Fitness ideas for a middle aged man?


Stimulate Me!
Dec 22, 2016
I’m a mid 50’s straight male that checks in at 6’0” and weighs 240 lbs. I have let life control me instead of my controlling life and a decision has been made that it is time to make several changes. The first being the need to loose about 20-30 lbs. My business has me sitting behind a desk for most of the day and my lack of exercise has caused the proverbial spare tire in the mid section. My question for any of the fitness minded people out there is what are some of the most effective exercises that I can implement to get myself back on track in a 30 minute or so window first thing in the AM.
I’m a mid 50’s straight male that checks in at 6’0” and weighs 240 lbs. I have let life control me instead of my controlling life and a decision has been made that it is time to make several changes. The first being the need to loose about 20-30 lbs. My business has me sitting behind a desk for most of the day and my lack of exercise has caused the proverbial spare tire in the mid section. My question for any of the fitness minded people out there is what are some of the most effective exercises that I can implement to get myself back on track in a 30 minute or so window first thing in the AM.
I don’t know if your living situation allows this, but I am a huge fan of bicycling to work. I get fresh air and exercise on my way in and on my way out. It takes me just about 30 minutes, so it’s just the right amount of cardio. And on weekends I enjoy going for longer rides. Of course, not everyone lives in a place where this is possible, but if it’s in the cards for you, I highly suggest it.
If it's been a while, start off with a walk or easy jog till you body gets over the shock. Look at your diet as well. I tried like hell to gain weight all my life. Tall skinny kid. Now I can look at a Ritz cracker and gain 2 lbs. I'm 6'5" and just over 200 but still looking to get down to 190ish as I do a lot of endurance-type sports. If you feel like snacking drink some water. I carry a bicycle water bottle around all the time and probably drink 100oz a day not counting what I have on a long run, bike ride or hike. As mentioned above, something like biking to work is great.
Consistency! Make it a habit to workout everyday. Gym, bike, walk, run. You eat breakfast in the morning dinner at night, throw in a workout of some kind. It's not hard once you get into it. Wife and I have belonged to the same gym for 42 years.

PS Genes play a big part of how your body works
I don’t know if your living situation allows this, but I am a huge fan of bicycling to work. I get fresh air and exercise on my way in and on my way out. It takes me just about 30 minutes, so it’s just the right amount of cardio. And on weekends I enjoy going for longer rides. Of course, not everyone lives in a place where this is possible, but if it’s in the cards for you, I highly suggest it.
Unfortunately I live in a rural area and the roads are not conducive to riding a bike. I would get run over b a motorist, especially in the early AM when I leave for my office.
If it's been a while, start off with a walk or easy jog till you body gets over the shock. Look at your diet as well. I tried like hell to gain weight all my life. Tall skinny kid. Now I can look at a Ritz cracker and gain 2 lbs. I'm 6'5" and just over 200 but still looking to get down to 190ish as I do a lot of endurance-type sports. If you feel like snacking drink some water. I carry a bicycle water bottle around all the time and probably drink 100oz a day not counting what I have on a long run, bike ride or hike. As mentioned above, something like biking to work is great.
Yes, I plan on starting slow. I was 180-190 lbs all my life and could eat like an horse and would not gain anything until I hit about 40 and the lbs just started creeping up. I only drink water as I gave up soda, coffee and sweet tea (being from the south this is sacrilegious) already. Thanks for the insight!
Consistency! Make it a habit to workout everyday. Gym, bike, walk, run. You eat breakfast in the morning dinner at night, throw in a workout of some kind. It's not hard once you get into it. Wife and I have belonged to the same gym for 42 years.

PS Genes play a big part of how your body works
Fortunately, my history does not involve obesity. My alarm goes off at 5:00 am every morning but I always lay in bed for 30 minutes before I get up. was planning rededicating that time for excercise.
I’m a mid 50’s straight male that checks in at 6’0” and weighs 240 lbs. I have let life control me instead of my controlling life and a decision has been made that it is time to make several changes. The first being the need to loose about 20-30 lbs. My business has me sitting behind a desk for most of the day and my lack of exercise has caused the proverbial spare tire in the mid section. My question for any of the fitness minded people out there is what are some of the most effective exercises that I can implement to get myself back on track in a 30 minute or so window first thing in the AM.
Count your calories consumed. Count your calories burned. You need to put yourself into a deficit by burning more exercising than eating. Find a website that helps you track both. You might try MyFitnessPal if it's still around. Most difficult part is the maintenance once you reach you target weight loss.
Easy answer. Buy a Concept2 rower, around $950. Do 30-45 min every day, moderate pace. Cut back calories and get the fat out of your diet. Way safer than biking. Easier on body than running.
Easy answer. Buy a Concept2 rower, around $950. Do 30-45 min every day, moderate pace. Cut back calories and get the fat out of your diet. Way safer than biking. Easier on body than running.
Thanks, I have already started working on my food intake.
Concept2 is far more of a total body machine than is a spin bike. As a very experienced cyclist and rower, I'll take the rower.
I’m a mid 50’s straight male that checks in at 6’0” and weighs 240 lbs. I have let life control me instead of my controlling life and a decision has been made that it is time to make several changes. The first being the need to loose about 20-30 lbs. My business has me sitting behind a desk for most of the day and my lack of exercise has caused the proverbial spare tire in the mid section. My question for any of the fitness minded people out there is what are some of the most effective exercises that I can implement to get myself back on track in a 30 minute or so window first thing in the AM.
Your goals really depend on the direction you take. First and foremost weight loss or making parts of the body less fat starts in the kitchen. You can’t work off a bad diet.

Now not saying you have to go on a diet per se but make changes. For breakfast hard boiled egg and coffee should be enough. Sure have some bacon with it sometimes. Lunch. Snack instead. Not a chocolate bar but something with protein. Then dinner be reasonable.

Ice cream is fine once in awhile. Soda isn’t helping. And so on.

Then if you never worked out before I don’t recommend you just start lifting weights. Hell you can get fit without any equipment. Again depends on your goals.

I am a big fan of calisthenics. However with that said I say start with walking. Set a goal for a mile. You can’t do a mile yet? Well work up to it. As you do a mile try to beat your time. Then as you get better start walking up and down hills.

Keep it simple.

I am not on here much these days if at all so if I am on here at all tag me in a reply or direct message. Otherwise I may never see your reply or question.
Concept2 is far more of a total body machine than is a spin bike. As a very experienced cyclist and rower, I'll take the rower.
I want to sell my spin bike. I had the C2 rower but wouldn’t call it full body. Burpees is more full body than either of the previously mentioned.
Make sure you start with something you can comfortably do. Don’t feel like you need to push yourself to lift a certain amount. Body weight exercises and light resistance band training along with several days of walking are a great place to start. Dont try to overdo it, do things you enjoy and can see yourself sticking to
That is the plan. Baby steps!
I agree with whatever everyone else has said. You’ll find out what works best for you.

I’ve always struggled with weight, so always have to work hard at keeping it off.

Like you, I work a desk job which does not help. Therefore I do a 60 minute workout on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I typically do 30 minutes of elliptical, 20 minutes on a spinning bike, and 10 minutes on a rowing machine. I mix these around quite a bit.

New equipment is expensive, and I found good used equipment on Facebook marketplace and craigslist.

When I’m really behaving myself, I will do a yoga routine (yoga with Adrienne on YouTube) on Tuesdays and one day over the weekend.

The other thing I did was get a Fitbit which tracks steps. Make sure I get 10,000 steps just about every day.

This works for me, but you will find what works for you. Congratulations on starting the journey!
Your goals really depend on the direction you take. First and foremost weight loss or making parts of the body less fat starts in the kitchen. You can’t work off a bad diet.

Now not saying you have to go on a diet per se but make changes. For breakfast hard boiled egg and coffee should be enough. Sure have some bacon with it sometimes. Lunch. Snack instead. Not a chocolate bar but something with protein. Then dinner be reasonable.

Ice cream is fine once in awhile. Soda isn’t helping. And so on.

Then if you never worked out before I don’t recommend you just start lifting weights. Hell you can get fit without any equipment. Again depends on your goals.

I am a big fan of calisthenics. However with that said I say start with walking. Set a goal for a mile. You can’t do a mile yet? Well work up to it. As you do a mile try to beat your time. Then as you get better start walking up and down hills.

Keep it simple.

I am not on here much these days if at all so if I am on here at all tag me in a reply or direct message. Otherwise I may never see your reply or question.
The “kiss” method (keep it simple stupid)
I agree with whatever everyone else has said. You’ll find out what works best for you.

I’ve always struggled with weight, so always have to work hard at keeping it off.

Like you, I work a desk job which does not help. Therefore I do a 60 minute workout on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I typically do 30 minutes of elliptical, 20 minutes on a spinning bike, and 10 minutes on a rowing machine. I mix these around quite a bit.

New equipment is expensive, and I found good used equipment on Facebook marketplace and craigslist.

When I’m really behaving myself, I will do a yoga routine (yoga with Adrienne on YouTube) on Tuesdays and one day over the weekend.

The other thing I did was get a Fitbit which tracks steps. Make sure I get 10,000 steps just about every day.

This works for me, but you will find what works for you. Congratulations on starting the journey!
Sounds like sound advice. I have already started on watching what I am on vacation for the next few days and have delayed the start of any real structured exercise until I return and can get into a routine.
If you pay a gym membership that tends to be a motivator to go regularly, once you have paid might as well get the benefit from it.