More people, equals more diversity, which generally lends itself to more acceptance and tolerance.

Also, there's better retail experiences to be had in a city.