Sillyman requisite 3 am post of vitriol


Clearence INFRARED
Sep 11, 2001
God help me. Just God help me. I want to puke. I want to die. I wish someone would put a fucking gun to my head and end it all. Jesus christ. I can't stop feeling hated. I can't stop being paranoid. I can't stop kicking myself. I hate this feeling. I want nothing more in the world than to get this feeling to go the fuck away. WHy I'm I dissolving? WHy the fuck can't I be coherent anymore. WHy do I have to be another crazy fuck?

Okay, carry on. Go flirt.
seXieleXie said:
hey, you sound like i did last night. sorry man.

It's okay. I'll be cool eventually. I don't know how long that will be, but eventually.
You're very welcome. My PM box is always open if you want to talk!:kiss:
Jim_Henson said:
Oh yay

You and me, does that make a clique?

Now we only accept sexy chicks like shadwann, right?

Yeah, I think that's a good basis for membership.
Sillyman said:
You do so count dear. THank you to. :)


Really? YAY! ((((((((hugs Sillyman))))))) *shyly kisses you* I hope you feel better soon, you are so much fun. :kiss: How come bad people never feel like that?
roxanne69 said:
Really? YAY! ((((((((hugs Sillyman))))))) *shyly kisses you* I hope you feel better soon, you are so much fun. :kiss: How come bad people never feel like that?

I'm a fairly awful person, so I do deserve it, but I do feel better now. Thank you. I needed it.
wow, thank you for thinking i qualify as sexy you guys. I've never been in a clique before. Are we a nice clique or should we terrorize people?
I say terrorize, but since I'm feeling democratic I'll leave that in the hads of the rest of the clique.
Can I be the tagger along who wants to get into the clique but is never quite accepted?
if we terrorise with TWB's buns, is it still terrorism?

Either way, I say terrorise.
Jim_Henson said:
if we terrorise with TWB's buns, is it still terrorism?

Either way, I say terrorise.

Assuming that TWB's buns are sufficiently frightening.
Wooohooo! I never got to be in a clique befoe!

It's almost 4 am here and I'm in a strange mood so I'll go with terrorize too!
Jim_Henson said:
if we terrorise with TWB's buns, is it still terrorism?

Either way, I say terrorise.

I'm in for terrorize too! Shad? Let's make it unanimous.