Should we annihilate North Korea RIGHT NOW?


Nov 21, 2000
While our attention has been focused on Iraq, fellow Axis-of-Evil charter member North Korea stunned US officials by admitting that it has secretly pursued a nuclear weapon program, after assuring us, the South Koreans, and the Japanese that they wouldn't do such a thing. The North Koreans admitted this after they were confronted with evidence that they have enough plutonium for 2 nuclear weapons.

What the hell happens now? There are, what, 50000 US troops on the Korean border? The North Koreans have short-range ballistic missiles, which could easily reach Seoul and Tokyo. A nuclear North Korea is just as unacceptable as a nuclear-armed Iraq. Kim Jong Il is as big a monster as Saddam Hussain, he's allowed famine in his country while he sneaks around building nukes.

If they have nukes, or if its just a matter of assembling the parts to make one, what do we do? Invade North Korea first? Bomb the shit out of them and hope we hit their nuclear facilities, maybe triggering a famine that could kill millions?

The news from around the world just gets worse, and worse, and worse.
There's a long list of folks who have nukes.

I say, bomb 'em all. After all, the world will be a safer place if we do.
Bomb North Korea.... then I hope you are ready to bomb China as well.

Maybe the US is not scared of Iraq, but China... hmmm I know I would be worried.

They stunned officials because they admitted to it, not because they were doing it.

We've known for years. Hell the incident with the missile over Japan that they claimed was plane was their test of the taepong 3, a third stage intercontinental ballistic missile with nuclear, chemical, and biological payload capabilities. It can, by the way, reach New York from Pyongyang. That's if they ever get it fully developed. The taepong 2 has been in production and sold to factions all over the world for years.

The DPRK has one export, weapons.

Where've you been?
No. Bomb China, too. You can never be too safe.

QuickDuck said:
Bomb North Korea.... then I hope you are ready to bomb China as well.

Maybe the US is not scared of Iraq, but China... hmmm I know I would be worried.

All in due time.....

They will be given their chance to abide by the 1994 agreement, if not, one way or another, there will be a unified Korea. :D
Why is it that we think we can tell everyone what type of weapons they are allowed to have? Or is it just weak, small countries that we think we can bully around. There are many countries in the world with nuclear capabilities (including ourselves). This is not to say that I am not scared by the fact that these countries have these weapons, rather that I think it rather hypocritical to tell other countries they can't have nuclear weapons when we have the largest stockpile in the world.

Also, don't you think attacking a country would be a good way to encourage them to use nuclear weapons on us?

Well, that should get some people fired up, so have at it.
Research this morning also makes the Claim than Jimmy Carter and the Democrats worked with Russia to influence American elections...

Kind 'ol harmless, gee schucks, I got the Nobel Peace prize, Peanut Jim.

Missed the story of J Carter and fixing elections. Please post link.
ednesday, Oct. 16, 2002
Book: Carter, Democrats Asked Soviets to Stop Reagan, Sway U.S. Elections

Remember the old conservative charge that many of the Democrats here in America were playing footsie with the Soviets? Some Republicans even said the Russians viewed the Democrats as their favorite party.

Now bombshell revelations prove these accusations beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Peter Schweizer, a Hoover Institution research fellow, has just written a new book, "Reagan's War: The Epic Story of His Forty-Year Struggle and Final Triumph Over Communism."

This book may well force historians to revise the history of the Cold War.

Schweizer, after scouring once-classified KGB, East German Stasi and Soviet Communist Party files, discovered incontrovertible evidence that the Soviets not only played footsie with high-ranking Democrats, they also worked behind the scenes to influence American elections.

In "Reagan's War," Schweizer shows how the Democrats worked with Moscow to try to undermine Reagan before and after he became president.

Jimmy Carter's Dirty Tricks

Soviet diplomatic accounts and material from the archives show that in January 1984 former President Jimmy Carter dropped by Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin's residence for a private meeting.

Carter expressed his concern about and opposition to Reagan's defense buildup. He boldly told Dobrynin that Moscow would be better off with someone else in the White House. If Reagan won, he warned, "There would not be a single agreement on arms control, especially on nuclear arms, as long as Reagan remained in power."

Using the Russians to influence the presidential election was nothing new for Carter.

Schweizer reveals Russian documents that show that in the waning days of the 1980 campaign, the Carter White House dispatched businessman Armand Hammer to the Soviet Embassy.

Hammer was a longtime Soviet-phile, and he explained to the Soviet ambassador that Carter was "clearly alarmed" at the prospect of losing to Reagan.

Hammer pleaded with the Russians for help. He asked if the Kremlin could expand Jewish emigration to bolster Carter's standing in the polls.

'Carter Won't Forget That Service'

"Carter won't forget that service if he is elected," Hammer told Dobrynin.

Carter was not the only Democrat to make clear to the Russians where their loyalty lay. As the election neared in 1984, Dobrynin recalls meetings with Speaker of the House Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill.

O'Neill told Dobrynin that no effort should be spared to prevent "that demagogue Reagan" from being re-elected.

Soviet documents report that O'Neill told Dobrynin: "If that happens, Reagan will give vent to his primitive instincts and give us a lot of trouble, probably, put us on the verge of a major armed conflict. He is a dangerous man."
