

Literotica Guru
Mar 20, 2002
Anyone else familiar with this band? I picked up their album "Spiderland" a while ago and have been listening to it non-stop ever since.

I'm thinking about getting the other two albums if I can find them. Comments?
somebody around here shot me a copy of the song "Washer"
Its pretty good.
medjay said:
Run for it, man, and leave the CD behind. If Rhys likes it the sucker's probably about to explode, and it could take the whole block with it in one of those freak episodes that not even the parapsychics can ever really explain to anybody's satisfaction.
Hmm. I gather LK doesn't like the band. Or me. Or both. Oh well.:D
Re: Re: Slint

Rhys said:
somebody around here shot me a copy of the song "Washer"
Its pretty good.

Coincidentally, I'm listening to "Washer" as I type this.

LukkyKnight said:
Run for it, man, and leave the CD behind. If Rhys likes it the sucker's probably about to explode, and it could take the whole block with it in one of those freak episodes that not even the parapsychics can ever really explain to anybody's satisfaction.

Now I'm kind of spooked. :eek:
Rhys said:
Hmm. I gather LK doesn't like the band. Or me. Or both. Oh well.:D

I just have this thing about exploding plumbing fixtures - gives me the heeby jeebies, and causes parts of my anatomy to exhibit signs of reticence.
I'll keep that in mind.

(note to self. things that give LK the "heebie jeebies". Exploding toliets. Hmm. I guess a discussion of the effects of phosphorus and h20 around plumbing would not be of interest) :)