Sleeping with married women


Sep 23, 2024
I really get a kick out of sleeping with married and women in commited relationships. I am an average looking guy and done this three times. I want to have a MFM with a married couple but never had the opportunity. I prefer asian women but know that it is a one sided things so mostly sleep with locals to where I live.
Besides my wife, I've slept with one woman who was married. She was nearly 10 years older then me and I'd only very recently lost my virginity to my GF at the time!

She taught me a lot and let me do some savage things to her! Was great learning from her! Her and her husband still fucked a lot, but she preferred to fuck me, and it made sex with him better for her! We were fuck buddies for about 2 years and fucked everywhere, indoors and out!

Fucking married horny, women is brilliant fun!

I'm on the other end now, married 14 years and only fuck my wife!
I really get a kick out of sleeping with married and women in commited relationships. I am an average looking guy and done this three times. I want to have a MFM with a married couple but never had the opportunity. I prefer asian women but know that it is a one sided things so mostly sleep with locals to where I live.
That's really smart. Sleeping with local married women. What could go wrong ? 😆😆😆😆
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This has only happened three times in my life and most people aren't violent. Cheating happens all the time.
Well you make it seems like it happens often. A real stud so to say.
Yes cheating happens what seems like all the time, you can get away with it. But to me the risk out weighs the reward. Don't get me wrong a 1 or 2 time fling may work. But doing it consistently especially with the same person. That's not the odds I like.
I am 74, with a body count in the low 30's. I have been with 14 married women, three by the time I was 18. Some whose husbands knew about, and most not. I did not seduce any of them, as married women are rarely seduced. No affairs. Men have a hard time accepting this, but every one of the women loved their husband and their marriage, which is why I NEVER denigrated or disrespected the husband. They were just looking to have an itch scratched that husband couldn't scratch.
A recent survey out of the UK found that 42% of women on vacation had sex with someone other than their spouse. It doesn't surprise me, as they are away from family, friends and coworkers, a perfect opportunity to sample some strange, and it probably helped their marriage, as she came back with her batteries recharged and increased libido.
I am 74, with a body count in the low 30's. I have been with 14 married women, three by the time I was 18. Some whose husbands knew about, and most not. I did not seduce any of them, as married women are rarely seduced. No affairs. Men have a hard time accepting this, but every one of the women loved their husband and their marriage, which is why I NEVER denigrated or disrespected the husband. They were just looking to have an itch scratched that husband couldn't scratch.
A recent survey out of the UK found that 42% of women on vacation had sex with someone other than their spouse. It doesn't surprise me, as they are away from family, friends and coworkers, a perfect opportunity to sample some strange, and it probably helped their marriage, as she came back with her batteries recharged and increased libido.
LMFAO ! Never disrespected the husband as you were fucking his wife. 😆😅🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
You live in a city with no guns ???? What planet ?

A jealous husband doesn't have to use a gun either.
Nope. Just ask the guy that was fucking my ex how much it cost to replace the back window of his truck when I did a double fist through it and when he opened the door, his face somehow hit the steering wheel so hard he ended up having seven teeth replaced.
I did about 7 years ago as she came into my place and dropped my shorts and shoved me up against the wall. I felt bad after she left. Oddly enough I was out eating today and her then husband walked in. I grabbed my sandwich and left before he saw me
Stats easily found online range from 10 to 30% of people have had an affair, and some even state 50%. The lower end comes from research in the 70s. Taking the minimum, that's 1 in 10. Violent crimes in the US is about 368 per 100000m less than 1 percent.
Whatever helps you sleep at night. But keep one eye open.
OK, Mr. self righteous, my wife passed away about 3.5 years ago after a long illness, so I had not had sex for a long while and figured I would die before ever having sex again. Six months after her death, a married friend of hers came over, dragged me to bed, to make sure (in her words), that I remembered how to get in and out of the saddle. Afterwards, she said that my wife had made her promise to do that. Don't know if she ever told her husband, and don't care, but she brought me back to life. So where is the sin in this? Who is the evil party here?
As a hotwife husband, I appreciate men that specifically focus on married women. These guys would only be interested in my wife for the pussy. Not looking for a relationship or causing trouble in my marriage. It’s a perfect arrangement. Get Mrs. Screwher naked. Fuck her. Make her cum. Put a smile on her face. Then leave.
OK, Mr. self righteous, my wife passed away about 3.5 years ago after a long illness, so I had not had sex for a long while and figured I would die before ever having sex again. Six months after her death, a married friend of hers came over, dragged me to bed, to make sure (in her words), that I remembered how to get in and out of the saddle. Afterwards, she said that my wife had made her promise to do that. Don't know if she ever told her husband, and don't care, but she brought me back to life. So where is the sin in this? Who is the evil party here?
There is a big difference between that (a semi-sympathy engagement) where her husband may not have cared given the circumstances, and likely at an age where leaving, disease and pregnancy are not likely, and a regular affair/cheating situation.

In your case, there was no evil intent...and she (and her husband) were helping you.
If my wife were in her situation...and of a certain age, I wouldn't mind.
OK, Mr. self righteous, my wife passed away about 3.5 years ago after a long illness, so I had not had sex for a long while and figured I would die before ever having sex again. Six months after her death, a married friend of hers came over, dragged me to bed, to make sure (in her words), that I remembered how to get in and out of the saddle. Afterwards, she said that my wife had made her promise to do that. Don't know if she ever told her husband, and don't care, but she brought me back to life. So where is the sin in this? Who is the evil party here?
Well your whole thread sounds like BS. Are you now looking for sympathy ? Sounds like a story for penthouse forum. Becoming a single guy who LMAO forgot how to fuck. You would think you can get a unmarried girl ? Start new. Like I said whatever gets you through the night.
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