While our attention has been focused on Iraq, fellow Axis-of-Evil charter member North Korea stunned US officials by admitting that it has secretly pursued a nuclear weapon program, after assuring us, the South Koreans, and the Japanese that they wouldn't do such a thing. The North Koreans admitted this after they were confronted with evidence that they have enough plutonium for 2 nuclear weapons.
What the hell happens now? There are, what, 50000 US troops on the Korean border? The North Koreans have short-range ballistic missiles, which could easily reach Seoul and Tokyo. A nuclear North Korea is just as unacceptable as a nuclear-armed Iraq. Kim Jong Il is as big a monster as Saddam Hussain, he's allowed famine in his country while he sneaks around building nukes.
If they have nukes, or if its just a matter of assembling the parts to make one, what do we do? Invade North Korea first? Bomb the shit out of them and hope we hit their nuclear facilities, maybe triggering a famine that could kill millions?
The news from around the world just gets worse, and worse, and worse.
What the hell happens now? There are, what, 50000 US troops on the Korean border? The North Koreans have short-range ballistic missiles, which could easily reach Seoul and Tokyo. A nuclear North Korea is just as unacceptable as a nuclear-armed Iraq. Kim Jong Il is as big a monster as Saddam Hussain, he's allowed famine in his country while he sneaks around building nukes.
If they have nukes, or if its just a matter of assembling the parts to make one, what do we do? Invade North Korea first? Bomb the shit out of them and hope we hit their nuclear facilities, maybe triggering a famine that could kill millions?
The news from around the world just gets worse, and worse, and worse.