Shopping Help Needed


Secret Dream Machine
May 6, 2001
Every year my class writes a letter to Santa for things we'd like to have in our classroom. (Sue me, i don't have any other outlet to play Santa). They asked for new dishes for our kitchen area.

Smart kids, they figured out that they'd get to play there more often if they weren't driving me insane banging METAL dishes together.

I don't want to buy the play dishes, but they have to be plastic. Does anyone know where i can get plastic dishes in regular sizes?
If I were you, I'd buy Corelle dishes. You can get them at Wal-Mart, I believe. They're not plastic, but they are "unbreakable"...and even if they do break (my sister managed to do that by throwing one down onto a concrete floor once) they break into very big pieces.
Have you tried Walmart? I know Lukky might not agree with this answer... Maybe some similar store to Walmart if not that one.
Walmart or KMart should have what you're looking for. If you have a dollar store in your area, that might be another place to look.
Any restaurant supply house. If there's not one in your area, there are plenty of outlets online.
red_rose said:
If I were you, I'd buy Corelle dishes. You can get them at Wal-Mart, I believe. They're not plastic, but they are "unbreakable"...and even if they do break (my sister managed to do that by throwing one down onto a concrete floor once) they break into very big pieces.

I saw some at WalMart that weren't expensive. But the noise, the noise, it's amazing how loud the kids are when they play "house".
Thanks for all your suggestions.

I found something new........ Like the new Glad Containers, only it's plates, and tumblers and they're dark blue.

Mission accomplished.